A world in the seabed

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Now let's visit the most mysterious place of the future world. Axonic sea of the city. It was the longest sea of Filipthese. The sea was so beautiful. Blue tide was beautifully seen there at night. Filipthesian also called it fireflies of the sea. This sea was the only one to still be neat and clean. But it wasn't like this before. Three years ago, a town called 'Estain' used stand here. The town was so beautiful. Wasn't in touch of latest service of science but whatever it had was simply  beautiful. The people were pure as well. They knew the value of nature. It had so many trees comparing to the outside world. But nature couldn't stay blessed hiding from the evil eyes of science. The young scientists were researching on a project. The project was finding a better alternative to erase trees from the world as it was covering so much space. The project was on for a year. Then the young scientists came out with a gadget called 'Oxygen Producer'. They confidently said this gadget could produce oxygen using air and water. A giant tree was enough to supply oxygen for a whole town. They demanded to test it on Estain town. President DK tested the gadget out by experts and the scientists got the approval so soon. The day was 23rd December of 3037. The city was being prepared to test the gadget. All the trees got cut off. Though the citizens insisted a lot to keep the trees but there was nothing above president DK's approval. Against the will of the citizens, the trees got cut off and the scientists left the place with that gadget. After two days, the death news arrived to them. The gadget didn't really work. The people hardly breathed for one day. But on the second day, they couldn't tolerate it and died miserably. They couldn't even come out of there. Because the town was caged by invisible glasses as the people decided to leave hearing the news of the gadget coming. Around three hundred people died due to this accident. Whoever survived, died after admitting to the hospital. They wanted for help while they were on  deathbed but finding it a melo-drama, none came out for help. And after this huge incident, nothing changed to president DK. To cover it up, he imprisoned the young scientists. And they got free within a year as president DK's son was also involved with this. Though he wasn't imprisoned. He was declared innocent. Now they were freely working on their next project.

The town was declared to be abandoned as some supernatural activities came to experience. It strangely turned into a sea overnight. None knew how it happened. It wasn't normal to happen as there was no sea nearby, nor any flood came to visit. The beautiful sea became a famous place for tourists. And its seafoods were so delicious. Many stalls used to appear there with their best items of seafoods. Everyone loved having it. All was absolutely okay until another shocking mystery came out. On that night, a tourist demanded to see a mermaid in that sea. He also said the mermaid was sitting on a stone and looked so beautiful. Seeing the man, she got afraid and disappeared in the water. The man was drunk at that time. So none believed, nor he had any proof. But within a few days, the news came out to be true. How the mermaid came here? Question rose in people's mind. And leaving the question behind, they started trying to catch the mermaid. But miserably failed. Nobody was able to catch her. Rather the people got missing instead. None knew where they were. They weren't found till now. People said the mermaid kidnapped them. From that incident, none tried to catch her. And the spot was abandoned now. Nobody had the permission to go there. It had been covered by a border. The mermaid got some names from the people. Such as 'Lady kidnapper of the sea' , 'Monster of the sea'.

Now let's reveal an unrevealed mystery of all time. Where's Vallin Randimate? He got disappeared from sorceress world about one year ago. But secrately living in scientific world for that long wasn't an easy thing as the world had protections for such things. And a Sorceresian people living in scientific world was a kind of crime. Then where was Vallin? And what was his plan which was going on for a year? What was his motive?

Let's visit the seabed of that deep Axonic Sea.  There was a kingdom called 'Random' (RANdimate + kingDOM), covered with invisible glasses. The sun was slowly rising. A group of white pigeons flied off crossing the sun. Like they were the most happiest and blessed creatures.

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