Moonlight bridge

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After having breakfast, Aarav went to his room, crossing his reading table, he felt like seeing something on the table under the geomatry box. Paying attention, he saw a note of ten dollar. Had he left it right here? He didn't remember so. He moved his hand to check the dollar in his trouser's left pocket. It was right there. Then how did the dollar come there? Finding no clue, he put that dollar in his pocket too.
Then thought of visiting future world. Locking the door, he went to the garden, and started travelling   time. Getting in the Whites' garden, he heard Jack and Jenny arguing, he could see Jack's back through a little opened part of the giant window. He couldn't dare to go in, waited for Jack to see him. Jack opened the window, to throw a folded paper outside. Noticing Aarav, he waved at him and called him inside. Meanwhile, the paper magnate cactus in the garden, magnetized the  paper. Then the cactus choked the paper. Thus it left for recycle. He was mesmerized seeing the invention.

Aarav noticed Jenny rushing inside from the top of the stairs. He didn't get why she went inside seeing him. But he felt something different today. He wasn't nervous coming in. Though he felt that nervousness seeing Jenny, but he realized he was getting comfortable  with Jack. He started liking the boy unwillingly. Jack was really interesting, totally his type. He was never that friendly with anyone. After sometime, they were leaving for supermarket. Jenny wore a black skirt. Accidentally  Aarav was wearing a black t-shirt too. Sitting on the sofa, Aarav asked about the expenses of the ingredients.
- "It should be done with seventy rubins." She replied.
- "As we're students we'll get discount by the government. So it might take around   fifty five rubins."
Aarav thought for a while, then put out two notes of twenty rubins from his trouser's pocket, gave it to Jack. He had already exchanged the currency from the time machine.
- "Here's my investment."
- "But thirty rubins was enough."
- "I gave whatever I had. That's my ability. I might not be able to invest more in the future. So please don't insist. Actually I had this money for my robot project. But maybe destiny wants something else." He said. Meanwhile, Jenny's phone rang. So she went upstairs to talk.
- "Are you a scientist?"
- "Not really. But I enjoy it."
- "Then believe me you're going to enjoy the upcoming project a lot."
Jenny informed Jack she had mom's call.
- "What did she say?"
- "Uncle Xavier has fallen sick suddenly. So she will be late coming."

- "Who's uncle Xavier?" Aarav kind of murmured that only Jack could hear it.
- "My dad's younger brother. He lives in Hwaico."
- "Hwaico?"
- "It's a nearby small city. He's unmarried and also an employee of mom's company. He has no family. So only mom's there to take care of him."
- "Oh, I see." There was a silence. "And your dad?"
Jack looked around, making sure Jenny was there or not.
Then coming close to Aarav,
- "He left us...." He whispered.
- "Means accident?"
- "Nope.... I don't have any idea. I haven't even  seen him. I don't remember so. Jenny was five-year-old. She doesn't remember much too. She hates talking about him."
Aarav felt weird somewhere when Jack said he had never seen him. How could a three-year-old child remember nothing?
He wanted to ask if their dad betrayed their mom, but he was feeling awkward. He shouldn't be asking this. Before coming to a decision, Jenny came downstairs, hurrying up to leave.

It was the first time he went out of the Whites' mansion, and saw the outside world. The vehicles were flying over. And he was surprisingly staring at it. The road was free to walk. There was no traffic on the road. He heard from Jack only students who had flying skating boards could use the road.
As there was no traffic, they were comfortably walking. Jenny was walking too ahead. And Aarav and Jack were walking together. The giant buildings were displaying all over. He could see people coming down through a elevator  covered by glasses. It took just a few minutes  to come down from fourty floor. It looked like someone pushed  the person and the gravity took him down. Crossing the high way bridge, Aarav noticed a giant moon shaped building. Surprisingly kept staring at it.
- "Do you belong to another city?" At first Aarav was surprised by the question. Maybe Jack found something fishy in his behavior. He should be more careful.
- "Nope, I mean the way you're absorbed in everything seems like you don't belong to here." He justified.
- "A-actually I belong to Diyanama." It was hard to say as he always had been a bad liar. When Jack was showing him the map, he noticed the nearby city named Diyanama.
- "Oh, that means you're newcomer of Filipthese?"
- "Yeah..." He murmured. His mouth wasn't co-operating to lie.
- "Oh, I see....."
"Then you'd enjoy the moon building more at night."
- "Why so?"
- "It shines like the moon at night. It looks so real. Because of this building the bridge is called moonlight bridge. I can't explain it. You must come here one night."
Aarav noticed Jenny had already crossed the bridge.
- "Where's she going?"
- "We're going to that moon building."
- "Why?"
- "Oh, there's a scientific supermarket inside. We'll get the necessary things there."
- "The entire building is a supermarket?"
- "Not entire. There's a bank, restaurants, shopping malls, bars as well. I'll show you. Let's catch Jenny first. She's too ahead."
Getting in he experienced  the most beautiful supermarket ever. It looked so gorgeous. And the giant decorated christmas tree on the middle made it more gorgeous. Aarav just remembered Christmas was coming. There were some restaurants and cafe behind the tree. Though the massiveness of the tree made the area not so visible. There was also two crystal aquarium elevator like Jenny's house. But this had sea creatures like sea horse, star fish, and others were gold fishes.
While lifting  up, Aarav's eyes were looking down, on the sea horse. It was the first time he was seeing it in real. It really looked like a horse. Getting up there, Aarav saw a Santa giving small gifts to children. He had a small robot kangaroo with him, who was carrying the gifts in its pocket. At first Aarav thought it was real. Then Jack told him it was just a robot.
- "May your Christmas goes well. May warm happiness ring your doorbell
May the darkness disappears
Welcome to Moonsphere....." The Santa sang, dancing with hands.
Each of them got a gift as a warm welcome. Jack made Jenny keep the gifts in her sky blue backpack. Aarav got to know from Jack that this Santa's grandchild died due to a road accident. His last wish from his grandpa was a drone as a Christmas gift. But the man was so poor that he couldn't afford it. His son and daughter-in-law got divorced afterwards. Now the man ran a scientific shop by his own. But he had no family left now. So in the memory of his grandchild, he provided happiness among children every Christmas. The gift might be small but the affection for the children made him famous here. Now Jenny was also walking with them. Aarav couldn't stop looking around.
Mistakenly he bumped into a young girl.
- "I'm r-really sorry miss." He didn't even look at her.
- "It's okay, enjoy your day, sir." The voice was somewhere different. He looked up, he realized it was a robot who exactly looked like a human. But as Aarav had knowledge of science, he realized it by her eyes. The robot girl servant continued cleaning with the vaccum cleaner. Aarav was still surprisingly looking at the robot girl, until Jack came back and asked to move forward. Now they were at a massive showroom of science projects. One male and another female human-looking robot at the gate welcomed them saying, "Hello sir. Hello mam. Enjoy yourself here." There were a lot of gadgets displaying on shelves.  Many mini robots were there such as fireflies, butterflies and tiny birds were flying over. Jenny was busy looking at the necessary things aside. Meanwhile Aarav and Jack were exploring around. Aarav found an interesting thing. A so tiny robot. It kind of looked like germ. Jack informed that it was an operation robot. 
- "What does that mean?"
- "It enters into our body through mouth. At first check out our tongue. Then moves  deeper. It can easily fight with the deadliest  diseases like cancer, tumour etc."
- "Interesting..."
- "One germistic robot can fight only once. After the deadliest fight it loses its power."
Both of them were now looking for the necessary things. Aarav got few sensors. Meanwhile Jack was lost another side looking for some actuators. And Jenny was looking for hello machine. She wanted to upgrade the gadgets attaching  hello machines. It might be enough beneficial. They were finally done buying most of the ingredients.
- "Do we have something left?" Asked Aarav.
- "We need scientific book one more." She replied.
- "I think we'll get it from downstairs." Jack replied.

Now Jenny was also exploring the showroom with them. She noticed Jack got so friendly with Aarav, which she didn't like. She had to finish the deal soon. Once Aarav got the money for his dad, she would catch her own way and either Aarav would. She didn't know why she was so concerned about his dad. Maybe because she could never feel her dad's love. So she wanted Aarav to get it back at any cost. Her intention ended up just right here. Aarav was totally hallucinated in a so real looking robot girl. It wasn't moving as it was switched off. Her eyes were closed. Lying in a crystal box she literally seemed sleeping beauty. Aarav looked at the price. It was six hundred rubins. It was so expensive for Aarav. But compared  to the product, it was cheap enough. It seemed that the people over here are quite dependent  on robot, as the showroom was filled up with customers. Aarav just realized Jenny's business plan was not bad. Besides being interesting it was beneficial as well. She could be a witty businesswoman. He looked at her, she was talking about a product with a shopkeeper. Aarav realized his nervousness was slowing fading away looking at her. Grabbing all the things the shopkeeper went to make a package. So now they were just visiting around. A side of the showroom carried big gadgets. Seeing that part Aarav's eyes were kind of stuck. He moved forward. That side wasn't busy. His gesture was on a gadget which kind of looked like a beanbag, and upper part was covered with glass. It seemed an upgraded time machine to him. He looked at the price card, it was seven hundred dollars. Jack told him that time machines were banned using. Then how the machine was right there? He curiously kept staring, until that robot girl he bumped outside came and said, "How can I help you sir?"
- "Nothing, it's okay." He wasn't ready for the question.
That robot girl followed his gesture.
- "You're so young and cheerful sir. Why do you want to end up your life ?"
Aarav didn't get it really. He said nothing about ending up his life. Then why the girl was saying so?
- "Pardon?"
- "You were looking at the suicide machine. Weren't you?"
- "Suicide machine?"
- "Yeah, this is suicide machine. Maybe you don't know about this. Then let me inform you this machine is for those who wants to end up his life without any pain. It'll take just a few seconds so that the person won't feel the pain."
Aarav was numbed to say further. How cruel was that! Science is a blessing for us. But instead we're using it to help somebody committing suicide? Instead of stopping it, we're making it happen officially. How stupid is that...
Aarav wanted to react but then didn't. He understood that if he was in future world, he would have to get used to such shocking realities.
- "Oh, thank you..." He managed to react calmly.
- "You're welcome sir. Our duty is to inform. You look so- "
- "Raiseen! Come this side. Sir is here." Another male robot informed loudly. And the girl robot named Raiseen left. Aarav turned back for once. Made sure if Jenny and Jack were still there. Then looked at the machine for the last time. Taking a deep breath, he tried to distract himself from the machine. The gadgets got packed up. Jack hired one male robots for delivery. There were two cardboards. Aarav noticed the Santa they met outside was the owner of this shop. The Santa was talking to Raiseen. He was so open minded. He asked Aarav about his day.
- "How's your day going, dear?" Aarav wasn't ready for the question.
- "Good..... what about you?"
- "Just flowing by-" there was a silence.
- "What's your name?"
- "Aarav"
- "Aarav, I saw you roaming around the gadgets and observing it. You seem to have interest in such things."
- "Yeah, kind of."
- "Are you an inventor?"
- "A little bit you can say."
- "Great! You can contact me if you need any help."
- "That's great, sir." Aarav had hesitation somewhere. Realizing that, the man didn't make the conversation further. Instead he got busy with his assistants. Arriving home Jack gave the payment to the robot.
- "Thanks for your help"
- "You're welcome, sir." Jack shut the door. As it was late enough and they were done with today's duty, Aarav didn't stay longer. Having a cup of coffee with Jack, he decided to leave. Though Jenny didn't come downstairs as she was having a headache. But she informed him by Jack the main blast of work would be starting tomorrow. They would start repairing the gadgets next day.

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