Reiner and Bertolt.

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"How long ago was this!?" Eren calls out, clearly upset Marco didn't say anything before. I felt terrible that Marco was getting yelled at when I was the one who told him not to say anything. "Don't yell at him, Eren," I say, getting defensive. Eren looks taken aback by my sudden stern tone. I never raised my voice to the others before, at least not unless they deserved it, so seeing me upset, Eren turned his face away from me.

"But why didn't you say anything, Marco? Something like that could have helped us prepare better for our current situation." Hange says.

"With all due respect, Section Commander, I don't think it would have made a big difference," I spoke out.

"And why do you think that?" Levi calls out from the other side of the room, making me turn my attention to him.

"Marco, hearing that conversation would not have had us better prepared if he had said so what could we have done other than keep our eyes on them till they make a move. And how are we supposed to know what these moves are? And if it wasn't for Annie attacking and Reiner telling her where to go, we still wouldn't have enough evidence to do anything." I finish saying all this while staring into Levi's gaze. It makes me nervous, but I feel tension. I can't tell what kind, but it got me worked up.

"I won't apologize for not speaking out. I did what I felt was the right thing to do at the time. now the situation is different, and I am giving you the necessary information." Marco says as I continue my staring contest with Levi, ending with me turning away from him, unable to stand the pressure in my gut anymore. 'Yeah, my gut...'

Back to Armin, who is talking with Hange, and Hange tells us not to let them know that we know about them being titans. We all agree, and the plan is in motion.

"It's time to go now!" Eren begins to walk to the door, but Levi starts him. "we're going our separate ways. That's how it has to be" We all look at him " Captain, what about me?" I ask Levi, and he looks me over before saying I will wait at the wall for the others to return and help with what I can. "Understood, sir." I turn to leave with the other. 'This is for the best. For now, I will stay out of the way.' 

The group leaves, and I stay back with a handful of other scouts to wait for their return. As I waited, Marco gave me one more painkiller and told me to lie on my back and rest. I did as he said and lay there. The others said nothing to me because they knew about my injuries. I just lay in the sun and rested. Half of the time, I was cloud-watching, and another half, I was sleeping. I did have a small conversation with a scout, but it was just dull chatting. Time goes on and on, and then I hear, "They are here!" They then start to prepare the wood things that they use to carry people up. 'I wish I knew what to call these things...'

After they get close enough, we lift one person at a time up and help the ones that can use their ODM gear to climb. as I am up, someone up, I hear. "Tell him how Annie nearly crushed me like an insect! That's twice I have almost died!" Hearing that, I have so many different thoughts, 'I'm the one who almost died. Not you.'  "How did it feel?" I speak one of my thoughts before I can start myself. "What?" Reiner looks at me, confused. "How did it feel to be crushed by Annie's big titan hands? To know that the person who tried to kill you was a friend?" I say it looking into Reiner's eyes.

"Why would you ask that?" Reiner says, "I just don't remember you being all that worked up about it till now."

Armin calls from my side, "Y/n, stop. Now is not the time."

"But I think it is Armin. Go ahead, Armin, tell them. Tell them what Annie Leonhart did to me and many others."

Armin is afraid and doesn't say anything. I sigh, "haaa, Well, having half my body crushed by her was a fun experience for me, Reiner. I just wanted to know how you felt about yours." I try to give Reiner and Bertolt my creepiest smile. "I understand, Y/n. Your spirit breaks, and the body follows." Eren comes in with the killer, "You two have been driven far enough from your home as it is."

Bertolt then comes in with mental damage control. 'I feel bad for the guy. He has been trying to help Reiner with this mental problem for years.' but I don't feel that bad. "The rest is easy."

"Bullshit." I softly let out and turned to start walking in the other direction, Seeing Connie and Sasha! "My babies!" I call out. "Y/n!" Connie runs up to me and hugs me hugging too hard. I let out a cry of pain. Connie quickly let go asking me what was wrong, and I began to tell him, and Sasha wait happened. Connie and Sasha hug me again, gentler and I smile. 'These are my people.'

"Connie, I'll order a quad to investigate your village; for now, stay focused, understand?" Hange tells Connie.

"Crystal!" Connie answers. Then we see Hannes, and he comes up to tell us that the wall doesn't have any holes.  "If there is no breach, then we head back to Trost immediately!" Hange gives her orders, and everyone starts preparing to leave. We watch Hannes go, and I begin to watch with Sasha, Armin, and Mikasa. I hear Reiner call out to Eren, and I turn back around. "Hey, Reiner, while you talk to Eren, can I talk to you two as well? I think you will find it will...remind you of home." I look at Bertolt, and I can see the fear in his eye. "Sure," Bertolt says before Reiner and answers. "Five years ago, we compromised wall Maria and launched an attack on humanity."

"What are you talking about?" Eren says to Reiner, "Why are you telling him, Reiner? NO!"

"You are on a mission to ensure mankind's extinction, right?" I speak. All three men turn to me
"Yes, Eren, if you want the walls to remain standing, then come with Bertolt and me," Reiner continues talking, trying to convince Eren to leave with them, and to be honest, I'm getting bored. "UGHH, this conversation is so boring. How am I supposed to take you seriously? Talking crazy Reiner, and what is Eren supposed to do? Go with you because you asked nicely?"

"Y/ns right. You're just tired, and that's okay. Plus, if you were the Armor titan, what's the endgame? We wouldn't be having this conversation in the first place." I turn my gaze to the two warriors in front of me, and I can see Reiner break. "Right, not thinking straight, am I?"

"Come on, let's go," Eren says, waiting for me to turn around. "I can tell you guys what I wanted to tell you later, okay?" I tell them, 'I had used that as an excuse to be there, then the conversation be honest, it was fun.' but dude! When that flag breaks and starts falling down the wall. It was so loud! or maybe it was just so quiet. So quiet you could hear a pin-down. Everyone stops.

"I've been here too long, surrounded by idiots! Why did I let myself devolve into a half-assed piece of shit!"

'I need to move!'

"We settle this once and for all!" Reiner starts running to Eren, and Mikasa makes her move, cutting the two boys, and I move as fast as I can away from them. I have never wanted my blades and gear more than I do now! 'Damn you, Levi!'

"Eren, get out of here!" I hear Mikasa yell, and I think, 'If I can grab Eren!' Before I can stop myself from that dumbass idea, I see the sparks and the lightning around.

"Y/n! Eren! RUNAWAY!!" I hear Armin yelling from behind us. 'FUCK!' Then a big blast of wind knocks me and everyone down, and I start flying in the air with no way to stop myself. And I end up passing right off the edge of the wall. 'This is it, and there is no way I will survive this one.' I look up at the wall and see others holding on to the wall for dear life. 'Well, I at least saved one person.' Speaking of that person, I see Marco still on the wall. I reach my hand out to him, smiling. "I'm so happy I got to know you all."


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