Experiencing the future world

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After having breakfast, Jack went for a bath as he messed himself while cooking. Jenny got the backpack. She totally forgot to give it back. She opened it and shockingly there was a red tiffin box. Actually it was a small hot pot. Getting curious, she opened it. There were three spicy dumplings. 'As you said, you loved it the most. It's from my side. ' was written on a piece of paper with a smiley emoji. Jenny gently smiled. She never knew such innocence still existed on this ruthless world. She shared it with Jack. Jack got two of them.

- "It's so yummy! Can I have their address? I would ask them for more!"

- "Don't be so greedy, Jack. Although mamma has asked to not even look at the jungle."

- "But she asked you, not me."

- "Jack!" She gave him a look.

- "Okay, sorry. I won't."

After sometimes, Jenny left to check if any restaurant was open. Jack was sitting and playing games in Jenny's laptop. He didn't have a laptop of his own. He asked for but his mom clearly said he would get nothing before graduation. He already had been spoilt by the camera.

Aarav didn't know this place, nor seen before. Because it was obviously not their world. It was a different world. So many giant buildings, so updated and flying vehicles. Many giant balloons were flying in the sky, which was actually updated and cheapest version of plane. It looked like lighting lanterns in the night. Even it flied like lanterns. Mainly, it was made for entertainment as these people were obsessed with it. Many robots were seen on the road as traffic polices who actually looked nothing less than humans. Comfortably communicating with the people. Though these robot police were not much needed. As most of the time the road remained empty. Because most of the people owned flying vehicles. And there was no traffic in the sky road. They were comfortable with their vehicles. Even the kids owned flying shoes here, which was really comfortable to use. Its speed could be increase or decrease as needed. The thing was nobody owned so huge vehicles here. They used small vehicles for just one or two people. And other flying buses or cars etc were driven on the roads. Though these were not used much. The sky road had two stages. High sky road and medium sky road. Huge vehicles like planes were driven on the high sky and others were on the medium sky road. Traffic rules were usually followed in the sky path with the help of flying traffic light as well. Aarav's eyes caught some people wearing jackets. Jackets? In this hot weather? Seriously? Actually these were weather controlled jackets. It kept our body at a comfortable temperature. Not so hot, nor so cool. It might look so uncomfortable. But it was so useful in the hottest weather of here. Because global warming had already crossed all limits. Scientists were researching on something to decrease the temperature as they were not ready to plant trees. Planting trees sounded useless to them. Covering so much place for nothing. Though many invisible weather controlled jackets were available in the market. But not everyone had the ability to buy it as it was quite expensive. Aarav kept looking at the city from the garden. He just couldn't take off his eyes. Speechless. This was obviously not the world he belonged to. Aarav had read so many books about science fiction, future world and time machine. So it didn't take him long to understand what just happened. He never thought time machine really existed. Never thought he'd visit future world like this. But the question was how did the time machine landed in Aarav's garden? Aarav was in a garden, covered with invisible glasses. He didn't know who's house was this. But the house looked so beautiful from aside. But the thing is Aarav was stuck here. He couldn't come out from the garden. If he did, the people of the house would catch him. It'd be kind of embarrassing. So it was better to not come out. But he wanted to see the world for once. Another option was to go back. But he didn't know to use the time machine.

- "What will I do now?" He loudly said.

- "You're so lucky to visit the world. Don't waste this opportunity. Visit the world for once. Nobody got such a golden chance." A unique voice came to hear.

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