Chapter Four

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(Auroras pov)

This feels weird, by this I mean talking to Hanna again. Of course, things can't go back to the way they were on the first day but I hope this feeling eventually fades.

I'm actually really surprised that she isn't giving me the cold shoulder because Lord knows I deserve it and yet here she is, holding my hand as we make our way to my locker amidst the crowd of students trying to hurry up and get to the first period on time.

It honestly makes me feel a whole lot better and even more guilty because despite me ghosting her, she is still here making sure I am okay and I know if I was in her position I would probably not do the same.

It feels nice knowing that at least one person understands me and accepts me for who I am, even the baggage that I carry. I really hope Connor will be this understanding too.

We get to my locker and I key in the four-digit password, It clicks open and I take out the necessary books I need for the morning lessons, put them in my backpack, close the locker and take Hanna across the hallway to her locker.

Can you imagine we have maths for our first period? Like ugghh Maths, maths of all things, I really hate maths not because I suck at it but because I am more of a language person. How do you feel about maths?

As Hanna takes out everything she needs, I start freaking out because it's the first time I have gotten out of the house since Levi and I guess I got so used to being alone or it just being mum and I and the thought of being surrounded by people again gives me anxiety.

"Hey!" Hanna says as she snaps two fingers in front of me trying to get my attention. I must have zoned out, It happens a lot lately. Add that to the list of baggage I carry with me every day.

"Hello," I say and it comes out more of a whisper because I genuinely don't have the strength to deal with all this today, Its too much.

"You okay?" She asks as her eyebrows furrow worriedly.

"I'll be okay." I sigh.

She takes my hand in hers and squeezes it tightly.

"You're not alone anymore." She says but the thing is I actually am but she would not get it so, instead of saying that I just smile and squeeze her hand tightly.

"We can ditch if you want?" She asks while pulling me in for a side hug.

"No. I gotta do this. " I tell her as I reciprocate her side hug as we make our way to class.

I want Levi to be proud of me and if that means I have to suffer through school that's exactly what I will do. It's the first step to being okay and I really want to be okay again.

As we get closer to the class, we hear the chatter of classmates and that lets me know that the teacher has not arrived yet, Thank God!

Hanna opens the door and I follow behind her, everyone goes silent cause they thought we were the teacher but once they realize it's just us some continue catching up on the events that happened during the holiday while some start whispering amongst themselves while giving me sad, pitiful glances and I already know what they are talking about but I really don't have the energy because the first people talking about me caused me to have a panic attack and I guess some part of me knew that more people would react like that after seeing me but as I said I genuinely don't have the energy and so I just look down and ignore them.

We take the seats at the back of the class and its kinda cool to see the different cliques and people just having fun, telling stories, and hearing their laughter that sounds so genuine and real, Damn I really wish I can be that happy again someday but before that day comes I really have no choice but to just go with the flow.

The teacher walks in after a couple of minutes and everyone goes to their respective seats and the class goes silent.

"Hello everyone, I'm Mandy Green and I'll be your class teacher as well as your Mathematics teacher. Welcome back from the holiday and I hope we can all co-operate to make this school year memorable for all of us. Lastly, as you are all well aware, we lost one of our beloved students: Levi Willow and we shall be having a pep rally next weekend in honor of him and the contributions he made to this school especially to the football team as he was their captain. Aurora Willow kindly see me after the class." She says then takes out the register and starts taking roll call.

I'm not really surprised that she said I had to see her, Mum had already given me a heads up and people start looking back at me one by one giving me the looks of pity again. Damn, there's nothing I hate more than pity and so I just ignore their looks and start doodling stuff behind my maths book to pass the time.

"Aurora Willow." She finally calls my name.

"Present," I say then proceed to doodle.

She continues calling out people's names and when she's done she says "Let us turn to page five and start learning some maths. " She sounds joyful and I bet anyone walking in the hallway can hear the sound of the paper rustling and pages turning.

A couple of minutes into the lesson and the door swings open and HOLY FUCK! The hottest guy I have ever seen walks through the door, dressed in a giant black hoodie, grey jeans, and black Nikes. Not only is he hot but he has some wicked sense of fashion plus a majority of his attire today is black and you know how much I love black.

His eyes meet mine and I can swear those hazel eyes are piercing straight into my soul and it makes my heart skip a beat and I just smile because it's nice to know my heart still works, He smiles back at me before taking the seat right in front of me and damn I am pretty sure that smile has the potential to cure diseases.

"Sorry, we're late miss." Says a guy that walked in with hazel eyes (That's what I'm calling the hot guy 'cause I don't know his name ) as he takes a seat in front of Hanna and winks at her and she winks back.

Aaaww that's so sweet. I'm pretty sure there's a story there but I won't ask until she tells me.

Miss Mandy takes out the register and calls out their names :

"Gabriel Clark."

"Present." Says the guy sitting in front of Hanna.

"Luke Wood." She calls out.

"Present." Hottie Mchottie and damn his voice is deep and husky and I honestly would not mind listening to him speak all day.

I think it's safe to say that I have a tiny crush on Luke Wood but you cannot blame me this guy is beyond fiinneee and plus the crush will probably be gone in a couple of days, No biggie.

"Psst," Hanna says trying to signal me then she passes me a folded note that has my name on it.

I open it and it reads :

"I see you already have a thing for Luke " I feel my cheeks heating up.

"Not really but he is super attractive though." I write and pass it back to her.

She smiles, writes something on the paper then passes it to me.

I open it and it reads "Don't deny guurll ! you were basically drooling and eye fucking him ."

Dammit! If she noticed then I'm pretty sure he did too. Fuck! I'm so embarrassed but I can't help the smile that is plastered across my face and it is with that that I write "Stoooppp." I'm blushing super hard already.

"Fine." She whispers after she reads it.

I know I keep saying this a lot but I had really missed this, the guy teasing, the company, and the really fun banter.

It really feels nice.


Hello, everyone :)

I hope you liked this chapter, if you did please don't forget to vote, comment, and share :)

Next update will be on Thursday!



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