Aarav Ruan

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31st century's world seemed pretty cool. Isn't that? Now let's go to our boy in 21st century (2040). It was 7 o'clock in the morning. A boy was sitting on a black bean bag next to the window. His light brown eyes were looking at a science book. He bought it yesterday with his this month's pocket money. He didn't wear glasses usually but he needed it while reading. It was raining hard outside. The drops of water had wetted the half-opened glass of window. Some students were running covering their heads with school bags. A few dogs were barking and bathing in the rain with joy. There was a small cafe in the middle. A four-year-old girl with two small ponytails came out from the cafe, holding her mom's hand. She looked angry. Trying to get back to the cafe again but couldn't as her mom was holding her hand tightly.
"The stupid served us a horrible coffee! Momma, it was cold! He fooled us! Why aren't you understanding? Let me get our money back!" She shouted.
-"It wasn't his fault, dear. We ourselves ordered cold coffee."
-"Then why cold coffee? Why not ice cream?"
-"You just have gone through a fever. I won't let you have ice cream. Fine, let's go to restaurant. I'll get you your favourite spicy sausages and  soupy noodles. "
-"It's okay but I guess the coffee wasn't less cold than ice cream." The girl went away with her mom.

Two chefs from the cafe came out and kept staring at a road light on the left. There was a nest with three Quail eggs. Seemed to fall down because of the wind. "Get me a pan!" A chef shouted to another one. The second chef came out with a pan and both of them kept staring again. It was about to fall down. Now! The chefs ran to the road light and holded the pan. The nest fell on it. They looked aside and saw the mother Quail was sitting on a full of ripe Orange tree.
-"Sorry, we're not the criminals this time. The wind is. Anyways, your eggs are really tasty. I love to fry them!" The first chef ran with the pan of nest.
-"I think you should adopt one." The second chef said and ran into the cafe. It started lightning  outside but the boy wasn't paying attention to it and continued  reading. His eyes were not moving from the book. It was seen in his eyes that how serious and passionate he was.
"Aarav! Come downstairs, dear. I need to talk to you." A voice came from the downstairs.
Aarav was so busy at seeking knowledge that words couldn't reach his ears.
"Aarav! I'm talking to you," mom called again. Aarav heard nothing. Within a minute, the door got opened,
- "Aarav? I'm calling you. Where are you lost?".
Aarav paid attention to mom.
-" Sorry, mom. I was reading. I didn't notice."
-"What are you reading?" mom wanted to know.
-"A science book! This book is so interesting! Mom, do you know? Babies have around 100 more bones than adults." He said with a bunch of happiness.

- "Stop all this and listen to me! I just had a phone call from your class teacher. He complained  me about your math result. You got 52 out of 100? Like seriously?!". Mom shouted.
Aarav felt bad but didn't say anything. Kept his gesture down.

- "I know I can't fix a house teacher for you like others. But you've to try nah?"
- "Yes, mom."
- "You know your dad's condition. It's getting tough to handle everything for me." She said getting a little bit soft.
Aarav was just looking down listening to mom.
- "Your science test's result also has been announced  nah?"
- "Yes, mom"
- "What about that?"
- "I got 100"
- "I knew it. You always get 100 in science. But stop focusing on science only. Other subjects also do exist, especially math. Show me your math problems now."
- "There's no problem, mom"
- "What? Are you kidding? There's no problem? Then why do you get such marks always?" She said with a strict voice.
Aarav didn't reply. He was trying not to eye contact with mom.
- "Say something!". Mom shouted.
- "Mom, you know nah? I want to be a scientist." Trying to convince mom.
- "Stop dreaming, Aarav! And stop giving science the first priority."
- "But mom, look at my science result!"
- "Results can't show your future."
- "Exactly, mom! Math result can't show my future. But if I try, science can!"
- "Stop blabbering, Aarav! I don't want to argue with you. I have made my words clear. Hope you got it. Anyways, The rain has stopped. I'm going to the supermarket. Take care of yourself."
- "Yes, mom."

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