Mission 7 - Hunted

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An emblem of AMC appeared on the screen, and spined for a moment, before it was replaced with a Beacon one, informing the audience that they were back with Ruby, Yang, Weiss and Velvet.

"We're back to ourselves now." Velvet said.

"We've got Velvet! We're taking her to the safehouse in Vale! E.T.A., Oh-seven hundred hours! Out!" Yang radioed.

The screen views into Ruby and sees everyone inside the helicopter. Everything seems to be going alright when suddenly an alarm goes off and Weiss see something, "What the bloody hell is that?!"  A Stinger missile begins to close in. "Incoming missile! Hold on!"

The helicopter is hit and begins to spin towards the ground.

"Mayday, mayday! This is Hammer 6-4, we are goin' down, I repeat, we are going down 2 miles south of Waypoint 5..."

Everything goes dark as the helicopter as the crashes.

"Are they okay?" Tai asked, worried about his daughter's safety.

Much of his relief, Ruby began to open her eyes as Weiss came over to her and said, "You're still in one piece. Get up."

The wrecked helicopter explodes, presumably from the fuel tank igniting.

"Come on, we need to get moving before the search parties get here." Weiss said.

Weiss helped Ruby up and made their way to the survivors. 

"Casualty report." Weiss said, as Ruby picks up an MP5.

"Both pilots are dead, ma'am." Yang said, checking on them.

"Bugger." Weiss said, shaking her head. "All right, the extraction point's not far from here. Let's move out."

The squad began to run along the path into the farmlands, as Jacque's voice spoke up on the screen, "Bravo Six, this is Baseplate. AC-130 gunship support is on the way but it will take some time before they will be in a position to assist, over."

"It seems your dad cares about you in this universe, Weiss." Yang whispered to her.

"Yeah... he does." Weiss said. 

"Copy, Bravo-Six out." Weiss replied back.

"An AC-130, eh? Haven't worked with one of those in a while." Yang said.

"Keep a low profile. Let's stay out of trouble." Weiss said.

They group up with a scout watching out for vehicles from behind a fence by the highway.

"Where did he come from?" Blake asked, as some were wondering the same thing. 

"Some soldiers will appear out of nowhere in the blue." Theo said, "It's best if you just roll with it."

"Captain, vehicles coming from the north." The soldier said.

"Get under that bridge - move it." Weiss ordered.

"Bossy much?" Nora asked.

"I'm the captain." Weiss said.

They sprint to take cover under the bridge as a convoy speeds past. A helicopter with a search beam also arrives and flies overhead to scout the crash site

"Alright, let's move." Weiss said.

The team comes across the back door of an old wooden garage. They hear voices from the other side of the building.

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