Mission 18 - No Fighting in the War Room

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The emblems of Beacon and A.M.C were shown spinning for a few seconds to the audience before they were replaced by the view of the two missiles flying towards their targets. They broke off and launch each of their six warheads, which will detonated all along the the Atlesian Coast in 15 minutes and thirty seconds.

"Will they make it in time?" Velvet asked.

"They will if they hurry." Coco assured.

"Don't forget they have to get the codes first." Cardin said

 "Team One moving in." Yang spoke up.

An unknown beacon marine spoken up as well, "Team Two heading for base security."

"Team Three has entered the base." Another marine said.

The camera then showed the audience the launch facility from the earlier mission and tracked the teams that breached it which were in the air vents. It then moved across the entire facility, showing the audience all of the rooms that they will have to go through to get to the launch control room.

Command's voice then sounded on the screen, "Bravo Team, we got good news and bad news. Launch control is located southwest of your position, less than half a klick away. That's where you'll need to upload the abort codes to destroy the missiles in flight." Command explained.

"Yang, go with the Atlesians and hit the security station. Ruby, Vasilias, and I will head for launch control." Weiss said

"Roger." Yang responded, before asking, "Command, what's the bad news?"

"Uh..the bad news is we're still trying to get those abort codes, over." Command said.

"Seriously? Don't they know people are gonna die if they don't get those codes?" Kali asked

"Don't worry dear, they still have time." Ghira assured.

"The hell with it. We'll give it our best shot. Out." Weiss stated.

"Agreed." Weiss said, agreeing with her other self.

The camera goes to Ruby in the facility's air vents. Ruby, Weiss, and Neptune are shown making their way through the vents in the facility.

"Alright, lets move. Weiss said.

"Captain Schnee, this is Five-Delta Six, we're clearing the east wing heading for base security, over." Delta Six said.

"Roger, Delta Six, we're right above you in the vents, watch your fire."  Weiss informed.

"Copy that sir." Delta Six responded.

"Captain Schnee, Two-Yankee six reporting in." Another marine called out, "We're meeting with heavy resistance in the south wing. They've locked down our access point over here, over."

"Roger Yankee Six. Regroup with Team Two and help them gain control of base security, over." Weiss answered.

"Roger that sir. We're pulling back to regroup with Team Two. Yankee Six out." Yankee Six responded.

They come down from the vents into a shower room of the barracks.

"Captain Weiss, we're sending your team the abort codes you'll need to auto-destruct the missiles in flight. You have fifteen minutes before those missiles reach the eastern seaboard, over." Command said

"Copy that." Weiss said

A lot of the people in the audience let out a sigh of relief after hearing this information. Weiss's squad was already in the facility and they just got the codes.

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