Suspicious minds

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Levi POV:
I came to Trost to give Commander Erwin an update on Erens hardening training.
"Failed again. If it was that easy we could have plugged the hole in Shiganshina in less than a day." Erwin says
I reply, "We need information, and it's not like we can go to the library to get it. That would be to easy. But we do have Historia Reiss. Maybe she will have some information that would be useful."

We talk for a few minutes about the information we got on her about her life before joining the scouts, and then the conversation turns to one I wasn't expecting.
"What about Y/n L/n?" Erwin asks.
"What about her?" I ask, seeming surprised he asked and curious about why he remembered her.
It's not that Erwin is forgetful, but he doesn't mention people he didn't take an interest in. The idea concerned me.

"She seems like a sharp girl, and there is something about her. Something that makes me think she knows more then she's letting on. Do you remember when we talked to her about the female titan?" He asks.
"Yeah." I say, I do remember it. It was the first time I saw her up close, before she was always with the others and they were off doing chores or talking and I didn't have a reason to approach.
But I remember her being a little shy, I don't think she said anything odd.
"She said she didn't know much about strategizing yet she came up with the same plan as me without seeming to realize it, and then quickly backed off saying Armin would be better at helping. Yes, she got hurt and I don't think she planned for that, but...the look in her eyes. Its an odd feeling, but I felt like every move she makes is as if she is looking down at a chess board, but knowing every move of her opponent." Erwin pauses as if thinking.
'That's about the same thing Marco said. If Erwin thinks so too, maybe they are not to far off. But how much does she know, and if she is on our side why is she not coming forward?'

"Do you think she is on someone else's side?" I ask.
"No, her gaze doesn't seem hostile. Unless she is trained in controlling it." Erwin says.
"Then why keep quiet?" I ask.
"That's what we will find out." He then turns to me. "I want you to stay close to her, watch her, and as soon as she does something that confirms our suspicions I want you to interrogate her. Don't stop till you get an answer." His eyes are cold, and the idea of it sends a chill down my spine.
"But sir? What if she's just to smart for her own good?" I say.
"How much do we really know about her Levi? Do you think she is someone to be trusted?" He ask, it was partly rhetorical but I know he wanted me to say something.
I think back on the last week at the cabin with my new squad.
'If you can't understand someone, then you don't know them'
that was what I told the scouts when Y/n had heard them doubting her and expressing their frustration. And how after she had that long conversation with everyone outside as they all asked her questions and she seemed to be answering them honestly.
And giving her history before she joined the cadets I could understand why she kept her past to herself. She didn't seem to be hiding it more then just thinking it wasn't worth mentioning. 'I understand that.' I personally felt like I grew to know her better just from that, and it felt good to learn these things about her.
'Why did learning about her feel good?'

I brushed off the same feeling I have been having every time I think of her and answer Erwin as best I can.
"Her past is not one of sunshine and rainbows, and she is reserved but I don't think she is someone who is against us."
He looks me in my eyes before turning away.
"Don't let your emotions cloud your judgement, my orders till stand. If she shows signs of knowledge we don't know act immediately. Understand?"
I am confused by his response.
'Don't let my emotions cloud my judgement? What does he mean by that?'
I stand up saying "yes sir." And leave his office.
I feel conflicted as I make my way back to the cabin. And I silently hope Erwin's suspensions are not confirmed. 'I need to talk with those two when I get back.'

Armins POV:
I was helping clean the cabin were captain Levi returned from Trost. He immediately told me to go get Marco and come with him.
'I wonder what he wants to talk to us about?'
Marco knocks on the Captains door and he says a quick "come in."
We both walk in, shut the door and salute.
"Sit." He says.
He seems irritated by something and I grow concerned.
"What is it you wanted to talk about Captain?" I ask, nervous but impatient.
"It's about Y/n." He says holding a cup of tea and then sipping it.
Marco tenses and we both stay silent, waiting for him to continue.

"I know you Armin have had some suspensions of her in the past, I don't remember everything you said but Commander Erwin has given me orders that if she does something else that makes her seem untrustworthy I am to take her in for questioning."
He says it with a straight face and I break out in a cold sweat, and my heartbeat fastens.
Marco looks at me from the side and I feel even more guilty about everything I have said to her the past couple of weeks.
'Questioning? Does he mean?' I don't dare finish my thought and not long after that Marco speaks up.

"With all due respect Captain Levi. Y/n has never had anything to warrant something so drastic." Marco says.
The captain sighs, "that's not true. She has said things that were to accurate to be luck and intuition. Even if she is on our side, she is still withholding information that could benefit the war against the Titans and in the eyes of humanity that is a betrayal." He says, he was so serious I didn't know how to react, but in his eyes. I felt like he was trying to convince even himself of those words.

"You can't mean that!" Marco says a little louder then he probably intended too, immediately saying "I'm sorry for raising my voice sir."
I say, "Sir, why are you talking to us about this?"
He looks at me saying, "because I know you two will do what you can to protect her, especially you Marco. Armin I know you have had your suspicions but I know the recent events you have had a change of heart. But I would like to know, what started those thoughts of doubt?" I inhale deeply, wondering if I should truly say.

'I'll never mention her book. That will surely have her killed just to find it.'
"She just always seemed to know how to handle situations that everyone else was lost in, like she knew before hand or it wasn't a surprise." I say it simply.
But I did also notice Marcos playing with his fingers when I said that. 'Marco, do you know all this?'
I didn't put attention on him because I didn't want the captain to notice Marcos reaction.
"And you Marco? I know she trusts you the most." He asks him the same question.
Marco is silent for a moment but then says,
"I told you last time Captain. She is on our side, regardless of what she knows. She has never said anything to me that sounded any different. All I can say is what we all know. She had a feeling something was different about Reiner and Bertholt, but I don't think her suspicions were confirmed till they revealed themselves. Even as cadets she was friendly with everyone, but for some reason those two she didn't bother talking too."

I think on that and I noticed he is right. She never talked to them unless they talked to her first and same with Annie, and when she did. It was blunt or short and to the point.
'Did she always know?'
"You look like you have something to say Armin." Captain Levi is looking straight into my eyes, I felt like he was digging into my soul.
"I was just mentally agreeing with Marco. She didn't like them very much, and she didn't try to hide it." Was all I said.
"Alright, thank you for talking with me. I don't want you two to say a word about any of this to anyone, especially not Y/n. That's an order, do you understand?"

"Yes sir." Marco and I say together. We stand up and make our way out of the room and I turn back to look at captain Levi while shutting the door.
He has his hands on the sides of his head running them through it and I hear a stressful sigh come out.
'He asked us questions but didn't like doing it. He doesn't like this anymore then we do.'
Marco and I start walking down the hallway when Marco says out loud.
"I'm not going to let them hurt her because they can't understand her."
I can't tell if he was saying those words to me or was just airing out his frustration. 'I can't blame him,'
I reply anyway, airing out my own.

"I made the mistake of not trusting her, after everything that has happened and seeing her be so vulnerable with us the past couple of days, I can see she is trying to fix her mistakes, and I won't be her downfall."
Marco stops walking and I turn to look at him. He has a sad look on his face but he bows a little to me saying, "Thank you Armin, thank you so much for having trust in her."
"Please don't do that Marco! I was just expressing my thoughts out loud. Come on it's almost time for lunch."
He lifts his head and we continue walking.

😊😊😊 I hope you enjoy!

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