Chapter Eight

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(Auroras Pov)

I'm startled by my loud ringtone blasting in the room, and I will kill whoever is calling; I can't see who it is because my eyes are still semi-closed, so I answer the phone blindly.

"Hello," I say, my voice sounding sleepy and lazy.

"Wassup girl?" Hanna's excited voice comes through the phone.

"I'm going to kill you. Who even calls someone at...." I trail off as I struggle to fully open my eyes and look at my alarm clock to check the time.

".. 6:09. My alarm has not even gone off yet." I say, starting to get annoyed.

"So, how's your morning?" She asks, ignoring what I just said.

"What do you want Hanna?"

"Damn, I really didn't miss your early morning grumpiness."

It goes without saying; I'm not much of a morning person, and as you can guess already, Hanna is.

"I'm going to hang up now."

"Don't be like that. We'll be picking you up at 7:30, so please be ready by then."

"What do you mean by we?"

"Gabe, Connor, Luke and I. I know you and Connor aren't good right now but pretty please just say yes, for me?"

"Fiinnee." I say because it's the least I could do for Hanna.

"I'll see you soon." She says and hangs up.

I know you are probably wondering why I didn't call Luke or text him, but I genuinely forgot, and by the time I remembered, it was too late, so I just decided not to.

I get out of bed and switch on the lights because it's still dark, make my bed, switch off the lights, and head to the kitchen to make breakfast. I make some white cocoa and a few sandwiches for mum and me.

Several minutes later, and everything is ready, I set up the table and go to mums room to wake her up so that we can have breakfast together before we both leave to tackle the day ahead.

I go upstairs and open her door, and as I get closer, I notice that she is still sleeping, I don't want to wake her up anymore because she looks so peaceful, and I don't want to mess with that, but I have to. So, I kiss her forehead and gently shake her awake, and after a few protests, she opens her eyes slowly and lets out a small yawn. I kiss her forehead again and say:

"Good morning mum, breakfast is ready, and I'll be waiting for you downstairs.

"Thanks dear, I might make you late so just go ahead and have breakfast then get ready then I drop you off at school."

"No need to mum, Hanna is picking me up."

"Okay hun." She says as she sits up in bed.

"Yeah. I'll see you downstairs in a few." I say as I leave her room.

I'm a fast eater, and it only takes me a couple of minutes to be done; I put my utensils in the sink, rush to the bathroom to shower, and then put on the outfit I had chosen yesterday.

I go downstairs to the living room to wait for Hanna, and I text Luke to smooth things over and explain why I didn't text him before seeing him.

Me: Hey Luke, It's Aurora. I'm sorry I didn't reach out yesterday.

Luke: Yaayy... You're alive.

Luke: It's okay. I understand. How are you feeling today?

Me: So much better, thanks for asking.

Luke: It's no problem at all.

Me: You're probably wondering what that was about...

Luke: I don't want to lie and say no, but I don't want to push you to tell me by saying yes. So, when you're ready, I'll be here to listen.

Aaaww, isn't this guy just perfect? I feel a warm sensation in my heart, and damn I guess this crush will last a lot longer than I thought but yet again, maybe not.

Me: Aaaww... That means a lot to me. xo

Luke: XO? Sorry I suck at abbreviations

Me: It means hugs and kisses:)

Luke: Look at that, Day one of texting, and you're already sending me kisses:)

Me: Dumbass

Luke: I could be your dumbass, but you playing

I hear a car honk outside, and I send Luke the shy monkey emoji text quickly and rush upstairs to tell mum goodbye.

I knock on her door, but she doesn't answer, I go into the room, and I can hear the shower running; I knock on her bathroom door, and still silence. I open the door slightly ajar and tell her:

"Muummm, Hanna's here.. I have to go, Goodbye."

"Goodbye Love, Have a beautiful day today."

"You too," I say and rush downstairs, pick up my bag, leave the house, close the door, and head for the car.

I open the backseat door and get inside to find Connor seated opposite me and his backpack wedged on the middle seat. Gabe is in the driver seat (Obviously), and Hanna is in the front passenger seat.

I say hi to Gabe and Hanna and proceed to silence.

Connor tries to make small talk, but I shut him down by telling him:

"Yooo, we don't have to talk." And everything goes awkward after that.

After listening to several songs on the radio, Gabe ends the awkwardness by saying :

"We're picking up Luke by the way."

"Yaaayy!" I say happily.

"Why are you happy?" Connor asks bitterly.

"None of your business." I say while fake yawning.

"Can we talk?" Connor asks calmly.

"Oh, So now you want to talk?" I ask sarcastically as I roll my eyes.


"I genuinely don't have the energy for this, its too early in the morning." I sigh.

"Hey, Gabe. Could you please drop me off here? I'm pretty sure school is not too far from here." I say as I tighten my grip on my backpack.

"No. please doesn't." Hanna says.

"As usual there you go running away." Connor says coldly.

I ignore both of them.

"Please, Gabe," I whisper because I feel like I'm suffocating, and they honestly wonder why I enjoy my own company.

"Let her go," Connor says coldly, and his tone is even colder than before, if that's possible.

"Shut the fuck up Connor ! You're only making the situation worse." Hanna says angrily.

"How about we pick up Luke first then after that if you still want to walk we wont hesitate to let you go?" Gabe suggests.

"Whats so special about Luke?" Connor asks harshly.

"Okay, Gabe," I say while ignoring Connor without really meaning it because the energy has turned sour, and I really don't want to be here, and the more I'm here, the more I can feel my skin beginning to crawl, and to make matters worse, the jerk is seated opposite from me.

I'm starting to think that there's more to this whole Connor thing than me cutting them off after Levi because there's just no way that he is still pressed, or maybe he is, and I'm overthinking it.

What do you think? Please help a girl with some insights because I'm the densest human on this planet.

But whatever it is, I don't deserve the attitude and the harshness and since he's like this, then fuck him! I'm not going to tolerate it one bit......

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