The rampage of evil power

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Ninrax and Ninchan were sitting on the bench of over-water house. The weather was so calm, wind blowing slowly. Ninchan was busy having strawberry ice cream. Her all concentrations was on the ice cream. She was totally lost in the ice cream. She was a real foodie. Didn't even realize someone was also sitting in front of her and watching her obsession with ice cream.
- "Are you done?" Said Ninwiz.

- "Yeah. You want some?"

- "No thanks. It was for you."

- "So mean you're."

- "What have I done now?" He said, tried to eye contact but Ninchan ignored.

- "You just brought an ice cream as my present. Really dude?" She gave a look.

- "That's what I wanted to say. But you're not leaving the ice cream."

She threw the empty cup away.

- "What? Not that plastic bottle necklace anymore! Please!"

- "Nothing like that."

Ninrax revealed her a cupcake in his right hand.

- "Wow! Chocolate cake! With raspberries!

- "Yeah. I brought it from the city. Sorry for the mess. The citizens chased after me. So it happened. "

- "It's so pretty"

- "You like it?"

- "A lot!"

- "Let's cut it then."

They cut the cupcake together. Ninrax made Ninchan eat the cake.

- "I didn't expect you'd brought something for me."

- " Oh, sorry. Next time I won't."

Ninchan hit Ninrax with her elbow.

- "Ouch!" He laughed.

- "Going to throw shoes on you then."

They were talking alone. Suddenly, Jenny came there. She was gossiping with Ninmie all the time.

- "Oh, hi!" Said Ninrax.

- "Hi."

Jenny sat down on the opposite bench.

- "How's going?" Asked Jenny.

- "Awesome! You know what? Rax has brought a chocolate cake for me."

- "Wow! It looks yummy."

- "Would you like to taste?"

- "No thanks.Do you like chocolate cakes?"

- "A lot! My mother used to make it for me."

- "Used to?"

She said with a soft and calm voice.

There was a pause. Ninchan lost her mind, controlled herself, gave her a shake.

- "She's no more."

- "Oh, I'm so sorry."

- "It's okay, Jenny."

- "If you don't mind, can I know how it happened."

- "She was suffering from cancer."

- "I feel so sorry for her."

The conversation continued for sometime. They talked and got to know each other.

-"Well, so you'd love to visit Japan." Said Ninchan.

- "Yeah, I guess I'll enjoy it."

- "My dad belonged to Japan. He was born in there but was raised in Filipthese." Said Ninrax.

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