"Don't stop,"

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LEVI pov:

"There's no running away from me now," I tell Y/n. The taste of her pleasure still on my lips and my cock throbbing.
'But right now is not for me.'
I want her to feel good, to feel pleasure, and to know that she is worth it all.
She doesn't know the worry we all felt while she was gone when we found her and then having to wait for justice to be served.

When I saw her in that cell, all bloody and beaten. By none other than the man I had given years of my life to. My trust and confidence. And he didn't have anything to say about it! He didn't speak after he was taken away. Those days locked up, he didn't make a sound. I wanted to hit him, beat him the way he allowed her to be beaten.
But there was always a part of me that just wanted to know why. Why did he do what he did, and what purpose did it serve?
I hate that I am bringing it to this. But he knew what she meant to me. Even if I didn't say anything or tried to deny it myself, he always saw it and STILL did what he did. In a way, it feels like a betrayal of my trust and devotion to him.
But I can't hold him responsible for my feelings...for how I see things.
As Y/n said herself. He did what he felt was right, and nothing we could do would change his mind. That I knew.

Y/n still breathes heavily under me, and I'm tempted to stay here with her and have her crying out my name in pleasure. But I can't. I have things to do, and she still has more rest and healing she needs before I will feel comfortable pushing her.
I lower my lips to her head and kiss her forehead, "I don't want to...but I have to go for now."
I can see the disappointment in her eyes, and I hate the reasons I have to go.
As I reluctantly move off the bed, she moves to follow, and I have a passing thought of her coming with me. To have her by my side as I work. She can rest in my office and drink tea as I finish paperwork and finish meetings.
But the other part of me says that it's not necessary and she is more than capable of staying here...in her room.
'I want to ask her...to at least see what she says.'
"Hey.." Y/n calls to me as I straighten out my clothes before heading out.
I hum a response to her, and when she doesn't say anything, I look at her and see her looking at the floor—an unreadable expression on her face.
"What is it?" I ask, stopping what I'm doing and getting to eye level with her.

She is quiet for another minute before she says, "Is it possible for me to leave this room?" her face now seems sad, if not a little desperate. And I feel like now is the time to ask what I wanted, that I wasn't going to.
"You can...would...you like to accompany me and spend time in my office?" I ask, and her eyes light up at my offer. "Really? I can go?" her excitement making me feel a twinge of happiness.
"Yes," I say, clearing my throat and standing back up to leave the leave. "I'll wait a few minutes for you to get dressed." I open the door slightly and look to see if anyone is there. When I have made sure I slip out and shut the door behind me to wait.

I can hear her moving around in the room, and not too long after I walked out, she opened the door again and walked out.
She looks so innocent as she comes out and shuts the door behind her. I don't know why, but I suddenly feel nervous or self-conscious, and I start walking to my office without looking back to see if she is following me.
I mean, I don't have to cause I can hear her footsteps behind me, but I don't have the guts to sneak a peek with my eyes. 'Why am I acting like this all of a sudden? Why does the thought of seeing her beautiful smile make my face feel hot, and my heart pound like a madman..'

Y/n doesn't seem to mind, though. Her footsteps and aura are not giving off any signs of discomfort or anxiety.
So we continue the walk to the office in silence.
I will admit that it is rather enjoyable...walking with her in silence, as we pass the hallways of other scouts and walk into the office with nothing but the comfort of knowing the other is there.
"Tea?" I ask her as I pull out a chair next to the window for her. She doesn't miss a beat and sits in the chair, saying yes to tea, and I get ready to prepare it.

It doesn't take me long to have the water boiling, and I carry a tray with a pot of tea and two cups back to my office.
When I arrived, I noticed the door was ajar, and I remember shutting it completely when I left.
I was going to walk in but I hear and familiar voice come from inside.
"How do you feel now that the truth is out?" the voice says, and I'm not surprised it's Marcos.
"I don't know. I thought it would be a weight off my shoulder...but honestly. It still feels the same." Y/n's voice is calm and cool. It has a different tone to it than when she's talking to me or others.
It makes me feel a type of way that her voice changes for him. It may not be dripping with love or affection, but it still shows that she holds him to a different level than everyone else.
I don't want to be upset about this...is she mine and no one will take her from me, but the thought still has me annoyed.
"I'm sure nothing feels real yet. You have been hiding everything for so long. But I'm sure the next time something is coming and, you tell us. It will feel real." he tells her. I can't see her face but I have a feeling she is just nodding her head to his words.

"So...how is everything with the Captain?" Marcos's voice says, and I find myself leaning more into the door to hear her clearly.
"How do you mean?" she asks.
"Don't do that to me, Y/n. We have been each other's secret keepers for long enough that I can see when you feel, or act differently."
I hear her sigh, and then she says, "I'm not sure." my breath stops in my throat, and I'm about to burst into the room. But I wait. 'Control'
"I care for him, and I think he cares for me too. But the future is so unclear. I'm not the type to not go for what I want just cause I don't know how it will end..." She pauses, and Marco comments, "That's for sure." and I hear a chuckle from him.
"I just don't want to do something that makes him feel like I'm being insincere or that I'm hiding things again...cause I will have to." I hear a chair more, and then she continues. "Outing myself as a seer wasn't so I could tell everyone every detail about events to come. It was so I could work without too much pushback."
"Y/n...." Marco's voice seems more tense and I move my eyes to see inside the room as best I could.
"You don't have to do this alone. You have me, the captain, and the others."
I can see them. He is sitting across from her by the window, and he has a hand on her leg.
She's looking at him with a face I have seen a few times from her. 'She is pulling back.'

"I know Marco, and I appreciate everyone who has stayed by my side and trusted me despite everything. But there are some things I will not say. And everyone is just going to have to be okay with that. This is not something I will be lenient on." Her voice is strong, and I can see her determination in her gaze.
"I understand," Marco says to her, moving his hand from her. I get the feeling that he is disappointed.
But I can't say I'm not either. Knowing for a fact that even though she will be, as Hange called it, our 'bird eye view.' but she will still not be telling us everything, leaves us with the fear of the unknown.
Now, having her will help in more ways than one, but I can see how her statement isn't as reassuring as it could be.

Knowing that the conversation is basically over, I open the door, and Marco is the first to notice my arrival. He stands up instantly, "Captain," and salutes to me.
"What can I help you with?" I say, walking my tray of hot tea to my deck.
"I was given papers for you to sign." he walks up to me and hands me a folder of papers. I look over them and see it's just another debrief of the meeting we had this morning with Queen Historia. I sign my name, acknowledge the contents, and hand it back to the scout.
"Anything else?" I say, ready for the boy to go. Y/n still hasn't moved from her spot, and her gazing out the window makes me want to be alone with her.
"No sir," Marco tells me, and I dismiss him from the room. When he leaves, he is smart enough to know to shut the door completely this time, and I stand up from my chair.
Pouring Y/n some tea that is still warm enough to be called tea but not hot enough that I will be able to enjoy a couple more cups.
Handing her the cup, she takes it without saying a word.
I want to speak with her. But my gut tells me to let her be alone for a moment, so I go back to my deck and start working on some paperwork.

After an hour or so, I grow bored of the silence, and I put my pen down and walk over to Y/n. This time, she looks at me and smiles slightly. Kneeling in front of her, I just take a moment to look over her face. Her beautiful eyes and the way her hand-combed hair falls down her face. Her skin is so worn from the sun and training, but it still has a youthful glow to it.
I don't say a word as I stand up and snake my hand around her neck. Doing so, I lean down over her and place my lips against hers in a soft yet passionate kiss.
Y/n reciprocates my kiss, putting her hand on my cheek as we stay as we are. Just kissing and enjoying the feel of the other.

Oof! I'm so sorry this chapter was so delayed! 💀💀💀 I have been so busy!
But please enjoy it anyway! ❤️❤️❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻

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