Navy blue blooded creature

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It looked like a giant pumpkin, but actually it was a duplex  house, over a big tree, with one door, windows and a backdoor. A few owls were over the rooftop. One smoothly flied off. Smoke was coming out from the fireplace's tunnel.   Entering in, there was a drawing room with a small kitchen aside. And two rooms were on the upstairs. Leo was ahead of the fireplace, warming  himself, making potato  barbeque for the night. The aroma was in the air. The jungle was quite cold at night. They had no idea about it.  None of them had warm clothes. So they were totally dependent  on the fireplace.  Meanwhile professor Dornazeel was stepping down being deeply absorbed in a book. Few owls were badly  chasing him over, wanted to convey something serious, but wasn't able to seek his attention. Hearing the footsteps Leo turned back at the stairs.
-  "What's that?" He indicated the book he was holding. Professor Dornazeel waited to step down.
- "I think the book you got, I know about it." He replied, eyes were still on  the book.
- "You mean the holy book?"
- "Yes, it is." Meanwhile he shouted at the owl, which  was pecking  him continuously.
- "Can't you wait a minute?!”
"I'm not so sure... but maybe it's  the book what was stolen from wizarding library  five years ago. But it was named Evil Empire."
- "Evil empire?"
- "Yes, as far as I remember. It isn't any holy book. It's a black magical book. But someone has changed the outlook to mislead  people.”
- "A black magical book?"
- "This book has the most dangerous  world-destroying black magics ever. You know what Leo? The world could have been destroyed already"
- "What?" He looked surprised.
- "The most horrific magic's chapter is not full here. Some pages are missing. That means someone has it. And he's looking for this tore part. If the magic somehow takes place, the world will be ruled by evil power."
- "But who stole that book from wizarding library?"
- "I have no freaking idea. When I was the protector of the secret library, it was a rainy night. I felt sleepy and went for a walk in the corridor. I was coming back hearing some weird noises  inside. The light went off suddenly. I heard footsteps of someone  rapidly walking off. And mistakenly he bumped into me. Though I couldn't see him but I tried to snatch the book. At a point he spread blind spray. My eyes started burning. He ran out but I successfully drove a knife on him. And--" He stopped.
- "And?"
- "I still don't get what was that--"  There was a silence.
- "The knife contained navy blue  coloured blood." He ended up saying.
- "What?!" He almost jumped up.
- "Yes..."
- "How is it even possible?!"
- "I don't have any idea. I still can't get it.”
The owls started pecking  continuously. He tried hard to ignore.

- "What is it?!" He irritatingly  shouted. An owl sat on his shoulder, whispered something. Professor Dornazeel's face seemed worried on a sudden. The owls flied out slowly.
- "What did it say?"
- "Professor Tayonata's grandchild is missing."
- "What? He's  Pattinson. Isn't he?"
Keeping on a silence, "Yes, he's. Your two years senior."
- "But who would kidnap him?”
- "Five years ago when I found that weird blood on the knife, I went to professor Tayonata to test the blood.  The case was quite complicated. So he wanted somedays. But later his dead body was mysteriously  found on the rooftop." He stopped.
"And after freaking five years, before coming here I gave that testing responsibility to his grandchild Pattinson. I've made a great mistake! I should've got it earlier. Tayonata got murdered because of that blood he was researching on. And Pattinson went missing for that either..."
- "Who can be behind this?”
- "I'm out of my mind, Leo... I shouldn't have given the responsibility to him."
Leo tried to comfort professor. So he made him sit before the fireplace. And served barbeque with baked potatoes. Meanwhile the owls brought warm clothes for them. Wearing that they had the dinner.
- "I've talked to Elizabeth. Owls have spread over to find Pattinson out. Don't worry, he'll be alright." He comforted him. The lights went off, the fireplace lit up the drawing room. Professor went upstairs to sleep. Thinking about Pattinson, Leo was lying down on the sofa. Who could  be behind his disappearance? Was it that weird-blooded creature? How could a person  own this weird kind of blood? He fell asleep on the sofa thinking all these. Though it was quite warming because of the fireplace.

- "How could you do that?! You didn't even inform me before taking such a big step!" He shouted. Rymania just kept quiet. Because she knew that  this was going to happen.
- "I've given you freedom. But that doesn't mean you'll do whatever you feel." Keeping a silence, "Though I'm none to give you freedom." He ended up saying.
- "You're my brother... and that's the truth." She said  meeting his eyes.
- "Why did you announce to give away  the red diamond bracelet? You know your-- our mom gifted it on your birthday."
- "You don't need to do that brother." She differently smiled. The smile hid a lot of pain inside.
"You can call her by name. I know it's not so easy for you to behave so decent about her. You don't need to face that inner pain while saying  'our mom'."

- "Rymania..." His lips moved to say something.
- "There's nobody around, brother. It's okay. The truth you've been hiding for  years, it won't come out. Nobody's going to know that I'm your step-sis--"
- "Rymania! Don't ever say that again. You're my sister. That's the eternal truth."
Rymania smiled.
- “I’m eighteen now. You don't have to console me. I understand everything." She differently smiled again. Her eyes were glazing, in tears that she didn't want to show.
A grave  silence was in the air.
- "After being step-sister you took a lot of care of me. I never felt you're my step-brother. You never let the world know that I'm the daughter of a witch  who killed her own sister,  married her husband, and also  killed him afterwards for her evil intention, and most importantly  she wanted to kill her own daughter just because of bloody black magic!" Rymania kind of shouted, she was about to cry. But this truth had been making her cry for the entire life. So she had no tears left to fall.
- "Rym stop! Don't repeat these all!!"
She smiled, controlling tears.
- "I've just one life to live. My past was in the depth of darkness. And the darkness won't erase if I don't fight for you, if I don't fight against  evilness. The way my m-mom destroyed everything, I may not be able to fix it, but I want to be the medicine to recover the world from evilness. And I promise I'll never give you any chance to complain." She requested.
- "I won't  let you go know that."
- "If I don't, even   I won't be able to die peacefully." Her eyes were on the floor.
"Please let me go. Let me face the consequence of my fate!"
- "You were never at fault. So there's no question of facing the consequences that you never did."
- "Brother I--"
- "Rymania--"
The door got knocked. They prepared themselves to face somebody in the room.
- "Who's there?" Vallin asked.
- "It's  me, Vallin." The voice said it was Raison. He entered in.
He made sure if Rymania was there.
- "The magical cyclone to distract people is on the way. It'll be as perfect as you wanted." He said looking at Rymania.
- "Thanks a ton, Raison"
- "What are you talking about, Raison? I didn't give you an order  to create  a magical cyclone..."
Keeping a silence, his lips moved  to speak.
- "But I did." Rymania replied.
- "May I know what's that for?"
- "To safely enter scientific world." Raison replied.
- "Are you out of your mind, Raison?! That means you've already joined hand with her! You knew  about her plan! But you didn't even care to inform me!!" He shouted.
- "Vallin, I--"
- "Don't blame him, brother. I made him promise not to tell you."
- "What will I answer  the people now? Raison, you know royals never break the promise they've once made." Taking a deep breath, he said.
- "You shouldn't have done this Rymania! You could inform me at least."
- "She didn't inform about her plan, because she knew if you find out, you'll never let her do that."
- "Brother, trust me, it'll be alright. I'm not going alone. The people will be accompanying me."
- "Do you think they've gone mad like you?"
- "You didn't see brother. But in that crowd, I noticed  some eyes who were in love with adventure."
- "Nobody's going to accompany you, Rymania! You'll  be alone, having nobody  with, in a crowd, with  toxic people doesn't make any sense!" He said as fast as electric current.
- "And what if they accept my invitation?"
Vallin kept quiet . This time he had no answer. He was preparing himself to make an illogical answer.

- "Let her go Vallin..." Raison silently said.
- "You're also supporting her?" He questioned.
- "But maybe this time she's right." There was a grave silence once again.
- "I'll take all the responsibilities to make her arrive there so safely. And will be giving  you all the updates. I'll make all the arrangements myself..."
Vallin just kept quiet. He knew the world. It was  not as simple as these two were thinking. He could've strictly denied Rymania, but she had played a great trick here, by making the announcement in front of everyone. But still he wasn't  ready to give her the permission to go there. Even after a long night conversation, Rymania and Raison weren't able to convince him. At last they ended up convincing Vallin, if the people would come tomorrow  morning, then it was done. But if they didn't,  they would accept Vallin's decision. Though Vallin didn't look so convinced  about this, nor he said something. But it was like a silent answer to Rymania.

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