Chapter Seven

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(Auroras pov)

I leave her office quickly after that and call mum. She picks up on the third ring and says, "Hello Sweetie."

"Hello mum. I just left Dr. Roxys office."

"How did the session go?"

"It was okay," I tell her, not going into too much detail.

"That's nice to hear, I'm still at the office."

"Oh. I thought you were picking me up?"

"I'm sorry, but I have so much work. Can you get an Uber?" She asks, and I can hear and feel her guilt through the phone.

"Sure." I sigh because it's not the first, nor will it be the last time this has happened.

"Okay. I'll send some pizza money too."

"Thanks mum. Be safe and take care of yourself ."

"You too. Call me when you get home , Love you."

"I will, Love you too." I say, then hang up.

In a couple of minutes, I get a notification informing me that I have received a certain amount of money from mum. So I go to the Uber app on my phone and request one. The app lets me know that there is one five minutes away, and I request one.

I get out of the building to be met by the cold air that slices through my arms and causes goosebumps to appear on them. It's so chilly, seems like it's going to rain.

I love the rain, but I don't care for the cold it brings; it's the perfect weather for cuddling; well, at least I got a cuddling partner.....

..... My teddy bear. Sad, I know, but it's better than nothing.

Since Levi passed away, Mum drowned herself in work and became a complete workaholic, Don't get me wrong, we are still close. I understand she works hard to support us, but sometimes I feel like if she had to choose between me and her work, she'd choose her work all day, every day, but that's okay because grief takes many forms.

Take today, for example, We were supposed to go and see Levi together, and she didn't know that I already went, and she still cancelled; I'm pretty sure she forgot, but that's okay.

I got used to it, and there was no harm done because I still visited Levi and made it to Dr Roxys on time and the one thing that made this day even better? I met a super hot, nice, caring guy, to be exact!

I don't want to dwell on that because I know myself, and I don't know if I said this before, but I'm such a hopeless romantic, and you can't deny that Luke and I totally had a "meet cute "moment, and if you think we didn't then you're just a hater.... Or maybe I'm just over thinking it... Yeah, that's probably it.

The Uber lady arrives faster than I anticipated, and her car is so damn sexy. It's a midnight blue colour, and I could tell you more, but as I said before, I know nothing about cars.

The ride is shorter than expected, and we pull up to my house in a couple of minutes. I pay her, thank her, then get out of the car and order pizza as I pass the driveway and head to the house.

I take out my key, turn it on the door knob and as the door swings open, I get in, close the door behind me and head straight for my room to take a shower because its been a long day and dayuumm I stink plus I really love taking showers, there's something about water that always entices me.

I throw my backpack on the dark grey bean bag at the corner of the room next to the window, and I start undressing as I enter my bathroom and start running the water, turn on the heater and proceed to take a long, very much needed shower; honestly, showers are another form of therapy for me.

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