Mission 11 - Ghillied Up

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The camera slowly moves itself across the map, away from the place where the previous one took place. It stopped at a certain place on the map. The one that some of the audience know very well.

The map suddenly started to change into a more older style. It was when a name showed up on the left side of the screen.

5 Years Ago

"All Ghillied Up"

Mountain Glenn

Lt. Schnee

22nd Beacon

"So it's a flashback from 5 years ago." Weiss stated.

"Only this time it's playing as you." Winter said.

"So it'll tell us how you and Cinder know each other." Jaune said.

Weiss spoke up, "I was just a "Leftenant" back then...doing some wet-work."

"Leftenant? What does that mean?" Ruby asked.

"It means lieutenant." Lucy informed.

"Oh." Ruby said.

The camera moved to the side and it showed the audience four different photos of different things, just a second after a large building covered the entire screen, "Mountain Glenn. Christmas for the bad guys." The photo was changed, this time it showed everyone a computer-like machine, "Even a decade later, a lot of them still used it to get their hands on nuclear material..."

At the mention of nuclear material some of the audience flinched, knowing what it was capable of after what happened to Coco, Ironwood and other marines, which Theo didn't fail to notice.

"Nuclear material? Was a nuke dropped there as well?" Summer asked, a bit nervous.

"No." Lucy said

"Then what happened?" Qrow asked.

"We'll explain in a moment." Theo said

The photo was changed once again, this time it showed them a a warning sign with some strange sign, as Weiss continued, while the photo was changed again, and it showed the audience no other than Cinder Fall, "A lot of 'em...including one, Cinder Fall."

"And there I am. Without my arm." Cinder said

Other photos started popping onto the map as Weiss continued, "Of course we couldn't just let that happen. Cash for spent fuel rods? That's one hell of a recipe for destruction. It was the first time our government had authorized an assassination order since the Second World War... I was under the command of Captain Schnee..."

"Captain Schnee?" Ironwood looked between Winter and Jacques.

Winter looked at her father, "So it's either me or your, father."

Jacques rubbed his chin, "We'll see."

The next thing the audience saw was Weiss crouching in the grass. She pulled out a suppressed M21 sniper-rifle as a familiar male voice spoke up on the screen, "Too much radiation. We'll have to go around."

"It's you father." Winter said.

"So it would seem." Jacques watching how his character is going to play out.

"Radiation? What is it?" Summer asked, voicing the question that appeared in the minds of some of the people in the audience.

Theo explains to them about radiation and what happened. Everyone was shocked and horrified by what they were hearing.

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