In front of the church

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"You mean the rightful heir to the throne is...Historia?" Armin asks Hange after we are told about everything they learned about the MP we had captured.

I want to try my best to seem surprised, but obviously, I'm not. So I narrow my eyes to look like I'm hard in thought.
Hange says how Lord Reiss must have taken Eren and Historia, and they show us his picture.
Hange then tells us that we will have a meeting in another room and for all of us to wait there.
We do as we are told.
"I understand why Lord Reiss would want Historia if she is his child, but why Eren? It doesn't make sense." Armin mutters mostly to himself.
"Who knows, maybe they want him on their side of all this," Jean comments.

I want to tell them everything: Reiss's plan, the history, and everything.
But now is not the time; everyone is too on edge. If I make an off-the-wall comment, it will be suspicious, and I'll have to tell them literally, everything I know.
All though I know Marco has my back, and I am in the process of showing my cards to Levi. I can't say the same about the others.
I could never beat Mikasa in a fight, but I could always hold my own. And if Mikasa thinks I'm withholding information that could save Eren, then she'll beat me to a pulp to get it, and I don't stand a chance against her at the moment.

"Y/n..." Marco whispers to me, catching my attention.
"Hmm?" I hum to his spot next to me.
He doesn't say a word but stands up, and I know he wishes for me to follow.
"Where are you going?" Connie asks, and I tell him and everyone in the room I just need to step out for a minute.
We get to the edge of the hallway, and Marco turns to me, leaning against the wall across from me.
"You knew," he says. It's a statement. His not asking if I knew; he knows I did. And I already can hear the next question coming.
I don't answer but nod my head daring to look him in the eyes.

He doesn't look mad, but I know he is unhappy with me. I know how he feels; he has done so much for me and put so much trust in what I have or haven't done. But I don't give him much in return.
I keep secrets, I lie daily, and he thinks I don't trust him the way he trusts me.
"What now?" He turns his head to the window on the opposite side of the hall.
"Nothing, I don't think there is anything I can do for this...." I pause for a moment, and Marco says nothing.
"They will live; that's all I can say."
He looks back at me and looks me up and down.
"Okay," is all he says before turning back to our meeting room.

I want to stop him, to explain everything to him and tell him my plan. I do have one.
To finish Reiss before he uses the serum, I don't know if I can do it alone. Will I have the chance? Will it fuck something up later? I don't remember who kills him after he transforms and if it was some turning point.
I want to make a difference in everyone's lives. I don't want all the deaths to be pointless. For my existence to be nothing but a helpless bystander.
"Please," I whisper. He doesn't hear me and keeps walking, not talking, and I have never felt the gap between us as much as I do now.
'In the end, I'm not meant to have loved ones. People can't trust me...and it doesn't matter how much I open up. They never will.'

I walk back into the room; my mind made up.
"They plan to eat Eren?!" Armin asks Hange who has begun the meeting.
She then explains what they believe to be the plan of Lord Reiss and the conversation Eren told her about.
'Oof, that's right! I had forgotten about that.'
I mean, I knew that part of the story, but I didn't remember the specific conversation Eren was talking about.
"We're heading for Rod Reiss's estate; prepare to head out immediately." Levi tells us; we answer with a "sir" and begin moving out.
As we walk down the stairs, everyone is quiet.
I could be overthinking it all, but it seems like I'm alone right now.
Everyone is here, but emotionally, I'm alone.

Time passes in a blur. Leaving the building, walking through the woods till we are a reasonable distance away from the city but close enough to get information still when we need to.
The boys have just gotten back from the city to get supplies.
"They were handing out these fliers," Armin hands Levi and piece of paper with his face on it.
"Captain, I hear footsteps," Sasha tells Levi, and everyone else goes silent, trying not to make a sound but also to hear the sound of footsteps.
I don't have the animalistic sense like Sasha, so I don't bother trying.

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