Chapter Ten

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(Auroras Pov)

"Luukkkeee... I just remembered something." I say in a childish voice as I turn to look at him, giving him puppy eyes.

"Chicken wings?" He asks while pouting.

"Yeah, I'm so damn hungry." I take out my phone from my bag to find ten messages; Six from an unknown number, so I guess that's Connor, and four from Hanna. I'm having such a nice time with Luke, and I don't want anything to ruin it.

I know that reading Connors's texts will upset me because I don't need more insults or confrontation. So, I blocked him and deleted the chat without reading the thread of texts he sent and called Hanna.

She picks up on the second ring.

"Where are you?" She asks coldly, "I've been texting."

"I was far from my phone; what's up?" I say, matching her cold energy.

"Where are you? We need to talk." Nothing good ever comes from "We need to talk." I wonder what it is now; I've been in school for two days, and I feel like there's been so much drama already; damn, can't a girl just chill and hang out with her crush as she gets to know him.

"I'm with Luke," I say because he had told me that no one knew about his spot, and I didn't want to ruin it by telling her my exact location.

"Of course you are." She says with attitude, and I can just tell she rolled her eyes while saying that.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing." She says, knowing full well that I know there's something up.

"Okay," I say because if she is not going to tell me, I won't bother to ask. I don't want it to be a whole thing.

"We are ditching; you and Luke want to join?" She asks, and her tone is softer now.

I put my hand over the phone to cover the earpiece and ask Luke if he wants to ditch, and he says:

"Naahhh, I'm waiting on some wings and some fries. Maybe after?" He says, smiling widely as he says fries.

He must really love fries.

"We're waiting on a food delivery, maybe after?" I tell her.

"Sounds like a plan."

"Awesome, I'll call you once we are done."

"Okay." Before I can tell her bye, she hangs up. It's official we are totally not good; I wonder why not though

"Well, that wasn't weird at all," I say out loud,

"What's up?" Luke asks as he pauses the music.

"Hanna....Ps. You don't have to pause the music; I was enjoying your playlist."

"I noticed, but I just wanted to hear you say it." He says, chuckling. "And I wanted to give you my full attention. So talk to me."

"I feel like I've been pouring out all my problems to you since I met you," I say nervously, chuckling.

"Do you hear me complaining?" He asks as he holds my hand and intertwines our fingers.

"No, but-"He cuts me off by saying :

"No buts, now, come on, talk to me."

I won't fight it, So I start telling him everything.

"Well, Hanna sounded cold on the phone; I am pretty sure she is mad at me, and if that's the case, then it's probably because I walked out on them. I know this whole thing with me, and Connor is affecting her too, but I can do nothing about it."

"What if there was something you could do?" He asks.

"Like what?" I ask curiously.

"Maybe you should sit down with Connor alone and discuss things?" He suggests, and I know damn well my ego won't let me.

"I get it, but I'm not the one who is acting like a child," I tell him.

"But you could be the bigger person." He states.

"Why should I? I'm not the one who has an issue." I say, sounding petty, but I'm just being honest.

"Damn girl, why you gotta be so stubborn ?" He says, and I can hear and feel the frustration in his voice.

Sorry not sorry; I tend to have that effect on people.

"It's what I do," I say as I smile proudly.

"What if he reaches out to you?" He asks.

"I don't know; I still feel some type of way about him calling me a slut." I say honestly, and before he can reply my phone rings.


"Hello, Am I speaking to Aurora?" The man at the other end of the line says.

"Yes, you are."

"I'm your delivery guy; I am outside your school."

"That's super awesome. Can you bring it inside the school?"

"No, The guards at the gate refused."

"Okay, I'll be right there. Thanks so much." I say and hang up.

I tell Luke that the food is here, like, finally, about damn time.

We gather our things and head towards the school gate to get the yummy chicken; I am so excited.

"Seeing how excited you are over chicken, Connor should have gotten you some," Luke says as he chuckles.

I gently punch his arms and let out a small laugh.

"You are so wrong for saying that," I say, laughing.

We get to the gate in no time to find the delivery guy patiently waiting on his scooter; I know it's him because of the takeout hanging from it.

"Hey," I say once we get to him.

"Aurora?" He asks, and I nod.

He gives me the takeout, and once I pay him and thank him, he leaves, and we head to the cafeteria and start munching on the sweet, yummy, juicy, crunchy, delicious wings while Luke devours the fries first.

Damn, they were definitely worth the long wait.    

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