Less pain more clean

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It's been two days since my "strength training" with Connie and Sasha. It has gotten much easier to move around, and this morning Sasha brought me to the showers with the other girls, who helped me clean my smelly body. "I will never be ungrateful for a clean body again," I say to myself as Historia brushes out the knots and tangles in my hair. She laughs a little, and Mikasa says, "how does your body feel now?"

"I feel like the bathing took away all my aching," I say, and I see she gives the slightest smirk and continues cleaning her own body while Sasha walks over after getting dressed and helps me into a clean pair of clothes. It was just a pair of brown pants and a white button-up shirt. And under all of that, Sasha surprised me with my green scout hoodie. I feel emotional as Sasha puts it on me, and she then leans over to my face seeing the tears about to fall.

"Why are you crying?" she asks, having Mikasa and Historia look at me. "I just...It just makes me happy being able to wear my coat with everyone else again." Historia and Sasha smile at me, and Mikass just stands up, grabs my crutches, then walks back to me, saying, "Let's go show the others how well you are recovering. I know Jean and Marco will be so happy to see you on your feet again." I stand up, looking in the mirror to see my face. I look like I have lost a little weight, and I have multiple cuts on my cheeks and forehead. But I look clean. Hair is brushed out nicely 'courtesy of Historia.' "I look good in green." The three girls laugh, and we make our way to the dining room.

We make it to the dining room corner, and Mikasa and Historia go in before Sasha and me.
"Someone has come to join us this morning," Historia says before turning to me, and I walk past the doorway.

"Y/n?" Jean stands up first and fast walks over to me, hugging me softly, and I put a hand on his side, not wanting to put too much weight off the crutches under my arms. He steps away, and I say, "Hey, everyone." walking over to the table as Connie stands up, saying he will get my food for me.
Marco helps me sit down, and Eren holds the chair out for me and pushes it in. I sit in between Marco and Eren, with Mikasa on Erens left side. And say Hello to Hange and Levi on the other side of the table. "Good morning Captain Levi, Section Commander Hange."
"Well, look at you!" Hange says, eyes glowing, "You don't look like the girl who was at death's door a week ago. It just looks like you had a nasty fight."

I smile at her saying, "if you think this is bad, you should see the other guys." Everyone around laughs, and after some time of us eating then, Hange asks me. "If it's not too much trouble, could you tell us what exactly happened to you that day?"
The room goes silent, and I can feel everyone's eyes on me. "She doesn't have to relive that just to satisfy your curiosity," Levi says. I look at Levi, and he is eating his food, not looking at anyone.
"It's alright, Captain." I say, turning to Hange, "I can tell you about what happened on my end." She looks at me closely to observe my facial expressions, and Levi as turned his attention to me.
I begin, "After Reiner and Bertholdt transformed into their titans, the blast and the wind around it was strong, but you were there, so you felt it too. I was blown off the edge of the wall, and since I didn't have my ODM gear on, I was sure I was going to fall to my death. But Bertholt caught me with his Titan's hands, and then...I can't remember if I was in his hands after the fall or not, but I know Ymir was there with me."

At the mention of Ymir, I glanced at Historia and saw her staring at her empty plate sadly. 'I feel bad.' I continued, "I remember the feeling of falling, and then us hitting the ground. Then the smoke was all around us, and I saw Bertholt holding Ymir and walking over to me. At first, I was scared they would try to take me too, but when Bertholt pulled out his ODM blades, and I wished they would take me. He said he had to kill me and then stabbed me in my shoulders, leaving after."

I pause for a minute for everything to process to the others. "I see," Hange said, looking deep in thought. "Why didn't he stab you in the heart?" She asks. I respond, "I'm not sure. Stabbing me in the heart would ensure I died, but maybe he thought it didn't matter where he stabbed me 'cause I would bleed out before anyone got to me."
The room gets tense for a moment, and I need to control my breathing. 'It's okay now. Everything is fine...for now.'
"Why did you have to die?" Historia asks. 'I can't tell them exactly what he said.'
"I don't know," I answer.
"Did you say anything that made you seem like a potential threat?" Hange asks, and I answer again with, "I don't know."

"Wait..." Eren says from beside me, and Armin asks him what it is. "Y/n, didn't you tell the two of them that you had something to talk to them about?" He asks me. My breath quickens, and I look down at my plate, trying to think of what to say. "I did, but it was just an excuse. I was going to think of a real question after hearing what they said to you." I say.
"Why was that?" Hange says, looking a little more suspicious than I would like. 'They are picking holes into my story...I need to be careful.'
"I'm not sure; call it my gut or intuition." Eating a piece of bread. "I see," Hange says, looking away to think. She stands up, leaving the room, and we all get back to eating. It takes a few minutes for me to calm my racing heart, and I hope I'm in the clear.

The day moves on, and I watch as they try to get Eren to do the hardening thing. 'I have a hard time remembering the names of things.'
"Come on, Eren! Can you hear me!" I listen to Hange calling as I sit on the ground, watching him below.

Thank you so much for reading every chapter! 🙏🏻💕

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