Mission 3 - The Coup

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The next mission started when the same map appeared on the screen, and a small square pointed at the location of the previous mission along Ruby's name inscripted on the right of it, before the camera began to move away from this place until it reached a certain point. Then, it began moving all across the map until it stopped on the which the audience recognized as Vacuo.

A square that had "Scanning" written on the left came into the audience's view, as the camera began zooming into it, and it showed them a city near Vacuo's coast. It certainly looked like an unpleasant place to live.

Then, the camera lowered itself into the streets, and it seemed like it was following a car that was driving forward itself.

Another name appeared on the screen. This name was familiar to some of them.



Leonardo Lionheart

"Leo... in Vacuo?" Ozpin questioned.

"Car is inbound." The voice that was unknown for everyone in the audience spoke up.

"Continue tracking." Jacque's voice said a moment after.

The camera followed the car for several more seconds, until it stopped in the middle of the street, causing the camera to change its focus to the house that was in front of it. It lowered itself, once again, and it showed them a man who was being carried by two other men.

A few seconds later, the camera flew into the head of Lionheart, before the perspective had changed, and they could once again, see what was happening through someone else's eyes.

The door before Lionheart was shut wide open, as the two men were dragging him to the car. The few other people were also visible but they were just doing their own things, or looking at Lionheart and the two men.

"Today we rise again as one nation, in the face of betrayal and corruption!" Mercury's voice rang through the audience's ears.

"That's your voice Mercury." Emerald said

"I know." Mercury simply said, scratching his chin, thinking what role his character is playing.

A moment after, Lionheart was thrown into the car by one of the men. He pushed himself up from the seat, but the first thing he got after he rised from the seat was a rifle-butt to the head.

"That must've hurt." Watts said.  

"He's in a very bad situation." Cinder stated.

"What you think is gonna happen to him." Emerald asked Mercury.

"Well he's in a car and they're taking him somewhere, so i guess we'll find out.' Mercury said.

As Lionheart pushed himself up from the seat, again the faunus in the driver seat who people in the audience recognized Emerald as turned her attention to Lionheart and took a quick glance at him, before turning forward herself.

"Looks like I'm not the only one here." Mercury said, glancing at Mercury who was surprised that she was here.

As the car began driving, Mercury continued, "We all trusted this man to deliver our great nation into a new era of prosperity."

When the car drove past the group of soldiers who were firing the bullets in the air, Emerald poked the faunus driver on his shoulder, and pointed to the left. The driver did as he was told to and turned to the left as Emerald pulled out her phone and began talking with someone.

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