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Levi's POV (after he left Mikasa)
I move as fast as I can to the cart that is carrying Eren and Historia. All the while, Y/n's words from last night ring in my head. "He will be there."
I grit my teeth in frustration.
'I know who she means, but it's not possible! Why would he work for the MPs?!'
But her warning won't leave my mind.

"Captain!" I hear one of the scouts who are stationed near. "Are you sure you don't want us closer?" They call out.
"No, Stay back," I order them.
Taking Y/n's advice, I kept one scout with me to make the appearance that we are guarding the cart, but really I had them further back hours ago, so anyone who shows up and tries to sneak attack us will be met with blades behind them.
It's not a foolproof tactic, but hopefully, we will have fewer casualties with Y/n's warnings.
As I land on the roof to watch the cart, I think about her, and I'm conflicted.
'I should turn her into Erwin when this is over.'
But that thought doesn't seem right to me. Her bright smiling face, strength, and determination flood my mind—the girl who has done so much for the people around her, not wanting anything in return.
It feels like I would be doing something wrong.
Then I feel it. A presence from...BEHIND ME!
I push the scout with me out of the way, and the sound of a gun goes off.

"You okay?!" I ask the scout
"Yes, sir!" And as planned, she let herself slide off the roof and into a window below. Now with her out of the way, I turn to the voice I can not stand.
"KENNY!!" I scream out in anger!
I see a lot of the men he has with him, and I start to bolt it from the area I am in.
I move as fast as I can through the streets. I am turning from road to road, dodging bullets and people. When I can, I take every opportunity to cut them down, Kenny, on my heels the whole time.

After getting away from Kenny at the bar, I try to chase down the cart with Eren and Historia.
"Captain!" I hear a voice call me, and I see my squad members closing in. I slow down to get closer to them, and I give Armin and Jean orders to take over the cart.
After I do, I see Y/n turn down a couple of streets away.
"Y/n!" I call out to her, but she doesn't stop.
'What the hell is she doing?!'
Before I have time to even think about going after her, I call out to Armin and Jean as three of Kenny's men aim to shoot.
"Armin! Jean!" I grab Jean, and Sasha grabs Armin out of the way. The three people get on the cart and drive it away through the gate.
I see two more following behind them, but then I see
Y/n pops out from one side of the road. Without hesitation, and within a second, she throws both of her blades, and the two men come tumbling to the ground. 'Wow.'
Mikasa tries to free herself from my grasp, but I tell her we can't go after them, and she finally stops.

We get back to the warehouse that we are using as a hideout, and we end up listening to another part of
Y/n's unspoken past.
'She had it rough.'
I feel bad that I don't pity her. I wish it were something she had never experienced, but I grew up around that type of activity. It was common.
I feel bad that the young woman had to endure something like that. And I can see the sadness in her eyes when she speaks.
"I swore I would never let a man touch me again."
That last sentence pierced my heart.
'I guess that means she will never get married or have children.'
It's a silly thought, and I find myself thinking that it's unfair of me to think something like that. But I can't help but feel disappointed and also sadly pleased I learned something else about her.
'I want to know everything.'

We finish making dinner, and I can't help but notice how the boys have stayed on one stay of the circle, with Sasha and Mikasa other each side of Y/n.
That and when Jean was serving plates, he handed Y/n's plate to Sasha, and she gave it to her. It was like they all silently decided not to make her uncomfortable by getting too close.
I laugh mentally at this, knowing that if Y/n noticed, she would laugh at them. Hell, in my first meeting with Y/n, she was stripped and half-naked as Marco was washing her body with a cloth and putting on clean bandages.
'I don't think she was telling you, boys, to never touch her again. I'm sure that if she were uncomfortable with something, she would have said.'

Please don't get to close to me. Levi x reader Where stories live. Discover now