Mission 16 - Ultimatum

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The emblems of Beacon and AMC were shown spinning around to the audience.

The emblems moved aside before a familiar voice spoke up, with picture of Cinder appearing on the screen at the same time, "Our so-called leaders prostituted us to the north...Destroyed our culture...Our economies...Our honor. Our blood has been spilled on our soil."

Adam turned to Ghira, "This is what would happen if you remained in the position of leader of the White Fang."

"Adam." Blake spoke up to him, "If you will stick with your current methods, then it will be something that will eventually bring you down."

Adam just rolled his eyes to that, convinced that what she just said was utter nonsense.

The image of the ferris wheel changed itself into something else. This time, it was a picture which shows the audience Ilia's lifeless body, with blood spilling from her head.

Emerald cringed at this, still shaken up that her character killed herself.

Cinder continued, "...My blood... On their hands."

"I may not condone what Miss. Fall is doing but I can understand her anger here." Ozpin said.

Goodwitch sighed, but agreed, "She may have been her adopted daughter but she was still her daughter."

The image of Cinder, Mercury, Emerald and some other man was shown to the audience again, only this time, Emerald's face was crossed out by a red marker, meaning Cinder was the only one left alive in this picture.

Cinder continued, "They are the invaders."

Just a second after she said those words, this single imagine was shifted into a few more images this time were showing Cinder and the White Fang soldiers in some kind of facility, with the leader commanding her soldiers to do various things.

"A-are they...?" Ruby asked.

"Yes Miss Rose... they are." Ozpin said, shaking his head.

Sienna finished her speech by saying, "All Atlesian. and Valesian forces will leave Menagerie immediately... Or suffer the consequences..."

"What if she has more of those nuclear missiles in her stock?" Velvet voiced her theory, "We already saw her use one on Coco and Ironwood, but it was never stated that it was the only one they had."

Many people, mostly students were scared and worried after hearing that.

Cinder was cut off by Weiss, "It's quite simple. Either we retake the launch facility or we won't recognize the world tomorrow..."

"What does she mean by that?" Salem asked.

A map appeared on the screen and it showed the audience location of the next mission, which happened to be in the mountains somewhere in Menagerie.

"Green light to HALO. Charlie Team go. Second drop approaching. Bravo Team stay tight. Go." Weiss said.

The plane was shifted into a view of five parachutes slowly falling down. Four of them were quite close to each other, but one of them was landing half a mile away from the rest of the squad. This parachute belonged to Neptune Vasilias.

"Um Neptune," Sun began, "Where are you going."

"He's going to get caught." Blake said, bluntly.

Adam shook his head, "His second mission working together ends up with him getting taken. Disappointed."

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