Mission 13 - Heat

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The emblem of Beacon spun around for a second as the next mission began. Then, the camera began slowly lowering itself in the village in Menagerie where Weiss and her squad have recently captured and executed Mercury.

Yang's voice sounded on the screen, shortly after, "E.T.A. on the choppers for at least a half hour, Captain Schnee."

"No good." Weiss stated, "We'll be corpses for ten minutes by then. Every White Fang psycho in Cinder Fall's pocket is about to show up on our doorstep, coming to claim Mercury Black."

"Or what's left of him." Weiss pointed out.

Mercury sighed with frustration.

"Still mad?" Emerald joked. Mercury glared at her. "Still mad."

Anti-personnel mines are seen placed throughout the hill as their strategy is analyzed.

"Right." Weiss began. "We'll set charges along phase line Alpha on the southern hill... ...and more along phase line Bravo. We'll delay them all the way back to the top, and hold our ground at the extraction point in the fields around the farm. Any questions?"

"Let's do this." Was all Yang said.

Present day - eight hours after Mercury Black's death

A White Fang member is heard on a speaker saying, "Surrender at once and your lives will be spared! I am sure you will make the right choice given the circumstances! Drop your weapons and surrender at once! You will not be harmed if you surrender!"

Ruby, Weiss, Yang, Yatsuhashi, Flynt, and Neon move out to face the White Fang counterattack.

"Ignore that load of bollocks. Their counterattack is imminent. Spread out and cover the southern approach." Weiss told her squad.

"Captain, they're slowly coming up the hill. Just say when." Neon said

The team prones on the edge of a fenced cliff at the south end of the hill. The player has the option to climb up the church tower where there are RPGs he can use from there. The White Fang are seen walking up the hill, unaware they've walked right into the S.A.S. trap.

"Do it." Weiss declared

"Ka-boom." Neon said. Yang detonates phase line Alpha. The White Fang quickly realized they've been duped and panicked.

"Now that was amazing." Yang said, looking at the explosion

"Open fire!" Weiss shouted.

They begin to open fire as the White Wang attacks the hill after being caught by surprise by the ambush. Ruby fires the RPGs to hold them off for 4 rockets. After running out, Ruby fires her M249 or his M21er

"Squad, hold your ground, they think we're a larger force than we really are." Weiss told them.

"Copy." Yang replied. Wave after wave, they hold their ground.

"Put up a smokescreen! Throw your smoke grenades!" One of the White Fang members shouted.

Response to this order was immediate. Smoke grenades were thrown into the air and soon enough the entire lower part of the hill was engulfed in smoke. Ruby moved her scope around, trying to spot at least one faunus but she couldn't.

"They're putting up smokescreens. Yatsu - you see anything?" Weiss asked Yatsuhashi.

"Not much movement on the road. They might be moving to the west." Yatsuhashi replied quickly

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