Trost part 3

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I was put on the team that was supposed to kill the smaller Titans in the basement. I took Connie's place. 'I know him and Sasha miss, so if I can kill mine, then that means only one will be left alive and not two. That betters our odds.
I'm not dumb enough to think that my helping in different parts of the story will make things better, I know things can change for the worse, but I need to at least try my best with what I have.

"You really want your last words to be an ass joke?"
Jean's words take me out of my thoughts
"Haha! Better that than 'tell my wife I love her."
I added.
I got a couple of chuckles as we continued our way to our designated spots.
We get into positions and wait for the signal.
"FIRE!!" Marco yells
The others begin shooting the titans in the eyes, and the rest of us jump down from the railings.
I swing my swords down on the titan's neck and make a clean cut down its nape. 'got it.'
"Sasha missed!"
"I'm sorry," Sasha says, walking backward away from the titan.
Mikasa takes that opportunity to jump up and cut the titan's nape killing it. It falls to the ground, and Sasha runs up to her, saying, "you saved my life!"
I smile, as we all can now fill up our tanks and get the hell out of here.
Everyone yells and begins cheering.
"Yay!" One cadet says
"We did it!" Cheers, another.
When we all fill up our gas tanks and make our way out of the building, it's then that I see Mikasa standing on top of the building. I quickly jump up there with her, with Armin and the others following. And that's when we see Erens Titan being eaten by a few Titans.

I look to the side and see the titan that ate Thomas making its way over. 'I always wondered if that's why Eren tried to kill that titan or if it was just his blood lust.'
"Oh no! That's the titan that ate Thomas." Armin says.

Eren runs over to the titan, biting its neck and losing his arms in the process. Then he falls, and the others say how they wished the titan could have helped and we could have studied it.
That's when Mikasa jumps down to Eren.
'Here we go.'

After we got Eren and made it safely to the other side of the wall, other officers told us to keep our lips quiet about the whole thing.
'This GAG order is a pain, but it's okay. Jean is right in thinking that it won't matter for long. But I'm used to keeping secrets now.'
Then that's when the big noise happens, and I know it is the part when Eren transforms to keep Armin and Mikasa safe.
'Oof...I'm gonna be bored till we get to the part where Eren uses the rock to close the wall.'

After a few hours is when we are all together to be told the plan to retake Trost.

"We'll die! We're all going to die!"
I can hear Daz screaming not too far away from where I am. "Jeez, no one wants to die this way, but if you were not prepared to die, then you should not have joined," I say loudly. I say,

"How can you be so calm in the face of death?" another soldier turns around to ask me.
"Who said I wasn't scared? I'm just not going to let everyone here die because I am too afraid to try." I say all of this with an exhausted and stoic face looking them dead in the eyes.
They don't seem convinced, but that's okay. I'm not here to lift their spirits and rush into battle.

Commander Pyxis begins to tell anyone about the plan to block the hole in the wall of Trost, and people start to walk away, all for different reasons. I watch them go and can only think to myself.
'I know many of these people didn't know the Titans would attack today, but after three years ago, they should have been more excepting of the fact that they might die. If one wall was broken, another could be too.'

"Additionally, anyone with family or loved ones they would share from the same trauma may also leave!
If we must! Let us die here!"
'Damn, he is good.'

We are given our orders, and at first, we are all in the decoy group trying to keep the titans in one place, but after the mission is said to fail, we all sit on the wall for a while. Waiting for orders...and then they come.

'I'm with Marco again! Thank the heavens!'
We are assigned to Annies squad 'damn...I guess I will have to be careful and make sure not to let him out of my sight.'
We begin. We were jumping from house to house and trying our best not to engage the titans but to keep them busy and keep them from Eren. 'I need to be careful. This is the part where Jean needs help, and Marco goes to save him. And I think it's soon after that he runs into those two.' the first season is one I know by everything after is going to be a pain in the butt to help with.

After we save Jean, we hear this loud noise, and I know this is the time to start watching him.
"Yes, y/n," Marco answers me.
"Do you remember what I told you before?"
"Yes, I remember. I won't leave your side."
"Thank you." I sigh in relief.
We continue to run from titans and kill them if we have to. All while watching Eren slowly make his way to the hole.
"Hey, y/n, look, it's Reiner and Berthold."
I turn to see them standing on a rooftop, watching Eren holding the giant bolder. Marco is turning his ODM gear toward them to go join them.
"Marco, no!!" I yelled.
He lands on the roof and stands there for a minute.
'DAMN IT!' I didn't do all of this just for him to go and get himself killed!'
I don't hesitate and go after him. I don't know what he has heard, but I don't wait to find out. I fly to him as fast as possible and run into him, taking him with me.
"Y/n?" Marco says to me, confused at my actions.
"Damn it, Marco, didn't I say not to leave my sight!?"
"No buts! Do as I say, and you will live! Do you want to die!?"
"But there were no titans around?" he says.
'Good, maybe he didn't hear anything.'

"Doesn't matter! Now let's move back a little, so we are closer to the wall. Eren should be done soon."
"Alright, but can we stop for a second, and you can put me down? It's a little embarrassing being held like this," he says with a little tint of red across his face.
I laugh a bit more, and he looks like he wants to crawl into a hole and die, which makes me laugh more.
"In a minute. We are almost there."

Marco POV
I look at Y/n's face, and she seems on edge. 'When we get back, I'll have to tell you what I heard.' 
To be honest, I'm glad she ran off with me when she did. I might have heard something I wasn't supposed to.
" we can talk about it when we get back, okay?" y/n said, pushing me out of my thoughts. "About what?" I answer.
"Did they know you were there?" she doesn't answer me but asks another question.
"No, I don't think so, I was about to say something to them, but you stopped me."
"Good." is all she says. 'Does she know? Is she with them?'

I can see it on his face...I was too late.
I was really trying to make sure he didn't know. But that's okay. I'll just... try my best to make sure he doesn't say anything.


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