Chapter Sixteen

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(Rorys pov)

By the time we get there, it's already dark out but the streets are flooded with people, singing and laughing and the scent of street food wafts through the air, damn! I'm really glad I came.

We pull into a building and head for the basement which I guess is the parking lot and in a few minutes, I'm proven right. Once Gabe parks, we exit the car and Luke takes my hand in his and leads me towards the elevator with Hanna and Gabe following closely behind us murmuring and giggling, she looks really happy and that warms my heart. How sweet it must be to love and be loved.

Anyway, all I am trying to say is they look really cute together, I must find time alone with Hanna one of these fine days to find out how they became a couple, I'm so curious. I tried to ask Luke but he wouldn't tell me anything, not even what happened in his last school because he transferred but yet again maybe I am being pushy. I get people like to keep to themselves sometimes but damn is it bad that I just want to get to know him a little better?

Plus maybe I am just overthinking it.

We get into the elevator and I spy Gabe hitting the highest number on the elevator as it lifts us through the floors, we start taking pictures in the elevator and they come out so cute and pretty, the evening was continuing to serve good vibes and I was here for it.

I feel the panic that had started taking root, slowly fade away and I feel myself relax and start sending myself positive thoughts to build my confidence. This was the first time I was going out since Levi and as much as it saddened me that he was not here with me and as much as I was plagued with the horror and traumas of that night, I was kind of excited to see where the night would lead and how things would go with Luke.

Damn, I really like him! Is that crazy? I barely know him and yet there is just something about him that pulls me toward him. I don't know what it is yet but perhaps with time, we will.

The 'elevator stops and when it opens Gabe leads us out and says:

"We will have to take the stairs from here,"

We follow closely behind him and the air is already filled with music that one can hear from the stairs, we continue heading towards the music that is getting louder as we draw nearer and then Gabe reaches for the door and turns the door handle and it opens and reveals the beauty that is the rooftop.

The rooftop was transformed into a lively scene, adorned with fairy lights and colorful streamers. A makeshift bar had been set up at the corner, offering an array of drinks to suit everyone's taste. The atmosphere was electric, buzzing with anticipation for the night ahead. I could feel myself slowly getting excited!

Everyone seems to be in a chill mood and there are yellow dimmed lanterns hung on every corner giving it a mysterious yet cool vibe where anyone can get to know everyone under the illusion of darkness when night comes and yet the lights show the safety in doing so, or maybe I am just over thinking it.

They were right, the crowd was small, I would not even call it a crowd. So far I counted around seven people. We said hi to everyone and as Gabe and Luke went to get drinks from the cool bar set up close to the corner of the rooftop, how dope was that? Hanna and I sat on two plastic chairs and got some chairs for the guys and started catching up on the latest events in our lives. The guys came back and handed us beers and Gabe sat next to Hanna as Luke sat next to me and we fell into a nice comfortable silence with each of us taking sips of our beer and just feeling the moment.

I wish Levi was here, he was the life of the party and was so loved by everyone. He was such a vibe and it sucks that he had to leave so soon, why do good people have to die so young?

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