What they see

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Her eyes, everything about them, were different from the Y/n we had come to know.
'What happened to her? And what is she doing?'

"What are you saying, scout L/n?" Zachary questions her with just as much confusion as the rest of us.
"I'm saying, I don't wish for Commander Erwin to be punished in any way. We are all in a moment of time where nerves are high. Everyone was and still is confused, scared, and unsure of the future. Commander Erwin only did what he felt was the best course of action to protect this world." she takes a breath, and before anyone can't get a word in, she continues.
"Anyone else would have done the same. With the threat of Annie, Reiner, and Betholt, it's understandable to see how it is hard to trust others, especially if they were soldiers who have given their hearts to fight the Titans. I only ask that all of this is forgotten."
When she ends, the courtroom erupts in many different outbursts.
Some are on her side, wanting to protect Erwin, and the others from disapproval, wanting him punished for the crimes against her.

I'm unsure about the others in this room, but I can't take my eyes off her. And her expressions. 'She...looks almost pleased with herself.'
"She's jumped off the edge." I look to Marco behind me, and my fellow squad members seem to have heard him, too.
"What's going on?" Connie asks, holding Marco's shoulder.
"She has made up her mind....on everything. We can't do anything now." he looks almost heartbroken.
"That's not true," I turn back to her.
She still looks happy with the yelling and Zachariah trying to get everyone under control.
After a moment, everyone stops, and Zachariah speaks.
"So, you admit that you did foresee events, but you denied being a spy for any group of people."
"Yes," she responds.
"Why should we believe you?" he asks back.
"I don't expect you to, but I am the only one who can help in this fight with the Titans. With my power of foresight, I will lead us to victory."
She sounds so confident.
Y/n was always a strong fighter. Like Mikasa and Annie, and she didn't brag about it. It was in her actions.
However, this is different. She's not saying she can do it, and she KNOWS she can do it like she's already done it before.

"Do you truly mean those words, Y/n?" Historia, who hasn't said a word since entering the courtroom, finally speaks up.
Y/n turns her gaze to her and walks a few steps closer to her before a few guards more to block her path.
She doesn't give them so much as a glance.
"I swear on our fallen comrades' graves that every word I have spoken today is not just true but already done."

"Our fallen comrades".... 'Ymir.'
Y/n knew I would understand her meaning with those words.
I can see it in her eyes. She is a girl ready to give it all up for this. I don't know at the moment if that is a good or bad thing, but I believe her.
The Y/n I knew as a cadet I wouldn't have trusted as much as I could throw her, and though we have had minor chances to get closer as Scouts... this one - this is a Y/n that I would die beside if I hadn't taken over as Queen.
I can't help the smile that comes over my face as I look at Zachariah.
I nod my head to him, and he looks away from me, sighing.
"Commander Erwin, if you so much as take one step out of line, I will personally lock you away for the rest of your days. If it wasn't for our Queen and this young girl's words...I would have had you at the firing range the moment I learned of this."
After he finishes with him, and the other men that I never knew, he looks to the woman I didn't understand half as much as Erwin.
"As for you... it's hard to take the words of a child seriously. However, our Queen has faith in you. And that is something I will put my faith in."
At that, he smashes his hand down and calls the trail over.
'That was easier than I thought.'

'Oh, Y/n. What have you done?'
I can't understand what she is thinking or why. To some, it may seem like she has lost her mind. Going on about knowing the future, they would think she was no better than the people from the church.
But this. She seems to know exactly what she's doing.
However, there is one thing she's not telling anyone.
How will she execute this so-called plan? She will need people on her side, but who will be there? Will she ask us? Will she do everything alone? Can she do everything alone?

My mind is falling into a rabbit hole of scenarios and doubts. I know Y/n. What she is capable of, but at this moment, what do I think? How do I react to it all?
I'm still trying to wrap my head around everything that Marco told us the day we found her.

**A few days ago**
"What do you mean she can see the future?!" Jean practically yells at Marco, who just smiles sheepishly before turning his serious face back on.
"It's true. On the day of the Trost attack, she knew what was going to happen to me and saved my life. She didn't tell me explicitly how she knew, but I knew that I owed my life to her. And ever since that day, she's been getting mentally worse." he pauses, glancing at Captain Levi before continuing.
"I lied the day she was taken. I said that she was having panic attacks after the Annie situation. But that wasn't true. It started after Trost and before we all officially joined the scout. It was slow at first. Headaches some cold sweats, nothing that I was too nervous about. But as time went on in the scouts, she would sleep less, sweat more, and mutter to herself till she would be hysterical."
Everyone was silent...deathly silent, and I knew Marco could feel the anger and hurt from everyone in the room.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Connie asks, biting down on his teeth.
"How could I? Even I didn't believe that it was true. Every time something happened, I wondered if she knew. I wondered who died because she didn't say anything. Could something have changed if she did? Trust me! I knew what the risks were, but I was not saying anything! But do you know what Y/n has risked being here!? If she knew that meant she joined the scouts for a reason! She wanted to be with us! If she didn't care, she could have joined the military police like Annie and avoided everything altogether! But no! She stayed here! And I... I trusted everything that she did."
Marco couldn't hold back his emotions anymore. He exploded in anger and guilt.
As he said. He knew the risks, but in his mind, Y/n was worth it.

Armin present:
But the real question is...was he right?
"Armin." the sound of Eren's voice pulls me out of my thoughts.
"What's up?"
"I've been doing a lot of thinking. And Mikasa talked about it. But we wanted your opinion."
I wait for him to say what he wants, but he doesn't speak for a minute.
When he finally does, I'm not surprised.
"I think we can trust her."
"You sure?" I ask, wanting him to explain more.
"Yeah, I mean. She hasn't betrayed us, and I don't think that was ever her intention. She has a power; she saw things that none of us could. And she was scared to tell others, fearing being used as a tool or not being believed. And if she couldn't be in the scouts, then she didn't feel useful. It's like being a Carpenter when you're made to cook."

I understood Eren's views on it, but I was still having a hard time truly understanding.
"Mikasa? What are your thoughts?" I ask her
She looks at Eren, me, and then the window out me and Eren's room.
"If we don't take her side...who will?"
It's these words that help me come to terms with everything we have all learned.

Man,.... I don't even know what to say...

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