The 'A' shaped scar she got

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It was 7 o'clock in morning. She hugged her brother and took medicine.

- "What have you done?" Her brother gently asked.

- "Just got injured a bit."

- "A bit? Is that a bit? I don't see so. You should be more careful about yourself, Jenny. Mamma is going to be so mad if she hears you went to the jungle, stayed overnight and did this with yourself. Take care, dude."

- "Okay! Fine! I got it. Stop pretending to be my elder brother. Remember you're two years younger than me, kiddo."

- "Kiddo? Again kiddo? You know I hate someone calling me kiddo!" He said irritatingly.

- "That's why I said."

- "I hate you!" He shouted and moved to the downstairs.

- "Same here, cutie." She gently smiled. Now let's know her brother, Jack White a bit more. Jack owned brown hair and bright-green eyes. He was preparing for the graduation. So he was under pressure of studies as he bunked most of the classes. He wore round shaped glasses. He didn't use to but earlier he got it because of late night study. There was nothing wrong studying in night. But he couldn't turn the light on as Jenny and Jack lived in the same room. Jenny went to sleep so soon as doctor clearly told her to sleep properly. So for Jenny, Jack never kept the light on. Though Jenny said she didn't have any problem with the light on. But still Jack didn't want any disturbance while Jenny's sleeping time. He used to study in not-so-bright light of their room's small corridor. And within a month, he got his glasses. Later Jenny bought him night fireflies. Night firefly was an interesting invention of the world. It was a robot firefly. Though it looked like an ordinary firefly. People used it in the night to study. It produced enough light to study. You just have to put it on a page and it'll get attached and start shining. It does have four colors. White, light green, yellow and sky blue. The light green fireflies were quite useful to study. You just need to charge it in every three days. It got charged in just ten minutes by sunshine. So, as you can see sometime Jack was quite serious and sometime he was careless. Like a bit of sweetness in a sour grape. He was Mr. Weirdo. Always started making random english words. Such as if someone shied so much, he called him 'Shy-moon', if someone laughed so much, he called him 'Laughing-minister'. And if someone didn't understand the actual meaning of his words, still he didn't stop using the words. He was as weird as that. He was kind of introvert as he didn't have any friends. Though Jenny also didn't. But once he got comfortable, he turned out to be a brain eater. He loved to observe small to small things. Once he went to Japan for his mom's project. Stayed a whole night in a bamboo forest. And he got missing there. From 12 o'clock in night to 3 o'clock. And later he was found by a staff clicking pictures of fireflies with his glass camera and writing down his experience about it. Glass camera was an interesting gadget. It looked like a glass. You just need to wear it over the eyes. As you click the button, a picture will be taken. It probably catches what your eyes see. A few days ago, he found an injured dog on the road. It didn't have one of his legs. He took the dog home, washed it, fed it and made it a fake leg by home ingredients. And can you believe this boy has been bunking most of his classes? Jack's weakness was his sister, Jenny. He loved his sister a lot. Though he didn't show his feelings and pretended to not care. But actually he did. Once in childhood he had a fight with Jenny. Jenny locked him in the bathroom as a punishment, put the dinner on the table and went to sleep as her mom was in abroad. But the door wasn't really locked. She pretented to lock it but actually didn't. She thought Jack would come out getting tired later. But Jack didn't even try to come out. Accepting the punishment, he kept sitting on the commode and fell asleep. And came out in the morning when Jenny worriedly opened the door by herself. Jenny was lying on the bed and taking a bit rest. There was a white blanket over her. The air cooler was on. On a sudden, the door got opened. Jack came with a first aid box and a tray of breakfast. There were a cup of coffee, some cookies, two chicken sandwiches, one boiled egg, a glass of orange juice and a bowl of fruit salad (mixed with small raspberries, strawberries, watermelons, grapes and kiwi fruits). Jack put the tray on the table next to Jenny's bed.
-"What are you doing?" Jenny asked. Surprised.

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