Chapter Twelve

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(Auroras POV)

After she takes our orders, she leaves, and Connor asks:

"Why are you taking your milkshake to go?"

"Well, seeing as am a slut, I have places to be and people to meet, or should I call them customers?" I ask coldly and glimpse a look of regret on Connor's face, but he just looks away from me and remains silent.

The air between us is growing heavy with unresolved emotions and looking at him across from me. I can't help but feel a mixture of anger and hurt. Connor has been my best friend since childhood, but these past few days, he has been nothing but mean to me; I understand that I pushed them away, and that wasn't nice, but that's the way I cope with things, especially hard, tough situations and Levis death was definitely one of them. I am still hurting and grieving for crying out loud. Why would he inflict more pain on me? I can't understand why, and it is tearing at my heart.

"Au-" Connor starts, but he stops when the waitress returns and hands us our orders.

"Thanks," I tell her, distracted by the chocolate milkshake I have been craving that is now right in front of me. I'm literally drooling. Damn, I have crazy cravings.

I take a sip and, without realizing it, let out a small moan.

"That good, huh?"Connor asks, chuckling.

"Yeah," I say, letting out a wide smile, but then my milkshake haze fades, and I remember the situation I am in, and my smile falls so quickly I feel my jaw hurt.

Connor ordered avocado juice, and for the life of me, I have never understood how he could enjoy that. I tried it once, and there is only one word to describe it: Yuck!

Anyway, People are different, and that's okay.

"You were about to say something before the waitress came with our orders," I say, breaking the awkward silence.

"Yeah... Um... Um.."

"Are you going to actually say something?" I ask as I feel myself start to get irritated. I thought we were here to talk. Plus, HE is the one who asked ME if we could talk. He was so quick to insult me this morning. Why is he silent now?

"I... I am sorry." He says nervously.

"For what exactly?" I say, not making things easier for him.

"For everything, for making your grief process about me when I should have been a good friend and understood that you needed space to grieve and for calling you a slut; that was uncalled for. I'm sorry, I was just jealous." He says and seems sincere when I look up to meet his eyes.

"Why would you be jealous, though?" I ask curiously.

Connor's gaze drops to his hands as he starts fidgeting nervously; he looks up at me and takes a couple of deep breaths, and maintains eye contact while he says :

"Aurora, I....I don't know how to explain it. I've always cared about you, more than I probably should, and definitely way more than a friend. But that night, when we were both drunk, I told you how I felt about you. And you... you don't remember."

My heart skips a beat as his words start to sink in. That night. The same night my brother died. The memories are hazy, blurred by grief, hurt, pain, and alcohol. I do not recall Connor confessing his feelings and realizing it only adds to my guilt.

"I'm sorry, Connor."I whisper, my voice barely audible."I didn't know. I don't remember."

Connors' eyes meet mine, and they are filled with a mixture of longing and pain."I know, Aurora. But it hurt. It hurt when you forgot about the kiss we shared. It hurt when you started spending time with Luke, shutting me out completely. And it hurt when you pushed away all our friends, Including me, during your darkest moments."

Tears begin forming in my eyes as I listen to his words. I had been so consumed by my grief that I hadn't realized the impact it had on those around me, Especially Connor. The realization hit me like a tidal wave crashing against the walls I had built around myself.

"I'm sorry, Connor." I repeat, my voice trembling."I didn't even know or remember that we kissed. I never meant to hurt you. I was drowning in my own pain, and I pushed everyone away, including you. I didn't know how to handle it all."

Connor reaches across the table, his hand gently resting on mine."I understand, Aurora. I should have been there for you, no matter what. I should have been the friend you needed, Instead of letting my jealousy and hurt consume me."He says, which leaves me speechless.

Silence envelopes us as we sit there, our hands intertwined, the weight of our shared pain hanging in the air. It is then that I realize that forgiveness is possible, but it will take time and effort to rebuild what we have lost.

"I miss you, Aurora," Connor whispers, his voice filled with vulnerability. "I miss my best friend, the one who laughed at my terrible jokes and shared secrets with me under the stars. I want to make things right if you'll let me."

A small smile tugs at the corners of my lips as I wipe away a stray tear. "I miss you too, Connor. I want to believe we can find our friendship again, but it won't be easy. We both have wounds that need healing." I say, and he nods, and we fall into a comfortable silence.

As we sit there, surrounded by the bustling sounds of the restaurant, I realize that this is just the beginning of our journey. We have a long road ahead of us and a lot that we need to navigate, especially after the bombshells of confessions I have heard today. They have left me speechless, and I am yet to process them, but I'm hopeful that Connor and I can rebuild the bond that was once unbreakable.


Hello Everyone :)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, please let me know what you think by voting and commenting.

I also wanted to apologize for the late updates, they will be more consistent from now on.

Thanks for your patience.

The next update will be on Monday :)



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