Chapter One

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(Auroras pov)

It's been a month now since my brother died and damn it I miss him every day. Does it ever get better?

He was my only sibling and now it's just me and mum. Dad left us when I was about ten years old and well.... I'll get into that later.

I hear mum knocking on the door and I tell her I'll be downstairs in a minute.

I take one last look at myself in the mirror and push my brunette hair behind my ear, straighten my knee-length royal blue dress, put on my prescription glasses, wear flat black shoes and swing my backpack on my shoulder, leave my room and run downstairs because mum can be really impatient sometimes.

I make it downstairs quickly and she is still there but she seems annoyed.

"I'm so sorry mum, I didn't notice the time."

"It's okay. Let's just get going, I don't want you to be late on your first day of senior year." She says as she steps on the front porch.

I follow closely behind her and lock the door.

A part of me is excited but then I remember that my brother is not here with me and I instantly feel guilty and sad. These feelings overwhelm me and I feel my smile falter and mum notices the change.

"I know what you are thinking about. Please don't let it dull your shine, He would want you to be happy and enjoy your first day."

" I know mum. I just miss him and I wish he was here." I sigh sadly.

"How about after your classes we go visit him at the cemetery?"

"I'd love that mum, Thanks so much." I say as I give her a side hug and I can feel my mood starting to lift.

I get in the car, seat in the front seat, and throw my backpack in the back seat.

I suck at car models, so don't ask. All I know is that it's small and a total mum car, Don't crucify me.

Maybe it's time I introduced myself. I'm Aurora Willow, eighteen years old and I love the color black. Maybe because it represents mystery which I've always had a thing for and death which calls to me since I lost my brother, Levi.

As I said before, Dad left us when I was ten years old and mum never told me why. I've always thought of looking for him but what's the point? He left behind two children and his wife for no reason at all, so why would I bother looking for a man who didn't want me in his life in the first place?

Before you ask, No he did not attend the funeral and I don't think it would have mattered if he did anyway.

Sorry, I'm ranting.

My mum, Maeve Willow is the strongest human I know. She has been there for me through thick and thin and despite everything she's been through she still manages to put a smile on her face and face every barrier she has head-on. She works hard at her job and it comes as no surprise that she recently got promoted from a bank teller to a bank manager. She's my best friend, my confidant and the pain of losing Levi brought us closer to each other because we realized life is short and all we have is each other. Damn, I really love that woman.

I'll have to continue this introduction some other time because we just pulled up to my school.

"Have a nice day today and please just try to go with the flow. No sadness today, okay?" Mum says as I hug her tightly.

"I'll try mum. Have a lovely day at work." I say as I get my backpack, get out of the car and take in the view of Edenville Academy.


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