Mission 6 - The Bog

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The mission began with the emblem of the marines which spined a few times, before it showed the audience a map.

The camera began zooming down as Lisa's Lavender's voice spoke up, "After heavy fighting today, Atlesian Marines began to push into the city where Mercury Black is making her last stand. Fighting has intensified in the Capital City. Anti-aircraft fire and burning buildings light the night."

"I'm not complaining, but Mercury should've prepared his soldiers better." Raven said.

"Yeah, he's getting his ass kicked." Qrow said.

"At least he's going to pay for what he did." Winter said, remembering what his men did in the earlier mission.

A small green screen appeared on the screen and it showed them the gunfire lightning in the sky.

Then, the camera zoomed in on the city, and a small screen showed them the tank, as a voice spoke up, "Roger on location. Repeating: Map Grid five-two-seven-six-one-niner, over."

"Bravo Six copies, sir." Ironwood replied.

"Bravo Six, we have an Abrams dead in the water. Call-sign War Pig. Lieutenant Ironwood, your unit is shotgun, over." Command said.

"War Pig? Seriously?" Cardin asked, laughing with his teammates.

"You couldn't come up with something better, 'lieutenant'? Qrow asked.

"It's general to you." Ironwood said, annoyed.

"Not in this universe you are... 'lieutenant?'" Qrow said, smirking. Ironwood could only glare and turn back to the screen.

As the camera showed them the location of the War Pig, Ironwood answered, "Copy. Bravo is inbound. Tell War Pig to stand by. We're on our way out. Out."

The camera began to lower itself down at the tank, before the screen went white. A moment later, when they could see everything through Coco's eyes, they saw that Ironwood was standing before Coco, along with a few marines, as they were most likely heading to help War Pig.

"Alpha's Company tank is stuck have a click north of here. We gotta hustle, hurry!" Ironwood shouted, waving his hand to her soldiers, as they began to run along the street.

Suddenly, gunfire rips down on the team from a darkened building by the highway. They continue to advance under heavy fire. They reach an apartment building.

"Switch to night vision now!" Ironwood shouted. Coco did as she was told and put on her night vision goggles. They begin to clear out the apartment adjacent to the darkened building. Jackson gets to the inside of the building.

"Adel, you and Roycewicz head upstairs. We'll cover this entrance. Go!" Ironwood ordered.

Adel and this guy Roycewicz proceed upstairs. Roycewicz gets attacked by an OpFor soldier, but Coco saves him in the nick of time. They continue up the stairs.

"He could've said 'thank you'." Jaune said.

"Yeah, that's very rude." Weiss said, agreeing with Jaune.

Jackson engages a group of OpFor on the second floor. They then clear out a machine gun nest, with the machine gun remaining intact.

"Hit their flank with their machine gun!; Adel, use their machine gun!" Ironwood ordered.

Coco gets on the machine gun and begins firing on the enemy's flank, shooting through the wall.

"These guys didn't stand a chance." Cardin said, his teammates agreeing with him.

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