Birth of the Secret Warriors

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Rymania saw a young boy coming towards the fountain area. She believed and it really happened. It was the boy she saw the last night at party, who looked much interested. Just in a few seconds, some other people were seen there coming behind that boy. Rymania was impressed now. Her eyes were seeing some warriors coming, winning a bloody war, injured but still looked invincible. Their eyes seemed so passionate. People of all ages were present there. It started with eleven and ended up with forty   two. The little one was a very cute boy with silky brown hair. His tender smile wearing dental braces was so precious. The old one was a middle-aged man. She knew the person. He was a doctor. Even treated the royals many times. He had a good bonding with Vallin. Gazing at Rymania, he tenderly smiled. She smiled back. There were total seventeen people. Ten were teenagers, four were aged between 20-30. And three were middle-aged. Rymania's eyes caught a girl who didn't have one of her eyes. She covered her disabled eye with a blindfold. She was about sixteen-year-old. Had short red hair, with golden brown eyes. However Rymania had a long enough conversation with all of them. Tried to know them a bit. She liked that boy at the party most. He had something special in him. She got to know that his name was 'Erron'. He was seventeen. Another most aged one was a really funny guy. He was a comedian once upon a time. But he couldn't run his family through that income. So he started a small business of fruits in his garden. Now he had no family left. When Rymania sadly asked what really happened, he quickly changed the topic. Though Rymania got it, and didn't ask further.
Their training started with swording first. There were three guards to help Rymania. They arranged the swords and gave those to the people. Rymania gave the gang a name, "Secret Warriors". Every warrior got busy in the training. Sword fighting is very important to defend your enemy. So they started with that. Rymania was training them well along with two guards. At such a point, she saw more five guards coming towards the fountain area. Rayo was one of them. She was surprised at first, she didn't call them, nor asked Raison for them. Then why were they here? She got to know from Rayo that Vallin had sent them for help. An unexpected happiness brought a tight little smile on the corner of her face. The training got faster along with eight guards. The warriors were quickly learning them. Rymania herself went against the last night's boy 'Erron'. It made him learn it  quicker  as Rymania was smoothly managing it. 
- "You're really good at this! It's a bit difficult to learn but quite interesting." Said Erron.
- "Ah, thanks. You'll learn quickly. Don't worry."
Their eyes met, exchanging a tender smile, while keeping the swording on.

Again it was a night of Hirhor jungle. The leaves of the giant trees were dancing through the wind. The shadow fell on Leo. He was sitting down, on a rock, talking to a grey
cat while sketching the view. Its yellow eyes were continuously looking at Leo. He asked a lot of times that what it wanted. But it was just quiet, staring at him. He was kind of annoyed now. Maybe he knew what it wanted but didn't show it much. Pretended that he knew nothing special. He got busy in sketching. On a sudden, the clouds drifted away from the full moon. The wind was faster now. Few petals of the jasmine tree over him fell on the sketch. He could smell the strong perfume so closely. The moonlight fell on the cat and something random occurred. A golden light made the cat invisible for a while, when the light was gone, there was just a middle-aged wizard. He was so tall, with a sharp nose. He gave a more vivid impression than his age. He was around thirty but looked like twenty five- twenty seven. Leo recognized him in a second. His prediction was right. It was wizard Cassiyonas. He was one of the famous and youngest wizard of wizarding school. Though he taught the most hated subject by the students, 'Wizarding History'. But still he was loved by the students for his friendly behaviour.

- "You must be wondering how an ordinary cat turned into such a handsome man on a sudden--"
He said dramatically looking at Leo.
- "Handsome?"
- "Yes, ain't I handsome?"
- "I knew it was you though"
- "Wow... how?"
- "The cat seemed so stupid, just like you."
The smile on his face was gone instantly. However Leo took Cassiyonas inside the pumpkin tree house, through the curved stair by the tree. Professor Dornazeel was so pleased to see him, hugged  him tightly. He was his student once upon a time. Leo noticed a small wound in his neck.
- "Ah-what happened to your neck?" He asked.
- "Umm... nothing serious. Just a small injury."
- "But how?"
He hesitated to tell at first. But couldn't hide it from Leo.
- "I was hungry coming to the city. And I saw a fried fish stall--" He hesitated while saying the last sentence.
- "What! You had fishes? Non-veg?"
- "What's wrong with you, Cassiyonas! You know wizards aren't allowed to have non-veg! It's against the law!" Professor Dornazeel kind of shouted, disappointed.
- "I'm really sorry that I went to make a mistake. But I didn't really have those fried fishes. The aroma made me crazy so I went for it. And of course I couldn't go in front of people as a wizard. So I disguised as a poor cat. Hoped that the seller would feel pity and give me a piece of fried fish. But instead the seller seemed frustrated and threw a fork on me. I somehow managed to escape."
Professor Dornazeel took a deep breath. Keeping on silence, he started speaking again.
- "It's not sorceress world, Cassiyonas. You should understand. Here people aren't so nice towards animals. So don't run that silly mistake again. And don't you dare to ever think of having non-veg again."

- "Okay, I'm sorry."
Leo dressed the wound, while professor Dornazeel prepared the veg soup, veg cutlets and salad for the dinner. There was also a famous dish of wizards called "Veg hotdogs". It was made of vegetables. Some owls were seen helping him moving the spices closer in the kitchen. While having dinner, they had a long conversation, about everything they had experienced coming in scientific world.
- "What happened in that bungalow, Leo? I heard it is so mysterious." Asked Cassiyonas.
- "Umm-- well. The bungalow seemed so weird. There was a grave silence. I saw a golden sculpture of a lady there." He stopped. Had a cherry tomato from the plate of salad.
- "There was a graveyard in front of a room's balcony. The room was too far from the other ones. That part was quite mysterious."  He added.
- "You didn't feel anything weird?"
- "I did. I felt seeing a shadow, but nothing more happened"
- "Because it was the birth-night of angeldom Dinorica" said professor Dornazeel.
- "And the weirdest thing was--"
- "What?"
- "I saw a family picture hanging there. And maybe I knew the boy. But I can't remember who it was. His face seemed familiar." He stopped.
- "But-- I took a picture"

He brought his wizarding tab which looked like a round head of an owl. The yellow eyes were the cameras. He showed the picture to them. Leo looked at Cassiyonas, his eyes were not on the people but on the background wall. There were so many signs of black magic. It was clear that black magic was highly practiced there. Then he looked up at professor Dornazeel, found himself paused. He tried to eye contact to ask what really happened. But professor was continuously staring at the boy.
- "Professor..." He gave himself a shake.
- "What's wrong? Are you fine?" He didn't reply.
- "Do you know this boy?"

Keeping on a silence, "Yes," he replied.
- "You also know him, Leo"
- "Me?" He asked, surprised.
- "Yeah, we all know him."
- "Who's he?" He asked again. Professor Dornazeel was a bit confused that he should tell it or not.
- "It's the king of black magical world, Vallin Randimate."  He ended  up saying it.
- "What!" Leo and Cassiyonas reacted together, then looked at each other to confirm if they had heard it right.

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