The dark conspiracy

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Jenny was working on her recent novel on her laptop. The name wasn't fixed yet. The story was about two soulmates. The boy, who murdered his best friend. It might sound so cruel but the reality was something else. The boy was spelled by his greedy uncle. His uncle's eyes were stuck at the boy's late father's property. But he couldn't get it because of the boy's best friend, who kept protecting him friend from his greedy uncle. So his uncle planned to throw out the biggest problem towards the property. As the plan, he hypnotized the boy's brain and used him to kill his own bestie. After his bestie's death, he couldn't take it. And became an alcoholic like he used to be before his bestie came into his life. Thus the story started. Jenny has been working on this novel for the last two years. She faced so many failures. But didn't give up. She started it when she was a student. And it was quite harmful for her study.

She couldn't balance study and passion at a same time. It imbalanced again and again. As a result, she faced so many failures and harsh comments from the tutors. They used to think Jenny was distracted but none knew she was plotting a great plan. But still keeping all the demotivations aside, she kept moving on. And got graduated with a brilliant result, also made her career as a writer. Though her published books were quite good but she didn't get much popularity. She was rejected by twenty two publications. Only because of the conspiracy of the biggest publisher of Filipthese. Mr. Rab Green owned the most famous publication, 'Moonshine'. The most successful writers were launched by him. He took a handsome amount of money for this. This man was Jenny's school's professor as well. So they knew each other so well. Jenny went to him for the first book of her named 'Tunes from the locked heart. " And he was amazed by Jenny's writing skill and the concept. He told Jenny he had never seen such a great book like this. He ensured Jenny being the best writer of Filipthese. And then the printing process started. All was going well until one day the professor called Jenny and told about increasing the price of the book. He demanded to increase nine dollars for each. Jenny didn't accept the proposal. She wasn't ready to sell her books at such a high price. Money didn't matter to her. The professor ensured Jenny that her fame wouldn't be harmful for this. Everyone would agree to buy at this price. The book was such interesting. But still Jenny refused. So the professor hit a plan. He told Jenny about using those extra dollars to help poor people. Jenny hesitated for a moment but then she agreed. But the extra dollars were only two. Because she couldn't cheat the readers. And none would be so harmful for two dollars. The professor tried to increase the amount but couldn't. At last it got fixed at three dollars. All was great till now. But all got messed up when Jenny got to know the true colours of the professor. The money wasn't about to go to help poor people. It was planned to use for the professor's illegal drug business. None had any idea about this. When Jenny got to know about this, she was so frustrated. She exposed the professor in front of the school. But she had to pay a great price for this. She was defamed as a liar. The professor accused her having a crush on his son, who was in the same school, one year senior than Jenny. He accused her saying she proposed his son but he refused and she was doing all this to defame their family. Jenny couldn't believe how evil a person could be. Maybe character certificate was more important than any other certificate. Jenny was badly accused. The assistant sir took the responsibility to investigate. And the professor was found out as a drug businessman. One of the biggest team of selling illegal drugs. These drugs didn't look like drugs actually. It was sold mixing with coffee. None had any idea that it was actually drugs. Specially students were most addicted by this. They unintentionally became a drug addicted. But exposing such a serious matter could defame the school. So the assistant sir covered it up declaring the professor was innocent and Jenny was a liar as the news got viral in media. He took a great amount to cover up this. Though he didn't have any intention to defame Jenny. But in his opinion, Jenny shouldn't have dragged her in such a matter. She could ask for a share or inform them. Case closed. Jenny was fired by the headmaster afterwards. Firing was okay to Jenny, she could face it for doing nothing wrong. But the news spread all over the city. And everybody started seeing her with a strange gesture on the road, including her classmates. After that incident, Jenny never had any friends. And never wanted to have. She was known as the viral girl of the city. Though it had been two years but still the rumor had not fully disappeared. Jenny couldn't publish her book. The professor ensured that none took her book. She was rejected twenty two times. Then a small publication accepted her book. But as the publication wasn't much known, her book couldn't get popularity. She used just her nickname to publish it. Because she knew her full name could be harmful for the book as none would buy a book of a viral girl. Suddenly, Jack entered the room.

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