Mission 1 - F.N.G

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The people in the theater stared at the screen for a few short moments, before the video started with an emblem, a silver sword with wings spun above the letters Beacon.

"Good news first, the world's in great shape" Everyone immediately recognized this voice. It was Yang. She said those words as the digital map appeared on the screen.

"Wait. Is that me?" Yang asked, surprised that she's the first person in the game to be introduced.

"Good news first, the world's in a great shape"  Yang explained

"Just another day in the office." Weiss's voice stated, sarcastically. Everyone immediately recognized this voice. It was Weiss.

"Is that me talking?" Weiss asked

"Yep." Lucy said "You should be honored about the role you're playing, Weiss. Your character is one of the most beloved and iconic characters in video game history." Lucy told Weiss, who felt really proud of her self by his words.

"I'm very honored." Weiss said with a smile on her face. Winter, smiling as well, gave her little sister a pat on her shoulder.

Weiss' voice continued, as the map shifted to a large continent, and a moment later, an image of Mercury Black appeared on the screen, "Mercury Black. Currently, the second most powerful person in the Middle West. Word on the streets he's got the minerals to be top down there, Intel's keeping an eye on him."

"Oh? This version of me sounds interesting." Mercury stated, intrigued on how his character is going to play.

"And the bad news?" Weiss asked, awaiting for more answers.

"We've got someone new joining us today, fresh out of selection. You should know who it is. Her name is Ruby 'Crescent' Rose." Yang answered.

"Aww, Yang, you named me after my weapon. Thank you." Ruby said, liking how her character is turning out.

"No problem, sis." Yang said, rubbing her sister's hair, much to the latter's embarrassment.

Theo and Lucy smiled but then frowned at how that they're going to break the scene of what's going to happen when they reached the end of the game.

Then, the image shifted, once again, but this time, it showed them a small area of which four giant barracks stood out the most. A marker appeared on one of those barracks which made some of the people from the audience wonder if this was the place where the story was about to start.

They weren't wrong.

A moment later an inscription appeared next to the barrack.

Ruby "Crescent" Rose

22nd Beacon


(I decided to skip a few things. Please don't hate me~)

"Good job on joining the military you two." Tai said to his daughters, who thank him.

"I have a question. Why was Ruby so silent?" Jaune asked

"Because the person she's playing doesn't speak." Theo explained.

"Ruby? Not talking? I can live with this? Her voice was annoying." Cinder said with a satisfied smirk.

"Excuse me?!" Summer shouted, not liking Cinder talking bad about her daughter. "I'll have you know my daughter has a sweet and beautiful voice thank you very much."

"Relaxed Summer. Ruby will talk in the next future."Lucy stated, calming her down, though Cinder was annoyed by this, but doesn't speak.

As Ruby walked past the training pit where Yatsuhashi was most likely training some new people, she made her way to the barrack which was slightly opened, as Flynt and Neon stood in the entrance.

"Aren't those the two people you guys fought before." Blake asked, looking at Weiss and Yang, who nodded. "Well at least they're on your side."

"Go easy on her, captain. It's her first day on our regiment." Flynt said to Weiss, who along with Neon and the unknown person turned their attention towards Ruby. 

"So you're this 'Crescent Rose' I've heard about. How did a dunce like you pass this section?" Weiss passed with an unimpressed look on her face.

"Sheesh, rude much?" Yang asked, looking at Weiss, who shrugged. It seems this version of Weiss is going to go through the same process she went through to this version of Ruby trust and respect.

Turning to her right, Weiss pointed at the tower which was next to them, "Cresent, it's your turn for the CQB test. Everyone else head to Observation. For this test, you'll have the cargo-ship solo in less than 60 seconds. Yang holds the current squadron record of 19 seconds. Good luck."

"19 seconds? I'll do it in less than 10 when I use my semblance in this." Ruby said, waving her hand.

"Sorry Ruby. No semblance allowed." Theo informed, much to the latter's disappointment

(Sorry, another skip. Please forgive me)

When Ruby reached the end, the audience looked to see how many seconds it took her to finish it. 18 seconds, she beat Yang, slightly.

"Wow, 18 seconds?! Not bad Ruby." Nora praised, along with her teammates and wby who were also impressed with Ruby's score.

"Aww, it was nothing guys really." Ruby said, embarrassed with all the praise she was getting.

"Nice work for the first try, but I have to admit, I've seen better." Yang told Ruby, "Climb up the ladder if you want another go. Otherwise come over to the monitors for a debrief."

Ruby started making her way to Weiss, who along with the Flynt and Neon and their other teammates were watching Ruby's performance on the monitors.

When she reached them, she heard Weiss say, "Ladies and Gentlemen, the cargo ship mission is a go. Get yourself sorted out. Wheels up at 0200. Dismissed."

And with that, everything went black, informing the audience that they were done with the first mission.

"So, the training mission is over." Neptune asked.

"Yes. Which brings us to the next mission of the trilogy." Theo said. "Is everybody ready?" 

They nodded. And with that Theo pressed the button stating the next mission.

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