Chapter Three

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I'm running through the woods in the dead of night, and my heart is racing so damn fast, but I can't stop running because if I do, they are going to get me, and I can't let that happen, and so I just run because my life depends on it.

"I'm going to catch youuuu." A man says it echoes through the woods and sends a shiver down my spine.

I stop running and start to stroll, all I can hear now are the owls howling, and I'd even enjoy the night's ambiance if I weren't being hunted down like a deer.

Before I can take my next step, a bag is thrown over my head, and I can't see anything.

"You really thought you'd get away from us?" A sinister male voice that I've never heard before says, and before I can answer or even react, they tie what I presume is a rope around my neck and start to pull.

My hands automatically reach for the rope, and I try to pull it over my head, but they grab my hands and tie them behind my back and proceed to strangle the life out of me; my chest tightens as I struggle to breathe, I feel them kick my legs, and I fall on my knees as they strangle me harder and I start kicking. I try to scream, but my voice is gone right before I take my last breath.

I jerk awake screaming and soaked in a pool of my sweat.

My heart is racing so fast; I'm convinced it's practicing for a marathon. Was that funny? If it wasn't, then you need help.

Seriously though, my hands are shaking so badly, and I'm struggling to breathe normally. Fuck! That felt so damn real; they always do. You'd think I'd be used to it by now, but I'm clearly not.

I look at the alarm clock, and it reads 4:12 A.M.

Well, damn, here goes another night of not going back to sleep because every time I close my eyes, I feel myself being choked over and over again. So I do the next best thing: turn on my stereo and look for the half-life blunt I had left. But, unfortunately, I can't remember where I put it. Don't you hate when that happens?

I keep looking around my messy room, and I spy it on the far end of my bedside table just when I'm about to give up. Thank God! It'll make the remaining hours sweeter, and it's an excellent way to start the morning.

I turn the volume down on the stereo to some nice mellow volume and start playing songs from my Juice Wrld playlist because I'm in one of those moods. I go through my playlist and look for the perfect piece to play first, I keep scrolling until I find my favorite called "ghost' and I press play, My favorite line has to be :

"I go out when the sun goes down because I wanna

The only girl that can make me smile is marijuana."

Juice Wrld has got to be one of my favorite rappers because he helped me in one of the darkest times in my life, and since then, he has been kind of an escape for me, and his songs are so relatable I often think and feel like he wrote those songs for and about me.

I switch on the lights and change the color to red because that's the color that best describes my mood right now. Then, after I ensure everything has been set up to my liking, I sit on the couch next to my study table, take the lighter on the study table, and light up the half-life.

I start inhaling the good stuff and exhaling the negativity. With every puff, My worries fade away, and I eventually reach the state of perfect euphoria, and I must say it feels nice. Everyone has ways of dealing with stuff, this is mine, and I'm unapologetic about it because this is me. Take it or leave it.

I place the super tiny half-life blunt left on the bedside table because I'm saving it for another time, and as I lay there on my couch, I let the music take me away.

With every line I hear, I'm reminded of just how broken I am, and I know that sounds crazy and messed up but let me have this, I am in my sad feelings right now after all, and, there are no better hours to wallow in the sadness than these, you can even call them "Lukes sad hours." Before you start laughing, I know the name sucks, so any other suggestions would be highly welcomed.

Anyway, I'm Luke ... Luke Wood, Nineteen years old, and I'm yawning; that must have been some good stu...

"Luke," I hear someone calling me from afar.


"WAKE UP!" I get startled awake by my dad shouting at me and shaking me.

Fuck! I must have dozed off and overslept.

"I'm already late for work, you're going to have to walk today." He says while I sit up from the couch, he looks at me disappointed, and I already know it's because of the thick scent of weed in the air.

"I've left some money on the kitchen counter. Have a great first day." He says and adds, "We'll come talk about the marijuana when I get back." Right before he closes the door behind him.

I get up and throw on dark grey jeans, A black singlet, a huge oversized hoodie, black, of course, and black Nikes.

There is no way in hell I'm going to school sober, so I smoke the tiny half-life that I left earlier, and with every puff (there was only three puffs cause of how small it was ), I feel my day already getting better.

I grab my sling bag and leave the house. I didn't take breakfast because I wasn't really hungry. So instead, I take my headphones out and play random songs on shuffle, then cover my head with the hood and put my hands in the hoodie pockets as I walk to school, which is five to seven minutes away.


Hello Everyone :)

I really hope you liked this chapter and please let me know if you liked Lukes pov and if you'd like for there to be more of that :)

Next update on Thursday:)

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