I'll make them pay!

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Jeans POV:

Seeing her, I almost started crying. She looked lifeless, her skin was so pale, and she didn't move. It wasn't because she wasn't in pain, but she had been in so much pain that she had to be this unconscious just not to feel it. It was a few hours before me, and the other scouts made it to wall Rose to the area where Eren and the others were. We had heard that some people had been hurt, but I didn't know it was this pain. They had already corrected her broken bones and done emergency measures just so she wouldn't die from all the blood loss, but she could also die just from the amount of pain she was in.

I had never seen Marco so mad before. Sasha and Connie also looked like they wanted to fight. Before we all could talk, we were all surrounding Hange, and she was coming up with a plan to get Eren and Ymir back. After the planning, I walk over to the three of them as they are gearing up while watching over Y/n.

"What happened?" I ask, looking down at her sweating face, she is starting to show signs of discomfort, and I feel the pricks at my heart.

"Those assholes did this to her," Connie says through his watery eyes of frustration.

"Why?" I ask

"We don't know," Marco answers tightening his waist belt. He continues, "we just know they tried to kill her, and if we hadn't heard her cry for help, she would have been dead before we found her." he finishes his thought, then turns around and walks away to the others who are getting ready to leave. Connie and Sasha put their heads to Y/N's forehead before standing up to walk away too.

"I want to know why they did all of this," Connie says, and I can see the confusion and hurt in his eyes, but also the anger. "They hurt her, and I want to know why?" Sasha says, with the same amount of determination and wrath.
'We all are angry; we don't know why Reiner and Bertholt would betray us like this. What goals do they have, or what do Eren or Ymir have to do with any of this.'

The process of getting everything ready to move out takes some more time, but before we know it, we are moving out to go save Eren and Ymir. Hoping Y/n is alive and waiting for us to return.

Erens POV:

I open my eyes to see Reiner and Bertholt standing on some big tree branches. It takes a moment for my mind to understand my situation, but I soon come to my senses. And the first thing I notice is that both of my arms are cut off from the forearm down.

"My arms!" I call out, and Ymir, who is a few feet away from me, says, "Seems we're both having a shit day."

"Sorry, that was my fault." I look up to see Reiner. "so...I lost," I say my thoughts out loud and bite my arm. Bertholt calls out to me, telling me to stop. And Ymir moves my arm away, "easy, hothead, take a look at where we are." I then look around at all the titans around us, and it helps me better understand how transforming won't help us right now.

Everyone talks for another minute about our titans, and then Ymir says, "Hey, Reiner, you said you would start talking once Eren was up. What do you plan on doing with us?"

Reiner talks about how we are going with them to their 'hometown,' but my thought is, 'if they wait till nightfall, it will be harder to hold us down. Why wait for us to recover?'

Then it hits me, 'what about the others? What happened to them? And don't tell me they are coming here to help us!?'

I also think about Ymir being a titan, and it doesn't seem to surprise her like me. But I don't know much of anything. I need information, anything I can get. 'Like Y/n always says, listen to everything, and the little clues mean more than the big ones. And I need to control my emotions till I recover more.'

After a few hours of us sitting around waiting for who knows what. "speaking of which, we have been working off our asses, no food or sleep, ever since those Titans showed up. That was yesterday, right?" Reiner starts talking, and I'm confused at the change in his attitude.

'What the hell!?'
"I mean, I get it. We're soldiers. Duty first. It's just nice to be acknowledged." Reiner says, and my mind goes blank, "you hit your head or something?" Ymir asks. 

Reiner keeps rambling till he says, "oh yeah, Eren. I think Y/n was trying to ask us something earlier, she looked tired, and I heard she had gotten hurt pretty bad a few days ago. I hope her wounds get better, so we can talk once we get back." After that, I couldn't take it anymore.
"HEY!" I yell, and everyone stops. "what's wrong with you? Are you kidding me right now?" I say.

"What did I say?" Reiner asks,
"if you wanna die, keep talking!" I yell.
Ymir holds her arm out to me and tells me to wait, then says, "I think someone's gone off the deep end, is that what this is, Bertholdt? Now would be a good time to say something."

Bertholdt turns to Reiner and tells him to "snap out of it" that the two of them are "warriors," whatever the fuck that means! I see a change in Reiner after that statement, and he begins to cry.

And Ymir starts to tell me how Reiner has two sides to himself, the soldier who fights with the scouts, and the other is one to help push humanity past the brink. And how now he can't control the two sides.
"I think he got a little lost in the role. This is a split personality. He's gone insane."
"Shut up! Not another word." Reiner glares at Ymir with a look that could kill. But I am curious about something I heard a minute ago.

"Reiner, why did you mention Y/n? And what happened to her after you both transformed?" I look them both in the eyes, and Reiner turns to Bertholdt.
"By now..." I couldn't hear him, but Ymir said, "what was that? Couldn't hear you mumbling."
He looks at us, "she should be dead by now." He says, turning his gaze back to Reiner.

"What...did you say?" Tears form in my eyes, and I stare at a random tree branch. 'She's dead. They killed her. NO! She has to be alive! She wouldn't die so easily!' My anger is reaching its limits, and I don't know if I can take it anymore.
Reiner and I then get into a screaming match with each other "I swear to you, the two of you will pay, and it's gonna hurt."

I hope the next episode will be a little more exciting, but here it is. 😅😂🙏🏻💞

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