The nightmare

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- "Leave  me! Leave me! Please! I beg you!" the girl screamed. Her face wasn't visible, as the scene was from behind her back. But the girl was wearing  white dress. It was raining, in a jungle, surrounded by giant trees. She was sitting under a red-leafy tree, hands were handcuffed. Two people were standing in front of her, wearing golden owl masquerade  masks, one slowly moved closer to the girl,  slowly shifted  her hand in his hand, looked into her eyes.
- "I warned you. I warned you to stay away from him." A deep voice spoke out.
- "But you're so stubborn that you didn't listen to me. I'm sorry, darling. But you deserve it." He so calmly said. Then slowly took out a sharp knife from his back.
- "And let me tell you he never loved you and never will, the way I've been yearning to make yourself mine. It won't hurt much, baby. Trust me." And he cut off her left hand's ring finger, so that she  could  never be engaged. The blood splashed over their faces.  All she could do was screaming silently, as her mouth was taped. The finger fell down, the young boy took it gently, and carefully shifted in a shining golden box, there was an engagement ring too.  A UFO landed, and both of them stepped in, the boy looked back at the girl for once, she was almost senseless. The boy moved in, and the UFO left.  The girl started seeing everything blurred. At such a moment, an old witch with messy white hair came, nastily  smiled at her. She couldn't see her face. The witch put out a salt shaker from her weird-looking bag, moved to sprinkle it on her cut finger, giving a spooky expression.
- "Nooooooo! Stop!" Jenny jumped up, shouting so loudly. She was deeply breathing, sweating a lot, the air cooler was damaged somehow.  She looked at the giant window, it was drizzling outside. She didn't see rain for seven months long. It rarely happened twice or thrice in a year. Sometimes experts created artificial clouds to rain. It was a very unique day, which started with a horrible nightmare. Who was the girl? And why the boy cut off the finger of his lover? How crazy and spooky was that! Whatever but she tried to ignore the nightmare. It was 8 o'clock. She was never an early-riser. Because she couldn’t sleep at night. And it was not intentional.  But today was really different. Though sometimes she used to go for fencing early in the morning in jungle.  She looked at the bed on her left. Jack was still sleeping. Jenny got freshen up, then ordered prawn soup, sausages and fruit smoothie from a nearby restaurant. Tied her hair into a bun. The weather looked so calm from the giant window, that she felt writing down her thoughts. So sitting on the bed, she drew out the drawer beside the bed, then put out her favorite sky blue diary. Sky blue was her favorite colour, though she preferred  black above all. Then started writing down her thoughts on the weather. The calling bell rang, maybe the delivery  was there. She stepped downstairs to receive the delivery.

Aarav's day started with a cup of coffee by his mom. He woke up earlier  today so that he could spend some time with his mom. But his mom was busy in the kitchen. She looked so tired nowadays, kind of sick, got dark circles. He wanted to help her in the kitchen, but she completely refused.
- "What about your assignments?" She asked.
- "It's almost done."
- "Then why don't you do something that  you would enjoy. You've that dollars too." She ignored eye contact while saying it. And the gesture was never normal.
- "Ummm... Good idea."
- "Go upstairs in the air cooler. It's so hot out here. I'll call you when the breakfast is ready."
"Okay, it's  not working well though." And he left.
- "You can have milkshake by the way." The voice was fading up.
- "No, thanks." He kind of shouted to make it hear.

He thought of starting his robot project again. And he had money now. So he excitedly  drew the drawer to take the dollar. Surprised. The dollar was still there. But surprisingly a note of ten dollar was also beside it. It wasn't there before, and he was sure it wasn't his. Then how did it come on a sudden? He felt like asking mom. But he knew her answer. So he just let it go. Still the incident left him surprised. He had total thirty dollars now. So he could buy some necessary things to repair the robot. He went to supermarket.

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