Mission 2 - Crew Expendable

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"Bravo Team, the intel on this op comes from our informant in Menagerie." Weiss's voice spoke up as the camera lowered itself on the large ship, "The package is aboard a medium freighter, Vacuo registration number 52775." She began explaining as the camera began moving all across the ship, showing it off. There were also the red dots which symbolized their enemies, "There is a small crew and a security detail on board.''

"Rules of engagement, captain?" Yang asked.

"Crew expendable." Weiss answered.

"I assume that these people are somehow involved with Mercury, otherwise why would they kill them." Sun stated, remembering that in the previous mission Mercury was introduced as probably the main villain of this story.

"We'll have to find that out." Blake said

"Why do I have to follow Weiss's orders?" Yang asked "Why not Ruby? She's a better leader. Um... no offense."

"None taken... I guess." Weiss said.

"Sorry, Yang, but that's how this universe plays." Theo said. "I was surprised myself when she took the role as Captain Price."

"Who's that." Pyrrha asked.

"Captain John Price is the character the Weiss will be taking the role of." Lucy explained.

"What about Ruby and Yang?" Ren asked, curious about what character roles they're playing."

"Ruby will be playing as John "Soap" MacTavish. And Yang as Gaz." Theo informed.

"Soap? Gaz? What the hell kind of names are those?" Mercury asked, baffled

"Believe I wished I knew." Theo said, remembering Price saying the same thing.

The camera lowered itself onto the chopper which was flying in the direction of the ship, before the perspective had changed, the audience was seeing everything through Ruby's eyes, once again. She was looking forward, to Weiss who sat in front of her. 

(If anyone was expecting Weiss to smoke like Captain Price, sorry, that's not happening)

When the three of them touched the ground, they looked over at the four men behind a control panel.

"Weapons free." Weiss said as she, Ruby and Yatsuhashi pulled the triggers, and shot down all of them men down, before they could react.

"It seems this universe doesn't use auras." Ironwood stated, observing everything.

"Bridge secured." Yatsuhashi stated the obvious as the three of them went over to the entrance to the deck.

"Bridge secured." Yatsuhashi stated as the three of them went over to the entrance to the deck.

"Hold you fire, Yang stay in the bird till we secure the deck, over." Weiss said.

"Roger that." Yang responded as Weiss kicked the door open and went inside the deck, followed by her squad.

"Well that was... unexpected." Jaune said

"What?" Winter asked, staring at him on what he meant by that.

"O-oh... uh nothing it's just that... I didn't expect Weiss to be that strong". Jaune said nervous. 

Now it was Weiss turn to stare. 

"Well, I AM a Schnee." Weiss said, annoyed. "What'd you expect." Weiss turned around looking back at the screen along with her sister.

Ruby, Weiss and Yatsuhashi went down the stairs which were leading to the lower side of the deck and when they turned to the left, the first thing they saw was one of the men from the crew. He was walking forward himself with a bottle in his hand, singing to himself, completely unaware of the people that were in front of him. He was taken down by Yang, with a simple shot in the head.

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