Mission 9 - Shock and Awe

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The emblem of Atlesian Marine Corp spined around for a few seconds before it moved to the upper left part of the screen as the map appeared in the view of the audience. It showed them the location from the previous mission as the camera zoomed itself down, now showing them green outlines of numerous buildings and the helicopter Coco and Ironwood had gotten into.

As it took off into the air, Commands voice spoke up, "Marines, we have a possible fix on Mercury Black in the capital city. 1st Battalion is en route. Intel gathered by Beacon indicates that Mercury Black may have a Menagerian warhead... Speed is critical. NEST teams have been deployed to the area. Force Recon and Wild Weasel units have taken out most of the air defenses but Mercury's ground forces still pose a serious threat."

The camera showed them off a place which was told them to be Mercury's palace as the footage of her was broadcasting in a square on the left side of the screen, before it was joined by her bio, as it popped out down it. Then it zipped to show them some moving aircraft, speeding along the city.

"Looks like we're rollin' in with everything we got." Ironwood's voice ran in their ears, "We get Mercury, we end this war, right here, right now. Lock and load, Marines!"

"It looks like they're closing in on Mercury." Cardin said.

"I wouldn't be surprised." Qrow said "Considering he's getting his ass kicked."

"I don't know. I still have a bad feeling about this." Pyrrha said.

The camera views Coco in one of the Sea Knight manning a Mark 19 Grenade Launcher. More U.S. helicopters and tanks are seen moving into the Capital City.

"In formation. Approaching objective. 30 seconds." Outlaw Two-Five said

"Outlaw, this is Deadly. We'll take out the big targets, mop up any troublemakers with the Mark 19. Theo was the only person to recognize this voice as the pilot from volume 5 who took Weiss out of Atlas.

"All call-signs, this is Overlord. We're seeing enemy armor on the bottom grove west of the river." A familiar voice, which most people recognize.

"Wait... is that...?" Qrow asked.

"Miss Goodwitch?" Ozpin asked

"I'm playing in as well?" Goodwitch asked, surprised.

As they near the city, Coco loads her Mark 19 and the enemy T-72s, BMPs and RPGs fire at the helicopters.

"Taking fire." Five said

Deadly and the other Cobra helicopters destroy the T-72s while Coco destroys the BMPs on the highway, before then destroying an enemy anti-aircraft nest on one rooftop.

"RPGs on rooftops." Five said.

Coco takes out foot-mobiles with RPGs on the rooftops as the chopper enters the city.

"Light armor, take it out, Adel! More ground infantry, watch it." Five said.

Coco fires at the courtyard, taking out two BMPs along with infantry. 

"Anti-air battery, rooftop. Hostiles with RPGs." Five said.

Coco takes out the AA nest and a BMP next to a fuel truck, also detonating the fuel truck, which sends up a fireball as the gas station it was next to explodes as well.

"Command this is Outlaw Two-Five. Infantry is making a run for it. We are clear to land." Five said.

"Uh...Roger that. Ok. Bachelor Two-Seven, let's get those Abrams to the front. Outlaw, this is command, unload half your chalk and take the other 2 klicks to the west. We need you to evacuate an advanced team pinned down in the city." Command informed

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