31st Century's World (3040)

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31st century's world carried a different connection to science. They were using science like their slaves, to get all the interests of life.  31st century's world  was quite interesting. People were using flying cars , cycles , skating boats etc as vehicles. People were being graduated at the age of 15. Education seemed to be a game to 31st century's world. You want to study or not it doesn’t  matter to anybody. Your life, your choice. In their opinion, we have just one life, we can't waste half of our life because of so called education.  Obviously education is essential to stand up in the society. But sacrificing life for education is a matter of sorrow. Five hundred years ago, people just  used to get educated to achieve the so called certificates to become doctor, engineer etc as the society wanted. But you won't  be surprised to know that most of their passions were something else. They weren't  interested in the profession at all. Society forced them to  go  on with the unwanted profession. Why? Because the job had a lot of respect, especially money. And that society loved money. That society thought we just have to study for a short period, and then we'll be freed up, will have our wings. But what if we die within this short period? We would never taste the life. The  certificates will be useless. A  certificate may buy good jobs but sometimes it isn't able to buy happiness. Five hundred years ago, students had got so tired by being chased by the world. As a result,  student suicide cases increased a lot. More than ten thousands students committed suicide due to mental pressure and depression.  And by the flow of time, wise educated people changed the education system. Here people completed formal education within ten years. At the age of 15, you get wings after a  long struggle! Usually these youngers went to adventures after graduation. They believed  experience can teach us a lot more than a book does. Students didn't carry books or bags to go school. They had their own laptop, a smart mini laptop. They could carry the laptop in a ring or locket. We just have to turn a shining tiny switch on. Then the functions of the laptop will be shown in the air in golden light. We can control the laptop by touching the air. It does have sound, recorder, camera and all other features. For watching movies, we can increase the golden light to get a massive screen. That's how it worked. We can also tour the whole world by it.   In the last year of student life, students focused on a specific subjects,  science or magic. They learned to use science or magic. There were two sections to study, Scientific section & Magical section. You'll be surprised to know this world was divided into Scientific World & Sorceress world. People were living in two separated world. Because science and magic couldn’t be used at a same place. It would be a cause of trouble between the users. Maximum people were studying in scientific world. Only 20 % people were studying in sorceress world.

 Let's have a look of scientific world!  40-50 floors building were available in there. Some half-moon shaped buildings shone in the night. But most of the people were living in modern duplex house which looked no less than updated palaces. Maximum people of 31st century were atheists. They never believed in god. Only some of them still had faith in god. Trees were not so available in 31st century's world. Because people were cutting down trees daily like they cut cakes so easily. And without trees human can't survive. That's why some of the people who had problems in breathing, were using a box of crystal with an oxygen mask over his face. In the box, there was a tree to supply oxygen. And there was full system to survive a tree properly. It was called oxygen house. These people had to get wheel chairs with them to carry the house. One of the most attractive things of 31 century was, people were using invisible glasses as the boundary  of the garden. Invisible glass is that glass which isn't visible at any situation. We can see what's happening outside from inside. But outsiders can't see what's happening inside. It looks like a pure crystal mirror from outside. Robot was an important part of this world. The world was incomplete without robot. Though robot was invented more than one thousand year ago. But this scientific world had super updated version of robot. The robots actually looked like humans, their voice was so realistic as humans. But these robots' price weren't that much in market as everyone was using them as their slaves . You can get an updated robot in just 400-500 dollars.   Time machine was invented two hundred years ago, and was officially declared as a market product in a comfortable price. But within a year, government banned using time machine. Because people were using it in a wrong way, for changing future. But they mistakenly did something else instead of  something. Talking to the past's people ruined a lot. As a result, some present couples weren't even married, so some present people didn’t even exist. The world lost almost three thousands  people because of this unwanted incident. Before inventing, it seemed like a blessing, but after the official invention,  it turned into a curse. All the time machines were destroyed by the frustrated people who lost their soulmates or family members. Nobody invented time machine afterwards. And now it was illegal if someone tried to recreate  or had a time machine somehow. Two worlds' people usually never ever visited opposite world or met with the people. Basically, sorceress world was ruled by black magicians. The people did magic to get all interests in life. In their opinion, inventing a gadget with a great effort and using it later is a kind of joke. Do  magic and get it whatever you want easily! Why so dumb people are living in Scientific World?

Well, as I said, powerful black magicians were ruling the world,  so the question is who was the most powerful to rule black magic?  Vallin Randimate was the king of Sorceress World, especially black magical world. He was damn dangerous. He could do anything for his evil intention . He was the king of evilness. More than two hundred evil spirits worked under him. He knew all kind of black magic. ‘Winjel’ was the most sold book of  magic written by Vallin Randimate. He  mentioned there some incredible magic tricks which weren't known before. Like Vallin there were other black magicians who were willing to rule the whole world one day. They wanted  to use Scientific World's people as their slaves. Now let's have a visit to Sorceress World! Sorceress world hadn't the same view as the Scientific World. This world had so many bats, owls and pigeons. They used them to convey messages. The pigeons were the messenger of white magicians, the bats were of black magicians. And the owls were of normal wizards or witches. Those who use nature power instead of evil power for magic are white magicians. Even the birds conveyed  messages to the Scientific World. One thing to notice about Sorceress World is...... this world had so many animals, especially birds. Though Scientific World took away most of the animals during the world's separation. But Sorceress World took a lot of care of the animals. And now they had more animals  than the Scientific World. In Sorceress World's law, they couldn't  harm animals. They took so care of the birds, never thought of harming them. Many bird nests  were standing like a lamp post beside the road. Everyone had different creatures to convey messages. People were using magical carpet and flying broomstick instead of vehicles. There kids only got education related to magic and general knowledge.   Black & White city is the capital of here, where most of the well known black magicians , white magicians and wizard- witches live. They usually lived in small cottages.  The cottages really looked like  small beautiful palaces. It didn't look like time had moved so far. They were still with the normal houses. The entire world had 207 countries. 60 countries were under Sorceress World and 147 countries were under Scientific World.  All the magicians were living in Black & White city  except Vallin. He was in Scientific World. He had gone there for a secret mission one year ago. Though he belonged to Scientific World before. It was told by other black magicians that, "Vallin has gone scientific world for a secret mission. He'll be living there secretly until it gets fulfilled.  He has a plan to rule the entire world". After creating a different world for wizards and witches, Sorceress World wasn't  dependent  on magic at all. Sorceress World's people also  had scientific gadgets. But it was used through magic not electricity. There was no electric line in the city. On the other hand, magic wasn't used anywhere in scientific world.

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