Chapter Nineteen

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(Auroras pov)

Three days had crawled by like a winter chill, leaving a void where Luke's presence once warmed my heart. Each sunrise brought renewed hope, each sunset an inevitable disappointment. I had sent text after text, my phone buzzing with the eagerness of unrequited energy.

"Hey Luke, everything okay?".

"I'm worried about you, please reply."

But the screen remained cold and silent, a reflection of my growing anxiety. I tried calling him several times, each ring echoing my desperation until the voicemail cut in with its impersonal tone. Each time, I hung up feeling more isolated, and more frustrated.

Only God knows how many texts I had sent and how many phone calls I had made that all went unanswered.

On the third day, Gabe approached me in the cafeteria, a concerned expression etched on his face. "Hey, Rory. Luke wanted me to tell you he's fine. He's just... dealing with some stuff."

"Why can't he tell me himself?" I muttered, more to myself than to Gabe. He shrugged, offering no solace.

Hanna promised to report back with any news, but her reassurances felt hollow. I was drowning in uncertainty and helplessness.

Friday dawned with a restless energy. I went through the motions of my morning, the monotony only amplifying my inner turmoil. Then, just as the final bell rang, there he was—Luke, standing in the school courtyard, bruises marring his face and knuckles. My heart lurched. What had happened?

He approached our group, his usual confident stride now burdened with an invisible weight. "Hey, everyone," he greeted, his voice strained. "Rory, can we talk later?"

Before I could respond, he had already turned, heading towards class. My thoughts raced, the earlier in the week almost-kiss completely forgotten. What could have possibly happened to him?

The lessons dragged on interminably, the clock's hands seemingly mocking my impatience. Finally, the last bell rang, releasing me from my academic prison. I rushed to find Luke, my mind a whirl of questions and fears.

We met in a quiet corner of the school, away from prying eyes. Luke's gaze was distant, his expression troubled. "I'm sorry I haven't gotten the chance to get back to you," he began, his voice heavy. "I just didn't know what to say. Some seriously heavy shit is going down in my life right now and I just don't want to drag you into it. I know you're probably expecting me to say more but that's all I can offer for now. I hope that's enough."

I opened my mouth to ask, to demand answers, but he cut me off. "I don't have the answers you seek, Aurora."

His tone was so cold and unfeeling and I just stood there looking at him, wondering what had happened since the last time we saw each other for his demeanor to change like that.

His words were a finality, a barrier I couldn't breach. Enough? No, it wasn't enough. But then again, we weren't dating. I had no right to demand more, no claim on his personal battles.

So, despite the storm inside me, I nodded.

He left, and I stood there, feeling a mixture of anger and hurt. His coldness stung, the walls he built around himself impenetrable. I wanted to be there for him, to help him carry whatever burden weighed him down, but he wouldn't let me in.

So, I was left with my own turbulent emotions, my worry for him now mingling with frustration.

 The chasm between us felt wider than ever, and I was powerless to bridge it.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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