Almost Taken

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When I think I'm going to die...For the second time in a week.
I am grabbed. My head is whipped back from the sudden motion or lack of movement. And I look up to see the colossal titan holding me with one hand. "No! LET ME GO!" I yell, "I would rather die than go with you!"

"Y/n!" I turn to see Marco and Connie, I kick and hit Bertholt's hand, but it doesn't move an inch. Bertholt slowly turns his hand closer to him and puts me with Ymir. I can hear yelling, Eren roaring, and then Reiner roaring, and I know this is the moment when he will fall. I feel the sensation of falling, and I hold on to Ymir, hoping I live through this fall. 'Ymir does because she is a titan, too, and they can take more damage. But I don't have that ability!'

I feel us hitting the ground, but I think the titans' bodies broke most of our fall. That doesn't mean I didn't get hurt, though. I hear and feel a sharp crack in my chest, it knocks the wind out of me, and I can't breathe. I know I also broke my other ankle, possibly even a leg bone. I couldn't tell you what, though. The pain is all over my body. It was all too overwhelming.

I scream in pain and start to become dizzy. 'Holy fuck! It hurts!' I see Bertholt grab Ymir and try to make his way to me. I try to crawl away from him, but he grabs me by the shirt and pulls me. "Why me? What did I do?!" I cry out. "You know something," Is all he says, 'No, no! They will kill me!'
He then takes one of his blades from his ODM gear, "Bertholt, please! Don't do this. You don't have to do this!" I cry out to him.

"I'm sorry," is all he says before he throws a blade into my right shoulder. I scream, and he digs the blade a little deeper taking it out and stabbing me in the other shoulder before turning away and taking Ymir, and jumping onto Reiner's back. I cry from the pain as I watch them disappear further and further away.
"HELP ME!!!" I yell as loud as I can before passing out, surrounded by evaporating titan bodies.

Armin POV:
"EREN!!!!" I scream out as I watch Reiner and Bertholt run away with Eren and Ymir.
'How? How could we lose them both at once?!'
"ARMIN! Where is Y/n!?" I hear Connie call me, and I look at him, confused. "Y/n?"
"Yes!" Marco says, "Bertholt's titan had her in his hands before it fell off the wall!"
'Did they take Y/n with them too? But why?'

"Help me!"
I hear a faint scream, and I turn to the other side of the wall, running to it. I look down, but it's hard to see anything from the smoke. Sasha, Connie, and Marco jump down from the wall, and I decide to follow them.
When we get to the titan bodies, I see her.
It's Y/n; she is passed out and covered in blood. "What...happened?" I ask, I know no one knows, but I am shocked seeing her like this. And she was almost killed by Annie not too long ago.

"Hhgg!" I see Connie and Sasha crying as Marco picks her up, walking back to the wall with her. 'She...looks dead.' I feel a tear fall down my face. I drop my head, ashamed of myself for how I have been treating Y/n the past week.
Nothing but suspension and coldness, and I knew she could feel it. I knew it was hurting her feelings, but I couldn't stop myself. 'I didn't even go see her when I knew she was badly hurt; if I hadn't told her to be with us in the tunnel, maybe she wouldn't have been hurt.'

"I am ashamed," I say
"What?" y/n asked
"Oh, nothing, sorry."
I reflect on my conversation with y/n before we left for the Castle.
"Hey, Armin?" Eren ask, "yeah?" I respond
"Why are you treating Y/n so coldly lately?"
"I noticed it, too," Mikasa confirms.

"It's a long story, but I feel that Y/n knows more than she lets on. And I can't tell if she is our enemy or friend." I answer honestly.
"Of course, she is our friend! Don't you remember all the times she has saved our butts! Not just from titans but from everything!" Eren calls out,
'I know he has faith in her, but I'm not so sure.'

"I know that, Eren! I don't want her to be on their side, but why is she holding back!? If she knows something, why won't she say anything!?"
Eren or Mikasa don't say anything for a moment, and then Mikasa says, "Do you think that maybe she wants to tell us?"

"What?" I ask, taking a back.
"Don't you get the feeling that sometimes she is dropping hints or saying things multiple times like it's important? I know I have." Mikasa finishes.
And I recall...all the times she told me to do something. The 'thoughts' and 'guesses' she has that happen to be spot on.

'She is telling us without putting anyone at risk. No unnecessary words, no confusing conversation. Just hints and actions.'
"Your right Mikasa." I lower my head in shame. 'When we can have a proper conversation, I will try to apologize.' I say silently to myself as we make our way to the castle.

*End of flashback*

I climb back up the wall, and Connie helps me up. "She's alive. But...just barely." Connie says in a melancholy tone. 'I may never get to apologize to her.'
I watch as three different people run up to her and start to undress her to stop the bleeding from her shoulders. It's evident that Bertholt or Reiner did this to her. 'They had to get rid of her because she knew something. But what did she know?'

After they are done treating her wounds, I sit beside her. "I'm... so sorry for the way I have been treating you, Y/n. Please get better soon. I don't think we can do this without you." Her face is so pale; I put her wrist in my hand, and sit next to her, feeling for her pulse, scared that at any moment, I won't feel it anymore.


Thank you so much for reading once again!! Please enjoy this new chapter!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻💕 also, I noticed I have been missing the h in Bertholts name 🙏🏻😂 oops

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