Chapter Fifteen

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(Connors POV)

As I watch Rory head to her mum's car, I am curious as to what Luke whispered in her ear because there was definitely something. How could they have gotten so close so fast? How could she already have feelings for him? You are probably wondering how I know she does, well I am not blind, she practically glows whenever she is with him and blushes whenever someone mentions his name.

Am I jealous? Hell yes! Am I okay with being just friends with Rory? Hell No! But there's literally nothing I can do about it because if I tell her how much it kills me seeing her with him, she may distance herself from me and I rather have her friendship than nothing at all.

That's how much she means to me, I would literally do anything to be in her life and everything to keep her in mine, and plus part of me is hoping and wishing that the feelings she has developed for Luke are only temporary and will soon fade away because I know that Luke is not right for her... I am.

(Auroras POV)

As soon as I get home, I run upstairs to my room to take a quick shower and once I am done, I put on my warm white onesie that has purple hearts on it (it is one of my favorites) because I don't plan on leaving my room again, I ate a really heavy lunch which consisted of fried rice and beef stew and I am still full, so dinner is definitely not in the cards for me tonight.

After I am done drying my hair, I take a seat at my study table, pull out my books, and begin doing my assignments, I start with literature because it's my favorite and it will not be so agonizing to do and then I'll do the calculus one, I only have two assignments today and if I have not said it yet I absolutely hate calculus! That's why I saved it for last.

It takes me an hour to finish my literature assignment and when I am just about to start on Calculus, My phone pings and the screen lights up letting me know that I have received a notification. Thank the heavens! Saved by the notification, Even the universe knew I was not ready, mentally or physically to do the calculus assignment. I know I'll still have to do it but I'll get to it when I'll get to it. I check to see who just saved my bacon and it is Hanna, The text reads:

"Heyyy... you got home okay?"

Me: Yeah I did, just finishing up on assignments. What about you?

Hanna: Same here. Have you done the calculus one yet?

Me: Hell no! I saved it for last and your text just saved me the agony of doing it right now. I'll probably do it late at night.

Hanna: Well.... That's going to be a problem.

Me: Why?

Hanna: Luuukkke outside your window.

I'm beyond confused.

Me: Don't you mean look?

Hanna: I said what I said.

Me: Okayy.. Give me a minute.

I leave my phone on the study table and make my way towards my window to see what Hanna is talking about because I am beyond confused. I pull my curtains to the side and open my window to find Luke leaning against Gabes' car with a devilish smile playing on his lips and as soon as he spots me, he waves at me and gives me a small smile, I wave back.

I notice him taking out his phone from his left pocket and types something on it and looks up at me, I hear my phone ping and I am sure it must be him, I go back to my study table, take my phone, and return to my window.

Just as I guessed, he indeed was the one who had texted and it read :

"Cute Onesie."

Fuck! I'd forgotten what I had on, I am in my chill mode after all.

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