Chapter Five

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(Auroras pov)

This class has gone on forever, damn! I should stop saying damn; I feel like I say it too much, but it's my favorite word.

I look at the silver clock hanging above the whiteboard; only five minutes are left. It feels like forever, and it's making me regret not ditching. It's been the longest day of my life, and it's just 9 a.m. I hate school.

"Let's end there for today." Miss Green says after a couple of minutes, and I almost jump out and shout, "Hallelujah!" but I control my joy and happiness and smile widely.

"Ms. Willow, Kindly follow me ." She says as she packs up her books, as I gather mine and put them in my backpack, and I signal Hanna to let her know that I'll meet up with her in the next class, and she nods, "Okay."

I get up and look down so that I don't meet any ones glance and follow Ms. Green into the hallway that's empty because the bell hasn't rung yet; when we're about to reach her office, the bell rings, and I am so happy about that I feel like I would've ended up having another panic attack because as we have established, I have social anxiety.

"Please take a seat ." She says as she sits behind her desk.

I pull the chair back, then sit on it and settle well.

"I'm sure you're wondering why you're here ." She says before I can ask.

"Yes I am and I don't mean to be rude but I'll be late for the next class." I say because I already know what this is about: Levi.

"I understand. Well as your class teacher I just wanted to ask whether you're okay."

"No one is ever really 100% okay and if they say they are then I assure you they are lying." I say honestly, and she seems taken aback by my response.

"Do you have someone to talk to?" She asks after a minute of awkward silence.

"Respectfully miss, How is that any of your business? You didn't care about me last term; can we do the same this term? I don't need your pity." At this point, I'm just getting mad because what the hell? People should leave me alone and stop treating me like a ticking time bomb. I mean, I am, but that's not the point.

"It's not pity Aurora. I just want to make sure you're okay and I want you to know that I'm here for you If you ever want to talk." She says while giving me a comforting smile.

"I appreciate that, miss. Can I go now?" I didn't want to be here, and all this conversation did was remind me of the ones I usually have with my therapist. I'm not ready to have it right now, and even if I told her I was not okay, what would she do about it? Nothing, Absolutely Nothing. So, what's the point?

"Yes, you can, but don't forget you are always welcome to my office." So she says, and from the tone of her voice, I can tell she's being genuine.

"I appreciate it. Thanks for caring, Miss, Have a lovely day ahead." So I say as I take my backpack, sling it over my shoulder, and leave her office without waiting to hear her response.

The hallways are empty, and I wonder if I was excessively rude to Miss Green as I pass the lockers. But, sometimes it just happens, plus I am immensely protective and defensive when it comes to anything that pertains to Levi or me opening me up.

I get to class to find the class has already started, and the teacher is writing something on the whiteboard with a blue marker.

"Sorry I'm late, Sir. I was in Ms. Green's office." So I say as I make my way to where I was sitting earlier. I look down because, once again, I don't want to meet anyone's gaze.

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