The announcement of the royals' party

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A 17-year-old girl came to Rymania, had soft brown hair, with smokey eyes. She was the cousin of Raison.
- "Happy birthday, Rym!" She wished.

- "Thank you, Isabella. Lots of love." She smiled.

- "Sorry, I couldn't wish you last night. I was called for a surprise night class to wizarding school." She said with an unmistakable voice. "And it was hell important. I couldn't deny. Even I've just returned two hours ago, aunt Fiona took me home forcefully, and made me taste all the latest pastries of her bakery." She was being dramatic saying the last sentence.

- "She made  you taste it again?" she laughed. "How was it though?"

- "Not bad, ah. She told me it was the latest. But I could feel tasting it multiple  times. Just outside look was changed." They laughed together.

- "How was your special class by the way?"

- "Don't ask. It was terrible. I broke my new broomstick.

I had sent an owl to wish you midnight. But because of the darkness, I didn't notice whose owl I was sending. It flied half path and then fell asleep in the jungle." She was again being dramatic saying the last two sentences.

- "Who's owl it was?" She tried to look dumb on purpose.

- "That potato Tayota." She annoyingly replied.

"That guy who proposed you 39 times?"

- "Correct. You're really meant to be my bestie. Today was his 40th proposal."

- "What? He again proposed you today?" She laughed out.

- "Yeah." She gave a tired expression.

- "You should buy an owl now."

- "Too lazy to control, dude." She replied. "I'll buy one soon. I just can't find my type in the wizarding market."

- "I know what's your type." She pretended to know something serious.

- "What?" Isabella replied, surprised.

- "The one who can tolerate you." She laughed.

- "Then it should be you." Both of them ended up laughing together, until a guard came, and informed the king was calling princess to cut the cake.

Vallin organized the best cake ever. It was made by the royals' chef. The theme was Rymania herself. It was a yummy chocolate cake, decorated with various kind of chocolates and fresh sweet strawberries of royals' garden. It was a massive cake, full of cream. Vallin made Rymania cut the cake holding her hand, everybody sang the happy birthday song. Rymania took a bite of the cake from his brother's hand, and then Vallin did. Every wizard, witches and white magician wished her special blessings, which must come true one day. A witch blessed her getting someone very special in life. Though Rymania felt so awkward, when the witch was blessing her saying this, and Isabella was giggling taking her hand over mouth. She coughed, giving a warning to Isabella, Isabella tried to look serious stopping giggling, though inside she wasn't. After the stupid blessing ceremony was done, Rymania took a breath of relieve, none of the wishes was helpful, she wanted something adventurous, not advertising for a life partner. Though she had to pretend liking it, giving back a thank you with a tender smile. The cake got cut into pieces, and the waiters served them to the guests. It was really yummy and chocolaty. The wizards and the witches showed different type of witty magics, which left the guests fully thrilled. Everybody danced on a soft music, all the time Vallin was standing near the bar corner, holding a glass.
Rymania could see the bother in his eyes, he only drank when he badly needed to distract himself. What had happened to him? She had no idea. Though it was nothing new. His life was full of complications, nobody knew which one would come next. He took quite of sips, all the time Rymania was staring at him, forgetting to blink. Her heart badly wanted to go towards him, and ask what had happened. But she knew her brother, he would never let her know anything. So she just stood quiet. It was 12o'clock. Everyone was tired of dancing, having cold drinks. Some old wizard-witches wanted to leave earlier, but the guard stopped them at the gate. He said nobody could leave the party before 12o'clock, it was a special order of princess. It was confirmed that something serious was cooking in Rymania's mind. Most importantly Vallin knew nothing about the order. And Rymania strictly warned the guard to let not Vallin know about this. While everyone was enjoying cold drinks, again a golden light from the corridor made their eyes closed, they tried to look up, Rymania was standing there. Everyone stood comfortably, paying attention to princess. Vallin was a bit surprised, didn't get what Rymania was up to do. The outsiders  were free to go. Rymania waited for them to leave. There were only the people  lf Random then.

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