Chapter Nine

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(Aurora's pov)

My phone pings notifying me I've received a notification, and it reads :

Unknown number: Aurora, it's Connor. Why won't you just talk to me?

Is he being serious right now? He is the one who has been nothing but a jerk to me since I started hanging out with them again. I ignore the text, look out the window, and see the cloudy sky.

After a few minutes, Gabe pulls up into Lukes's driveway (I think), and after what seems like forever, but it's only been three minutes, my handsome crush comes walking towards us, looking hot as ever. He opens the door on my side, and I move to the middle as Luke sits next to me; now I'm in the middle of him and Connor, Feels weird but the thought instantly vanishes from my mind as my nose gets a whiff of Luke's heavenly scent, damn whatever cologne he is using just makes him hotter. Don't judge me, but damn, a man smelling good is such a turn-on.

He puts his arm around my neck, pulls me closer, and whispers in my ear :

"Hey, beautiful." Turning my cheeks red, I really need to get a grip on myself.

"Hey, you," I whisper back while turning to see him, and I see his lips turning into a small flirty smile, and for a minute, I forget there are other people in the car; you would too if those beautiful hazel eyes were staring back at you. Damn, I sound like a goner, so I will try and chill a little. No promises, though.

My phone pings again, and I look to see that Connor has texted me again:

Unknown number: I can't believe you refuse to talk to me, yet you're getting all cozy with a guy you barely know. Such a slut.

What the actual fuck? Where does he even get the audacity to type such nonsense? I know he just wants to get a reaction out of me, and it won't happen, or maybe it will. I'm tired of him thinking he can just talk to me however he likes and think I'll let him get away with it.

I'm fucking done, and as I feel the anger starting to course through my veins, I take my phone and send this reply :

Me: Calling me a slut and you've never hit is wild to me.

"Hey Gabe, how much longer till we reach school?" I ask as I put my phone on silent and put it in my bag.

"Around ten minutes; why?"

"Could you drop me off here? I'll walk the rest of the way." I say as I start to gather my stuff.

"C'mon, Rory, not this again," Hanna says as she turns back to look at me; I don't meet her eyes because I don't want to.

"Gabe, you said once we picked up Luke and I still wanted to walk, you would let me, no discussion, no arguments."

"Everything okay?" Luke asks.

"I'll tell you later," I tell him, and he nods.

"Yooo. Like seriously, drop me off here. It would be a shame to be called a slut twice."

Gabe halts the car in the middle of the road, and lucky for him, it isn't a busy street, or there could have been a riot.

"What do you mean?" Luke and Gabe ask angrily.

"I just refuse to stay in the same car with the person who is constantly a jerk to me and has now insulted me," I say as I open the door and signal for Luke to give me room to leave.

He does not budge; damn, why can't they understand that I don't want to be in the same car with Connor? The energy is tense, and I am so pissed.

"I'm going to take a wild guess and say Connor is the one who insulted you," Gabe says.

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