What happened?

315 13 1

‼️‼️ this chapter will have a mention
of attempting S💀siles ‼️‼️

I take a moment to breathe and compose myself after Levi walks away.
It was a fantastic moment we just had. And I honestly don't want to think too deeply about it. Depending on how things go, multiple things could happen, not just today but in the next few days as well.
At that moment, it was only us, and in the upcoming fights, nothing else matters more than getting Eren and Historia back.
I walk through the church doors, and everyone waits for Levi and Hange's signal.
I still need my gear, and Armin helps me put it on.
"You doing okay?" He asks, "I'm as good as I'm gonna get right now." He nods

"You guys ready? Because you will be getting blood on your hands." We all just look at Levi, and he looks around the room to all of us. When his gaze lands on me, I try to keep a straight face and faintly nod.
"I'll take that as a yes,"
At the order, we kick the rolling barrels filled with gunpowder down the stairs leading to the underground passage, then Sasha is shooting one to give us some cover. Levi and Mikasa take off as the others fire signal flares to help guide them through the smoke while also adding more.
"Thirty-five total! In the upper pillars! We'll take them all out here!" Levi calls out. At his words, we also take off as Sasha stays to shoot more of the barrels.
I sway myself through the air and cut down as many people as possible.
I have not just to kill them but also be careful not to get shot in the process.

And that when I see him. Kenny.
He is resting himself on one of the pillars, and I see Levi out of the corner of my eye.
'He's distracted,'
When he is about to leap off, I come down to him. I am only a few inches away from him when...
"Y/n, Stop!" I hear someone call my name. Without hesitation, I pull back and swing behind another pillar.
"Woo! That was a close one! You almost had me, little mouse."
Hearing Kenny's words and knowing he is directing them to me sends a shiver down my spine.
'And who the fuck stopped me!? I almost had his ass!'
Kenny doesn't waste much time on me, though, and continues his attacks on Levi.
Taking my chance, I take off again to help the others, taking down anyone with a gun.
That's when I see that blonde chick aiming her gun at Hange.

Not wasting a second, I take out one of my last blades and throw it as hard as possible in Hanges's direction. When she makes it there and the blonde shots, the grappling hook barely bounces off the blade and misses Hanges shoulder, only grazing it.
At the same time, I dash to the blonde, so when she notices she missed, I am on top of her.
I see the fear in her eyes when I'm on top of her.
Then I'm thrusting my blade into her abdomen. She coughs up blood, and it splashes on my face.
"Fucking nasty," I say, moving to the side as her body tumbles to the ground.
"Caven!" I hear someone call out what I think is her name then someone else calls for the re-grouping.
Someone shoots my way, but it misses and hits one of the pillars. A piece of the crystal molding cuts my face, but I hardly notice.

After a moment passes and we are making our way further into the tunnel. It's easier without Hange being as injured as she was. I am in the back of the line, and I try to remember the events that unfold after.
'Historia gets a family backstory from her father; she throws the needle to the ground, and then...' "SHIT!"
I'm so fucking stupid! That asshole licks that shit before we get there!
Then that's when a big ass light shines through the blocked entrance that leads to the ritual room.
"Eren!" Mikasa calls out.
"We have to get out!" I yell, "She's right! It's about to collapse!" Sasha warns everyone
Then Armin points out the new open hole in the ceiling.
Usually, the hole we are able to get past Kenny's men and get to Eren faster.

We all bust in, and Mikasa makes a B line for Eren as I catch Historia from making a faceplant into the wall
"Y/n," she says, and Levi is asking for the keys.
I throw them to him, and the boys get to work trying to unlock his chains.
After he is free, we all are up against the wall, just waiting for the walls to crush us, and Eren starts his woe-is-me speech.
And everyone throws it back in his face.
I smile, listening to it, 'I love these people. Even in the face of death, we are still shit-talking each other.'
Then I feel something touch my hand. I look at Levi beside me. He doesn't say a word but intertwines his fingers with my own. I squeeze his hand as the others finish their banter.
"Wanna sit here and hold hands till we're crushed?" Historia bits back at Eren, and I can't help the 'that doesn't sound too bad.'
"You've got to make a choice here." Levi looks to Eren
Eren looks from Levi to me, tears staining his eyes, then he takes off to the platform's edge, transforming. When he does, he starts to cover everything around us into that purplish rock.
"Come on! Get under Eren!" Levi yells to all of us, pulling me with him.
Mikasa, Armin, Marco, Jean, Connie, Sasha, hange, moblit, we all take cover.

Please don't get to close to me. Levi x reader Where stories live. Discover now