Mission 15 - The Sins of the Mother

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The emblem of Beacon spinned around for a few seconds, before a familiar large map was shown to the audience. It pointed at the village from which Weiss's squad was evacuated after taking out Mercury.

It lasted a second before an emblem of Beacon appeared on the screen again, only this time, it was joined by the A.M.C emblem.

"Joint Operation."

The picture of Cinder, Mercury and some others with his face crossed out appeared on the screen. It was just seconds before Mercury's face was crossed out too, meaning only one thing. That he was dead.

"Well, we got that bastard." Neptune's voice is heard on the screen.

"Still, he's not the one responsible for killing your marines," Weiss pointed out, "Sorry mate."

The camera moved itself a bit to the right, showing Cinder to the audience, before Yang started explaining, "Cinder Fall, huh? Woman's a ghost. Intel says she's gone underground.

"Well I got a plan to find her." Weiss declared.

"I'm listening." Neptune said.

Emerald's, profile is shown.

It was when Neptune said something that surprised a lot of people, "Mommy's girl."

A lot of people were surprised by this revelation, but some of the people were quick to voice their thoughts.

"Mommy's girl?" Adam asked, wanting to be sure if he didn't misheard it.

"Well..." Mercury stated, "That was unexpected."

"Even so," Winter began, "If she is really her daughter, then I'm certain that she will really be the key to catching Cinder Fall." Winter stated, already certain that this will happen.

An image of Emerald walking forward herself with something exploding behind her appeared on the screen.

"Cinder Fall's adopted daughter. Commander of the White Fang forces in the field. Rotten apples don't fall far from the tree. The loyalist Cinder Fall has got a location on the kid." Weiss explained.

"And the little punk'll know how to find Cinder Fall." Neptune finished Weiss' explanation.

"The sins of our mothers..." Yang stated.

Weiss and Winter bit their lips after hearing this part. In their case, it wasn't their mothers, but their father's sins that made many people see them exactly the same way as they see their father.

Jacques took notice of this and couldn't help but frown.

The next thing that they audience saw Ruby who was walking through what appeared to be an abandoned junkyard filled with abandoned cars with a R700 sniper-rifle held tightly in her grasp during the night.

She wasn't alone. One of her companions' voice sounded on the screen, "This is the best way in. The vehicle checkpoint is directly ahead."

"Hey I'm back." Sun said.

"As long you don't die or someone ends up beating information out of you you should be find." Neptune said, looking at Yang.

"Hey!" Yang shouted to him, "He's the one who didn't share the information Velvet's whereabouts."

Ruby moves behind her team as Weiss calls out to Sun, "Not bad, Wukong. This'll do nicely. Vulture One-Six, we're in position."

"Bravo-Six, this is Vulture One-Six. Radio jammers are active, you're cleared to engage the guard station. Out." Vulture One-Six replied.

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