Mission 10 - Safehouse

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The satellite tracking Coco labels her as K.I.A. as a result of the nuclear detonation in the Middle East

Everyone, who knows what K.I.A means, could only shake their heads. However, Ruby, being oblivious as always asked.

"What does K.I.A mean." Ruby asked.

"Killed In Action." Weiss answered, signing.

"Oh." Ruby said, looking down at the floor.

Then, the camera started moving across the map with the Beacon logo popped onto the screen.

"It's back to us now." Weiss said

"They picked the best people to go after Mercury." Blake said, with Weiss, Ruby, and Yang nodding their heads in agreement, both of them wanting justice for everything Mercury did in the story. 

As Velvet contacts Weiss a safehouse in Menagerie is analyzed as the SAS team prepares to move in and capture Mercury Black.

"That man is a coward, Captain Schnee. Mercury Black would never sacrifice himself. There is a safehouse in Menagerie that Mercury Black has used in the past. I am sending you the coordinates..."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean." Mercury said, offended by what she said about his character.

"You bomb an entire city and ran to hide." Winter said, stating the obvious. "What do you expect them to call you?"

"Hehe, they're calling you a coward." Emerald said, laughing.

"Shut up." Mercury said

"Understood Velvet. Yang, assemble the team. We're going to Menagerie." Weiss said

"Yes ma'am. I hear it's lovely this time of the year..." Yang said.

The camera completely zoomed itself down on the location of the squad and the next thing the audience saw was Ruby checking her M4A1 as she was crouching down in the bushes in front of an old gas station along with Yang, Weiss, Yatsuhashi, Flynt, and Neon. 

 Ruby sees someone flashing a signal to the team with his flashlight.

"Who's that." Ruby asked.

"Her answer quickly came when Weiss stated, " There's Wukong's men."

"Sun is back?" Pyrrha asked.

"That's right he's gonna be appearing more often." Lucy informed.

They link up with the Loyalist. "Mercury Black is in the village. The White Fang are protecting him."

"Now you're hiding behind the White Fang?" Vernal asked? "Coward."

"Urgh." Was all Mercury could say.

"Perfect. Move out." Weiss said.

As they head up the hill, screams and gunshots can be heard from a distance.

"What the bloody hell's going on up there?" Weiss asked, wanting to know.

"It's the White. They're killing the villagers." The loyalist said.

Winter shook her head saying, "Monsters."

"Those poor people." Summer said.

"Yeah well, not for long they're not." Yang said.

The squad made their way up the hill, spotting the buildings. One of them was a church on their left, and other was a house which was apparently filled with the White Fang members, because they started shooting at the squad the moment this building came into their view. Ruby aimed her weapon at the window of the house from which one of the White Fang members was firing and took him out with a simple shot in the head.

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