Mission 8 - War Pig

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An emblem of Beacon appeared on the screen, meaning the start of another mission. The camera went away from the map, and it showed the audience the last location of Ruby Rose, before it moved across the map and stopped on Vacuo.

"Looks like we're on me and Ironwood." Coco said.

An emblem of Beacon appeared on the screen again and it quickly changed into the A.M.C one, with Coco's name written under it. The camera started zooming itself down onto the location where Coco, Ironwood, and Neptune and other marines were defending a tank from Mercury's forces the last time they saw them.

"It looks like you're losing, Mercury." Roman said.

"In order to win a war, you must prepare your soldiers better." Watts said.

Ironwood's voice sounded on the screen, "Command, this is Lt. Ironwood. War Pig is en route. We're not missing this party..."

"Still can't get over how ridiculous that name sounds." Qrow said.

"For once, I agree with you." Winter said

Then the camera finally zoomed itself down onto Coco, and the audience could see her, hiding behind a destroyed car, as she along Ironwood, Neptune and many other marines were fighting off Mercury's forces.

"Jackson! Get your ass on the line now! We got hostiles moving in from the north!" A marine shouted.

"Bravo Six we're clear of the Bog, thanks for the assist. We'll hold down the left flank and provide supporting fire, out." War Pig said.

Enemy helicopters are seen about to drop troops.

"Enemy air assault! Get ready! They're moving on both our flanks!" Roycewicz said. 

"Grab an RPG and take out those choppers!" It seemed like all Coco had to hear. She quickly walked over to the RPG and picked one of them up. She aimed it at one of the helicopters as the first enemy was about to start to rappel down line into the battlefield, but he didn't make it to the ground as Coco took the helicopter out with the RPG, which was quickly followed by the second one sharing the same fate, the sound of both of them crashing somewhere could be heard in the background. "Uh, Bravo Six, possible ambush area up front. We'll uh move up when you've cleared the area ahead of us, over." War Pig said.

"Watch for silhouettes on the rooftops!" Ironwood shouted.

"Marines stand clear. We're gonna get some rounds into those buildings!" War Pig said

As they move through the streets, War Pig picks out targets.

Gunner, two/three story building, 11/1 o'clock/11:30, ground floor/second floor (balcony)!" War Pig stated.

"Target acquired!" Roycewicz said

"Fire!" War Pig yelled. War Pig fires its cannon, taking out enemy targets. Coco was able to witness how the front of it was completely destroyed, leaving a huge hole in the building out of which smoke was coming out. The enemies who were firing from there were neither dead or left severely wounded, meaning that wouldn't cause them more trouble.

"Dang." Mercury said.

"I doubt they felt that." Emerald said.

''Bravo Six, we're moving up." War Pig called out as the entire machine, along with marines began moving along the street further into the city.

Coco goes into a house talking out many enemies in the process then went up the balcony proceeding to take out as many enemies as she could with Ironwood, Neptune and the others doing the same from the ground level and, the machine gun from the War Pig taking out a better portion of them down itself.

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