Blue fireflies

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The morning started with Aarav, Jack and Jenny enjoying the sunrise. Jack never saw it before. But Jenny did. It was a place near the Hirhor jungle. The sun rose from the jungle. The area was empty. Aarav could feel the silence in the air. Some broken abandoned bungalows were standing there. He never saw any bungalow in that world. Aarav saw a puppy coming out from a broken door of bungalow. Then other puppies came out. Few cats were also present there. Aarav got to know from Jack that it was called the "Cadog area". As the place was abandoned, due to some paranormal activities, so the cats and dogs took shelter there. They could live there peacefully. Jenny gave them some breads. Jack and Aarav started pampering them. It was a wonderful  moment. They were about to leave the place, the dogs and cats were still busy eating those pieces of breads. The darkness didn't fully fade away. Jenny crossed a bungalow, then Aarav did and Jack was about to. Suddenly, he felt like seeing someone inside the bungalow. Maybe he was wearing a hoodie. He wasn't sure as it was quite dark inside. This bungalow wasn't that broken. He stopped, looked over there. But there was no one. He was sure about that. But did he see something  wrong at the first sight? Whatever but he tried to ignore it. There were just some puppies.

- "Jack, come fast!" Sounded Jenny as Jack was delaying.
- "Yeah, coming." Aarav and Jenny were already far  ahead.
Some blue fireflies came out of the bungalow, behind Jack. Though he failed to see it, and rushed to catch Jenny and Aarav. They finally left the area.
The puppies came out. There eyes were spooky, fully red. It wasn't like this before. On a sudden, they started vomiting, it didn't take longer to turn into a blood vomiting. And those three innocent puppies died one by one, suffering a lot, with floating blood on the road. No one was there to save them. Nobody knew what really happened to them.

It was the day before Christmas. Everyone was too busy for the festival. Aarav was surprised to see there snowfall. The temperature was hot enough. Then how could snowfall happen? They were going towards the Whites' mansion. The roads were filled up with snow. It wasn't like this just sometimes ago. They could hardly tolerate the sudden snowfall, kind of shivering. Aarav looked up, then Jenny and Jack did. There were few helicopters up there, snow was falling from those helicopters. It was covering the city with snow continuously. Aarav realized it was an artificial snowfall. Jack informed him it was made of water. They did it every Christmas. So that everyone could have the exact feeling they used to have once upon a time. It was weird, but exceptionally beautiful. It didn't look artificial. It took just three hours to cover Filipthese with snow. Aarav and Jack were now sitting by the massive window. Jack drew a smiley emoji on the wetted glass. One eye dropped like a falling tear. Jenny was setting the fireplace.

Aarav was just staring outside. It was damn beautiful.

- "Amazing..." Aarav exclaimed.
- "Isn't it?"
- "Yes"
There was a silence.
- "It would be more beautiful if dad would have been with us," Said Jack. His voice was breaking down.
- "What happened to him though?"
- "I don't really know. Jenny said he had cheated on our mom. He left us. But..."
- "But?"
- "I don't think she really knows anything about this. She's just imagining a story that never happened. Because the way mom still feels for dad, it never let me realize that he had cheated us."
- "Then what happened to him?"
- "I don't know. When I ask, mom ignores and Jenny gets frustrated. She hates talking about him. I wish I could contact with him somehow and find out what exactly happened..."

When Jenny was done setting the fireplace, she brought mixed potato and carrot chips in a bowl. They were having them together sitting by the massive window.
Most importantly, Jenny was sitting beside Aarav. It seemed they were friends now.

After having some snacks, they started working for the project. There wasn't too much work. So they worked for sometimes. Then they were bored. They wanted to do something interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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