Backfire of the conspiracy

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- "Is he okay? Did he wake up?" Jenny asked with a worried gesture.
- "I don't know. He isn't opening eyes. His skin looks so red."
- "Why so?"
- "I have no idea. Can you get me weather controlling sunscreen? I guess he isn't able to tolerate the weather. That's why fell unconscious."

Jenny got Jack weather controlling sunscreen. This sunscreen protected our skin from unbearable temperature.
It worked for 24 hours long. Jack applied the sunscreen on Aarav. His skin looked quite better now. Jenny had turned on the air cooler. So he was much better now. Looked quite comfortable. Maybe was so tired, that's why not waking up. It was better to let him sleep for a while. Jack put a white light blanket on him. And both of them left the room. Day went and the night came......
Aarav was still sleeping. Jenny and Jack were in the drawing room as Aarav was sleeping in their room. They were feeling uncomfortable about a stranger being home like this. But Jack was just hoping that mom doesn't find out about this. She didn't like such things at all. Hope everything goes well. Jack was in a deep thought, lying down on the sofa. Feeling sleepy but couldn't as Jenny had fallen asleep. Though she tried hard to not fall asleep but failed as she was too tired. And it wouldn't be safe for them to sleep together. A stranger was in home and he obviously couldn't leave his sister alone. It was almost midnight. Jack closed his eyes. Realizing to fall asleep, he opened his eyes quickly and gave himself a shake. He closed his eyes for the second time and again opened up. He saw Jenny sleeping on a beanbag. Holding a half-read book on her chest. Seemed to be in a sound sleep. Unintentionally, he closed his eyes for the third time. This time he lost all his control and fell asleep. The night was quite calm. Maybe because of the mess of the weather, everybody was avoiding going out. There was a massive glass in the drawing room instead of a wall. This glass could make you tour the entire world. Wearing a special glass, you could exactly feel being in a different world. This glass usually looked like an invisible glass. It was a normal glass when none was using it. A beautiful moon over buildings was seen so far through it. On a sudden, the electricity went off. It was not a normal thing here. Electricity stayed with them all the time. It was kind of suspicious to happen. The entire city was looking dark. It never happened for last hundred years. Then what was wrong? Suddenly, a couple of colourful butterflies started shining in their colour. These were coming from a flower vase kept on a table. The aroma of the flowers was taking away the room to a different world. Within a few minutes, the butterflies made the darkness fade away. These butterflies were actually mini robots. It was used in darkness for light. It automatically came out feeling dark. Though these weren't used much as the electricity never messed. A violet butterfly came flying and sat on the book over Jenny, and an another golden one on her nose. Both of the butterflies went showing off the scar on Jenny's neck which looked like the alphabet 'A'. Heema tried a lot to erase the scar. But doctor was failed to erase it. He said it might remain forever. All on a sudden, a screaming voice came from upstairs. It broke both Jenny and Jack's sleep.
- "What's happening? Who just screamed?" Wondered Jenny with a tensed voice.
- "I really don't have any idea."

They quickly moved to the upstairs by the stairs. These stairs were made with glasses. Colourful fishes were swimming in it. Colourful stones, small water trees were also seen there. There was also blue tide, which's deep blue colour was highlighting the stairs greatly. It looked so impressive to look. And the darkness had made it even more impressive. Entering the room, they saw nobody was there. Aarav wasn't seen anywhere. It was too dark. Maybe the butterflies of this room weren't working. Jack looked at Jenny for once. Then moved forward to check out. He was slowly moving forward. Jenny was feeling suspicious. She wasn't finding anything well. Something was surely wrong here. She kept glaring at the entire room. All on a sudden, her eyes caught a shining two-eyed creature. It was slowly moving forward to Jack from behind his back. Maybe Jenny knew these eyes. She had met it before. Where? Jenny got it instantly. She was about to scream.
- "J-jack! Stop!" She screamed. On the meantime, it jumped on Jack. Jenny quickly turned on the moonlight. This light used moonlight to light up, and exactly looked and produced light like a full moon. There was the black cat. Holding a bloody owl in its mouth. It gave Jenny a nasty glare. Then it left by the window.
- "Jack! Are you okay? Are you?" Jenny moved to Jack. The cat had left a scar on his left leg. It looked like a cross symbol. The wound was quite deep. Jenny made Jack get up.
- "Wait here. I'm bringing first aid box from downstairs." Jenny moved to leave. Suddenly, she realized she just saw something beside her bed.
- "What?" Jack said, noticing Jenny's pause.
- "There's something." She moved towards it slowly. Oh, it was the boy. He was injured too. Holding his left hand in pain. Maybe he was so panicked as he suddenly got attacked while sleeping, that too in a dark room. He got panicked seeing Jenny and Jack there. He fell unconscious in the backyard. Then who brought him here? He was totally confused.
- "Are you okay?" Asked Jenny.
- "Yes." Aarav confusedly replied. Though he said he was absolutely okay. But Jenny could clearly see he was not okay at all. Literally trembling in pain. Jenny didn't waste more time.
- "You take care of yours and him too. I'm coming." She said turning back at Jack, and quickly moved to the downstairs to bring first aid box. It was midnight. The moon was greatly shining with a thousand of stars. Already the news of the sudden mess of electricity had spread all over the city. Everyone was confused. Everyone was experiencing such a lightless situation for the first time in life. It was quite unexpected to them. Though it was a unique experience as well. Maybe for the first time in life people had come out without any special reason and was glaring at the sky. Really the sky looked beautiful. They never paid attention to the sky. Never realized its beauty. Really it looked so impressive. A lightless city with a thousand of stars. A girl was continuously looking up at the sky. She saw something round crossing through it. It looked like a shining ball.
- "What was that, dad?" She looked up at her dad. Dad followed her gesture. But it already left.
- "What, dear?"
- "There was a shining ball in the sky"
- "It must be shooting stars"
She was wondered by hearing about something like this.

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